Chapter 1348 The ninth stage of the ancient star road!

With this shocking roar rang through the world.

I saw that the illusory soul of Blood Without Returning also burst out with a monster blood-colored light in an instant, like a huge blood-colored sun, hanging high in the sky, exuding an unusually terrifying aura.

His bloody illusory eyes stared at Jiang Chen coldly, as if he was about to swallow Jiang Chen.

To know.

In the Shenwu Continent, only the emperor-level powerhouse of the Returning Market Realm can the Divine Soul Immortal for ten thousand years. The supreme emperor at the pinnacle of the ordinary divine fetus realm is already at the limit if he can live for two to three thousand years.

The reason why their souls can survive for thousands of years is because they have the blood path secret technique from the blood spirit race.

Although this blood path secret technique can survive their souls, it only has one chance to regenerate.


Once the body is destroyed after birth, their souls can no longer survive, they can only wait for death!

Now that Jiang Chen had cut off his physical body with a single sword, it was tantamount to completely ruining him.

The chance of rebirth, which had been planned for thousands of years before living, is now completely destroyed. How can this make the blood without return not be angry?


I saw the blood without returning to burn the soul directly, and the power of the horrible soul was like the vast Tianhe, permeating the entire seventh-order starry sky ancient road.

The emperor of the Ninth Stage, the explosion of the burning soul, the power can be described as terrifying!

Even Xia Yuanhao and Qin Wuque behind Jiang Chen, under the pressure of the terrifying soul of Xue Wugui, their souls couldn’t help but shudder.

They even have a feeling.

If the two of them face the blow from the burning soul of the blood without return at this moment, they will be severely injured in an instant, and even the soul may be obliterated.

“This guy… can he really stop it?”

Both Xia Yuanhao and Qin Wuque looked solemn.

If even Jiang Chen couldn’t stop the blow of the bloodless burning soul, I am afraid that today the three of them will have to be buried on this ancient starry sky road.

“Jiang Chen, this is what you forced me. If that’s the case, then everyone will die together.”

The flashing eyes of the blood without returning blood were full of killing intent, and the illusory body directly carried the monstrous spirit power, and burst towards Jiang Chen.

“Ha ha……”

“Blood has no return. When you had a physical body just now, I, Jiang Chen, were not afraid, let alone that you only have a soul that is about to dissipate.”

“If you want to die with me, you have to see if you have that ability.”

Jiang Chen laughed disdainfully, and then slowly stretched out his palm, a black square seal was directly condensed ghostly.

In an instant…

A soul coercion that was more terrifying than the blood of the soul without returning, also instantly radiated from this piece of heaven and earth.

Holding the black square seal in his hand, Jiang Chen looked indifferently at the blood that was rushing from the burning soul, his proud voice also instantly resounded through the world.

“Blood has no return, even if you burn your soul in front of me, what can you do?”

“You who have lost your body are like an ant in front of me. I want to kill you. It’s nothing more than a seal.”

“Soul Soul Seal, give me the town!”

When the voice fell, Jiang Chen directly flipped his hand and pressed down against the blood non-uniformity mark.


A hundred-zhang black radius instantly emerged from the void, like a black meteorite covering the sky and sun, slamming towards the suppression of the bloodless soul.

The first seal of the human emperor’s seal, the seal of destroying the soul.

This seal is the nemesis of all divine and soul power.

Even if the soul of Blood Without Return is extremely powerful, at the moment of contact with the imprint of the soul-killing, it feels that the soul of own is annihilated at an extremely terrifying speed.

“Do not……”

Xue Wugui looked at the black square seal from the suppression on his head, and suddenly looked desperate and horrified.

He quickly urged the power of the soul with all his strength, trying to resist the black square seal.


The black square seal seemed to have restrained his spirit power by nature.

As soon as his soul power touched the black square seal, it was almost instantly wiped out by the black square seal.

The black square seal was like a broken bamboo, shattering all the resistance of the blood without return, and enveloped his illusory body.

Immediately afterwards.

I only heard a screaming scream, and the bloodless soul quickly dissipated without a trace in the energy of the black square seal.


As the soul of no return of blood completely dissipated, the ancient road to the seventh-order starry sky fell into deathly silence at this moment.

Xia Yuanhao and Qin Wuque stared at Jiang Chen dullly, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

Originally they thought.

In the face of the blood-drinking sword emperor who was born with his own blood and no return, they are bound to fall into a bitter battle, and even a little carelessness may fall.

It’s just that they didn’t think of it anyway.

Jiang Chen even relied on his own power to easily solve the bloodlessness!

Three swords slashed the bloodless flesh!

Even if the blood of no return last burned the power of the soul, it was still obliterated by Jiang Chen!

so horrible!

The strength of this guy in front of him is really not ordinary horror!

“Let’s go, the seventh-grade Haotian Brew that you lost to me, it’s time to give it to me.”

Yiyin wiped out the bloodless soul, Jiang Chen said lightly to the two of Xia Yuanhao who were still in shock, and then headed towards the end of the seventh-order starry sky ancient road again.

Xia Yuanhao and Qin Wuque took a deep breath, and then quickly followed.

The two passed the seventh level, took a cup of seventh-grade Haotian brew and gave it to Jiang Chen, and then both silently headed towards the ancient road of the eighth stage.

They lost the Seventh-Rank Haotian Brew to Jiang Chen, and it didn’t make any sense to stay in front of this level.


They are now eager to pass the eighth level to obtain the Ascension strength of the eighth-grade Haotian Brewing, and prepare for the attack on the ancient road of the last-order starry sky.

Jiang Chen also ignored Xia Yuanhao’s departure.

He directly drank all the two cups of Seven-Rank Haotian Brew.

“Ding! You drank a cup of Seven-Rank Haotian Brew and gained Martial Dao Cultivation Base experience 560,000*100!”

“Ding! You drank a cup of Seven-Rank Haotian Brew and gained 560,000*100 experience in Cultivation Base!”


Two cups of Seven-Rank Haotian Brewing made Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base instantly ascension, almost reaching the middle stage of the Fifth Stage.


Jiang Chen didn’t stay too much in the seventh level either, and he slammed into the ancient road of the eighth stage starry sky.

Not long.

Jiang Chen caught up with the two Xia Yuanhao who came to the eighth-order ancient starry road first, and then under the shocking gaze of the two, they quickly swept to the end of the eighth-order ancient starry road.

Defeating the gatekeeper of the eighth pass and drinking a cup of eighth-grade Haotian Brew, Jiang Chen walked directly toward the ancient road of the ninth-order starry sky without any hesitation.

The ninth step of the Xingkong Ancient Road, which is also the last step of the Xingkong Ancient Road.

In other words.

As long as he passes this level, Jiang Chen can enter the legendary Star City!

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