Chapter 1365 Three blood emperors gather together!

“Where are the people from the Blood Demon Temple gathering now?”

Jiang Chen directly asked the Emperor Realm.

Jiang Chen originally thought that the Blood Demon Hall would disappear for a while after receiving the news of his destruction of the three branch halls.

But I didn’t expect that the Blood Demon Hall seemed to be determined to sweep the Central State Continent this time, and had no intention of retreating at all. Instead, it gathered the power of the other three branches of the Blood Demon Hall together.


In such a situation, Jiang Chen was very happy to comment.

He was worried that the Blood Demon Halls were scattered in the Central State Continent, and it was very troublesome to suppress them.

Now that the Blood Demon Hall took the initiative to gather together, he took this opportunity to wipe out the remaining three sub-halls of the Blood Demon Hall in one fell swoop!

In Jiang Chen’s eyes, the Blood Demon Temple branch hall that came out in the Central State Continent was always a minor problem.

And the changes to the ancient emperor’s tombs in the land of annihilation, as well as the Shenwu Jietian formation that is about to dissipate in the buried emperor’s abyss, these are the confidant problems that can destroy the Shenwu Continent!


Jiang Chen didn’t want to waste too much time on the Blood Demon Hall.

“Just not far from the five holy cities, this is also the largest branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall. It is said that tens of thousands of Blood Demon Hall powerhouses have gathered here.”

The powerhouse of the Divine Lair realm quickly replied: “Dian Master Jiang’s prestige in the Zhongzhou Continent is soaring. As long as you call from the heights, there will be countless powerhouses who will respond to help you suppress the Blood Demon Hall in one fell swoop!”

Now that Jiang Chen has one person and one sword, he has even destroyed the three main halls of the Blood Demon Hall. His prestige can be said to have reached the culmination. It is not an exaggeration to be called the first person in the world.

Although the Hall of Blood Demon is coming menacingly, and the strength is extremely strong.

But if they can unite the many forces in the Central State Continent, they may not be able to suppress the Blood Demon Hall.

“There is no need to suppress the Blood Demon Hall. I alone is enough. If you are willing to go with me, then come with me.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

Although the Central State Continent has many forces, the hearts of the people are uneven. Even the five holy cities have chosen to protect themselves and preserve their strength after the advent of the Blood Demon Hall.

Even if he can bring these forces together, everyone will have their own ghosts.

Jiang Chen didn’t bother to waste this time.

Jiang Chen also had a very thorough view of the Blood Demon Temple chaos.

In terms of strength, a small Blood Demon hall is actually far from being comparable to many forces in the Central State Continent.

The reason why the Hall of Blood Demon was able to wreak havoc in the Central State Continent in a short period of time was nothing more than the peak powerhouses in the Hall of Blood Demon.

Especially the top ten blood emperors who were born on the basis of weight, with the eight hidden world Sacred Land constrained, there was no one to stop them.

As the saying goes, catch the thief first and catch the king.

As long as he kills the top powerhouses in the Blood Demon Hall, it is more than enough to suppress the Blood Demon Hall by those who are willing to follow him.


Jiang Chen took a group of followers and went straight to the Blood Demon Hall.

Along the way, more Practitioners from the Central State Continent have volunteered to join the army to suppress the Blood Demon Hall.

Including Xiao Baiyi who came out of Yandi City, Xiao Jingyun who was shocked by the three-star power and the others, all joined the team.

Just a few days.

Tens of thousands of Practitioners gathered around Jiang Chen.

These Practitioner Cultivation Bases are all above the Divine Sea Realm. Among them, there are nearly a thousand Divine Soul Realm Kings, and even Divine Embryo Realm Kings have no fewer than dozens!

Such a terrifying force, even Haotian Sacred Land, is far from being able to match it!

Tens of thousands of Practitioners, led by Jiang Chen, smashed toward the gathering place of the Blood Demon Hall.

Some small blood Demon Palace powers encountered along the way were crushed by the team almost without Jiang Chen’s action!

very quickly.

Under the leadership of Jiang Chen, an army of tens of thousands of people directly slammed into the branch hall where the Blood Demon Hall gathered, and firmly surrounded the Blood Demon Hall in the center.

“Dian Master Jiang, be careful. According to ancient records, there seemed to be only three of the top ten blood emperors who had completely fallen from the Blood Demon Hall in the battle between the Central State Continent and the Blood Demon Hall!”

Xiao Jingyun looked at the Great Hall in front of him and couldn’t help but said solemnly.

Although Jiang Chen’s current strength is extremely terrifying, he has the ability to kill the top ten blood emperors of the Blood Demon Hall, but there is probably more than one rebirth of the ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall.


When Jiang Chen heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Only three of the top ten blood emperors have truly fallen, so there are seven blood emperors who have the possibility of rebirth.

Excluding the four blood emperors he solved, only three were left.

In other words, in the Blood Demon Hall in front of us, it is very possible to gather three powerful men of Ninth Stage!

Three wombs Ninth Stage realm emperor!

Such power is undoubtedly extremely terrifying to the many forces in Shenwu Continent.

I am afraid that even in the eight hidden Sacred Lands, apart from the Haotian Sacred Land, there is no other Sacred Land that has the power to suppress the three divine births, Ninth Stage realm emperors.


Just as the two of Jiang Chen were talking, three mysterious blood lights, with a terrifying pressure that trembled the world, suddenly filled the Great Hall in front of them!

The next moment…

The three blood shadows shrouded in the blood of the monsters, like three rounds of blood-colored sun, stepped on the sky and the earth side by side.

Each of them exudes a powerful aura of looking over the world.

“Are you Jiang Chen?”

The three of them stepped into the sky, and their gazes containing the monstrous Blood Qi were locked on Jiang Chen’s body.

“Yes, it’s me!”

Chen Fan looked at the three blood shadows in front of him and couldn’t help but smile faintly: “The three are all the top ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall, don’t you introduce yourself?”

“Huatian Blood Emperor Blood Cloud!”

“Sky Poison Blood Emperor Blood Crow!”

“Ninth Stage!”

The three bloody eyes stared at Jiang Chen indifferently, and the icy voice that contained the terrifying Blood Qi resounded across the world in an instant.


As these three voices fell, many of the emperors of the divine birth realm behind Jiang Chen changed their colors, and even Xiao Jingyun’s face showed a solemn expression.

Blood Demon Hall’s Ten Blood Emperors ranked the ninth-ranked Huatian Blood Emperor Blood Cloud, the eighth-ranked Heavenly Poison Blood Emperor Blood Crow, plus the second-ranked Immortal Blood Emperor Ninth Stage!

The three resurrected blood emperors gathered here, can Jiang Chen really be able to stop him alone?

“Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect you to really dare to come here.”

Blood The blood glows in Ninth Stage’s eyes, like the light of destruction, firmly locked in Jiang Chen: “Since it’s here, let me die!”

With the blood Ninth Stage, the last dead word fell.

The air in the void seemed to be torn apart by the sound of the blood Ninth Stage, making a prickling sound, an overwhelming emperor’s coercion, and it was suppressed against Jiang Chen and the others in an instant.


Under the pressure of the emperor of the blood Ninth Stage, the figures of the many divine fetal emperors beside Jiang Chen were shocked to retreat.

Even Xiao Jingyun, who had already broken through the Fourth Stage of the womb, had an extremely pale expression on his face.

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