Chapter 1347 The Ninth Stage Emperor, Killed with Three Swords!

This sword is a sword made by Jiang Chen based on the Sword Domain and the fusion of the other four Realm powers!

Especially after integrating into the power of Time Realm, the entire space of a hundred meters in radius, time seems to be frozen under this sword.

Even with the strength of the blood-drinking knife, the emperor’s blood has no return, the whole person can hardly move, and even the soul will be frozen.


Jiang Chen looked cold, and controlled the five-color divine sword to cut out the blood without returning to the sword.

call out!

The five-color magic sword cut through the space, and then quickly zoomed in with Xue Wugui’s horrified gaze.


Only heard a soft sound, the five-color divine sword easily separated the blood sea in front of Xue Wugui, and then slashed at Xue Wugui with a thundering force, penetrating through its body.

In an instant…

A visible sword mark instantly stretched from the bloodless shoulder all the way down, until it stopped at the lower abdomen. The red blood, which was a bit dazzling, also flowed out like spring water.


After the five-color divine sword was slashed, the solidified time around it finally collapsed, instantly returning to its original appearance.

Xue Wugui instantly retreated from the freezing time, and there was an unprecedented panic in the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen!

The power of time!

This kid has not only mastered the five Realm powers, but also has a weird time Realm!

If it weren’t for his strength a few Realm higher than Jiang Chen, I am afraid that Jiang Chen’s sword would have been cut into two at this moment.

“What a weird sword!”

Xia Yuanhao’s eyes shrank, and there was also a look of astonishment on his face.

Although Xia Yuanhao knew that Jiang Chen was very strong, he still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so strong.

With one sword cut out, the time within a radius of one hundred zhang was instantly still, and even the bloodlessness in the Ninth Stage of the divine fetus was hit hard in an instant!

This… this is too shocking!

“This sword integrates the power of time. I didn’t expect that he also mastered the fifth Realm power, and it was the most unpredictable time Realm.”

Qin Wuque looked at Jiang Chen in horror, and couldn’t help but breathe in his heart.

Even Qin Wuwei, who has always been pretentious, had to admit at this moment that Jiang Chen’s talent really left them far behind.

“One of the top ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall, sure enough. But…I want to see if you can stop me with a few swords!”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and the five-color magic sword set time again, and slashed out at the sword of blood no return.

Blood Without Return was horrified, and quickly urged his whole body to struggle out of the shackles of Time Realm.


There is no trace of the divine sword, no trace of time.

Just as Xue Wuhen relied on the powerful strength of the divine fetus Ninth Stage to forcefully break through the surrounding space that was stopped by the power of time, the five-color divine sword once again struck Xue Wugui’s body.

Xue Wuhui screamed, blood surged from the root of his left shoulder, and then the entire left hand was detached from the body, and was severed by Jiang Chen with a sword!

“Ah… the emperor is going to kill you!”

After being severely injured by Jiang Chen one after another, Xue Wugui couldn’t help but let out a terrifying roar.

He saw blood bursts all over his body, and blood Qi burst into the sky, instantly filling the sky above the seventh-order starry sky ancient road.

this moment.

It seemed that even the Great Emperor’s Law in the starry sky was oppressed by the monstrous Blood Qi emanating from Xue Wugui.

“I have a blood spirit, turn the dragon and swallow the sky, give me death!”

Xue Wugui burst into a shout, and the vitality of the entire seventh-order starry sky ancient road suddenly gathered on top of his head, turning into a blood dragon with a cold aura, coming towards Jiang Chen to suppress it.

“The third sword!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he directly sacrificed the five-color long sword again.

The time within one hundred feet of a radius, once again solidified.


This time, Xue Wugui’s full force exploded with the condensed blow of the blood technique magical power, almost in the blink of an eye, it rushed away from the solidified time around it, and then roared towards Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen’s five-color long sword penetrated the bloodless body once again.

And the bloodless dragon, the bloody dragon, also slammed Jiang Chen’s body fiercely.

Jiang Chen’s figure trembled, and he immediately retreated more than ten steps on the ancient road in the starry sky. His complexion also turned pale in an instant, and a trace of red blood slowly spilled from the corner of his mouth.

As one of the top ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Temple, although Blood Without Return has not yet returned to its peak, it is already better than the ordinary goddess Ninth Stage emperor.

The power of the blow that broke out in the state of no return of blood is naturally very terrifying.

If it weren’t for Jiang Chen’s dual cultivation, his physical body is only stronger or weaker than the divine fetus Ninth Stage Practitioner. I’m afraid it would be really hard to stop him.


The blood on the opposite side is obviously not as lucky as Jiang Chen.

In the face of Jiang Chen’s third sword fused with the five Realm powers, there was no time to stop the blood without return, and the whole person was split in half by this sword.

Blood without return, just defeated like this?

Watching Xue Wugui split into two, and then thumped the corpse lying on the ancient road in the starry sky, both Xia Yuanhao and Qin Wuque were petrified, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

To know.

Blood No Return is one of the top ten emperors in the Blood Demon Hall. Even if it is not in the peak state, it is also the emperor of the Ninth Stage.

They never thought of it anyway.

With just three swords, Jiang Chen directly split Xue Wugui into two halves!

Three swords killed the goddess Ninth Stage realm emperor, this method is simply terrifying.

Even in the ranking of the Supreme Emperor, it is one of the few that can do this step.

“This guy… is really a horrible evildoer.”

It took a long time for Qin Wuque to recover from the shock, with a wry smile in his heart.

Qin Wuque originally thought.

Even if his talent strength is not as good as Jiang Chen, the gap with Jiang Chen shouldn’t be very big.

But now Qin Wuque understood that the gap between him and Jiang Chen was just like a sky trench.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, he might not have the slightest problem in ranking in the top 30 of the Supreme Kings list.

Such a character is almost an existence comparable to their eight hidden world Sacred Land Supreme Elder.

Compared with Jiang Chen, he and Xia Yuanhao’s eight hidden Sacred Land’s strongest geniuses are no different from a joke!

And just when both Xia Yuanhao and Qin Wuque were shocked by the situation in front of them.

I saw Xue Wugui on the corpse that had been split in half by Jiang Chen, a blood-red light burst into the sky, turning into an illusory blood shadow in mid-air.

at the same time.

An icy voice that contained monstrous anger, instantly resounded through the world.

“Ah…Jiang Chen, you are so damned!”

“The emperor had planned for thousands of years, and finally took the birth weight, but now you have ruined everything!”

“Today, even if the emperor is divine, he will let you die without a place to bury your body!”

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