Chapter 1325 One Finger Spike!

Within a thousand feet of Haotian City, there was an area shrouded by the power of the Great Emperor.

Within this range, even the Ninth Stage Realm Emperor can hardly fly in the air.

When Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli arrived about a thousand feet away from Haotian City, they flashed down in midair and walked towards the city gate.

Along the way.

Jiang Chen and the others also saw a lot of figures rushing towards Haotian City.

The breath of these people is extremely powerful.

Almost half of them were Emperor Tianjiao who were less than a hundred years old.

In addition, Jiang Chen also sensed two auras, which were no less inferior to the existence of the Holy Lord of Cang Yue.

“The opening of the ancient starry sky road is worthy of being a top event once in a hundred years in the Zhongzhou mainland. It seems that many hidden old monsters have been invited by Haotian Sacred Land.”

Feeling the powerful aura around him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but exclaimed in his heart.

At the gate of Haotian City, countless divine birth realm emperors lined up in a long line in an orderly manner.

Vast Sky City is not a city that can be entered at will. If it weren’t for the invitation of Vast Sky Sacred Land, no one would dare to step into it easily.

The two Jiang Chen followed the team slowly.

After about a quarter of an hour, the two successfully arrived at the gate of the city.

“Come here to show the jade post and report your name!”

At this moment, two guards wearing silver armor at the door looked directly at Jiang Chen Erren Dao with expressionless faces.

“Human Palace, Jiang Chen!”

Jiang Chen said, and then directly took out the Haotian Sacred Land jade post.

When he was speaking, his gaze turned away from the two silver armor guards, and there was also a look of surprise in his eyes.

Because he found out.

The two silver armor guards guarding the city gates in front of them are two divine birth emperors!

One of them, Cultivation Base, is a Tianjiao emperor who has reached the peak of the fourth stage of the god fetus and is less than a hundred years old.

Guard the gate with the Tianjiao emperor of the Fourth Stage of God’s womb.

Such a huge handwriting is worthy of the name of Sacred Land, the number one Sacred Land in Shenwu Continent.

Jiang Chen?

Hearing Jiang Chen’s self-report of his home, the eyes of many powerful people at the gate of the city were involuntarily looking at Jiang Chen.

after all.

Jiang Chen crushed the five holy cities, founded the Imperial Palace, and squeezed Haotian Sacred Land Xia Yuanhao to the top of the list of the Emperors of Heaven. Now he is already well-known on the mainland.

Even some of the newly born old monsters have heard that Jiang Chen such a peerless evildoer has appeared in the Zhongzhou Continent.

“This is Jiang Chen, who is ranked number one in the Emperor Tianjiao list. It doesn’t seem to be that great. I really don’t know how Tianji Sacred Land would rank him first.”

A tall and handsome young man with sword eyebrows couldn’t help but curl his lips, his expression disdainful.

“There are people outside the world, and there are mountains outside the mountains. I always warn you, don’t look down on people. Since Sacred Land ranks him in that position, it makes sense.”

Beside Jianmei Youth.

An old man in Dao-robed robes who looked extremely ordinary gave the Jianmei youth a stern look: “That kid can’t even see through me. If you despise him, you will lose miserably!”

“Old man, you are too ambitious, you have destroyed your own prestige.”

“Look at it for me, and see how I can grab the top position of the Emperor of Tianjiao from him.”

The Jianmei young man was arrogant and Ling Ran, as if he didn’t put anyone in his eyes.

The old man in Tao Robe shook his head.

This kid has followed him in practice for decades, has not encountered any setbacks, never put anyone in his eyes.

He came to Haotian Sacred Land this time, so that this kid could see the top geniuses on the mainland, and let him know what it means to be someone outside a person, there is a sky outside the sky.


This kid’s arrogance, sooner or later, I am afraid it will bring him a murderous disaster.

“Jiang Chen, Palace of Human Emperor?”

One of the silver armor guards narrowed his eyes slightly: “Are you the Jiang Chen who robbed our Saint Son Tianjiao Emperor ranking first?”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “Yes, it’s me, is there any problem?”

“no problem.”

The silver armor guard looked at Jiang Chen provocatively: “In Xia Hong, although I am not talented, I still want to know what qualifications you have to occupy the top position of the Emperor of Tianjiao, I wonder if you can give me your advice?”

The provocation of the silver guard also made many people around him show a playful smile.

They obviously also want to know whether Jiang Chen, the supreme Tianjiao who suddenly reached the top of the ranking of the Emperor Tianjiao, has lost his reputation.

“Are you the ninth-ranked Xia Hong of the Emperor of Tianjiao?”

When Jiang Chen heard the words of the silver armor guard, he couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.

Jiang Chen now has a certain understanding of the Supreme Emperor’s List and the Tianjiao Emperor’s List. Naturally, he quickly found Xia Hong’s name on the Tianjiao Emperor’s List.

“Yes, it’s under.”

Xia Hong looked at Jiang Chen with a smile on his face: “Your Excellency, as the top of the list of the Emperor of Heaven, I must not be afraid of my challenge.”

“Since I, Jiang Chen, is at the top of the list of the Emperor of Heaven, I have no fear of any challenge. If you want to do it, I will accompany you, but I declare in advance that I will bear the consequences!”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He was still wondering just now why Haotian Sacred Land sent such a Tianjiao Emperor to guard the city gate.

Now it seems that this guy was arranged by Xia Yuanhao in all likelihood, and wanted to give him a chance to come to Haotian Sacred Land.


Xia Hong, who ranked ninth in the ranking of Emperor Tianjiao, seemed not enough in front of him.

“Your voice is not small, then I will learn your master’s tricks!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t put him in his eyes, Xia Hong yelled, and the spear in his hand instantly turned into the shadow of thunder in the sky, shrouding Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he raised his hand and pointed out at the thunder gun shadow at random, only to see that the thunder gun shadow had crashed.

Xia Hong has not yet reacted to this sudden change, and a sharp Sword Qi hit his chest heavily.


Xia Hong’s figure instantly flew upside down like a broken kite, slamming heavily on the meteorite city wall.


Falling down from the city wall, Xia Hong spouted a mouthful of blood, and an incredible panic appeared in his eyes.

One finger!

With just a single finger, he was defeated by Jiang Chen in front of him!

How could the strength of this kid in front of him be so terrifying?

The gate of the city.

It took a while for many powerful men who witnessed this scene to recover from their shock.

No one can think of it.

Cultivation Base has reached the fourth stage of the fetus and ranked ninth on the list of the emperors of Tianjiao, but Jiang Chen would be defeated by Jiang Chen’s understatement.

This son can beat Xia Yuanhao to the top of the list of the emperor of Tianjiao, and he is also well-deserved!

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