Chapter 1324 Jade Post from Haotian Sacred Land!

“Jiang Chen, is she okay with Qingxue?”

Jiang Chen walked out of the Great Hall, and Yue Qianyin, who had been waiting outside the door, greeted him directly.

“Don’t worry, she is fine now. However, it may take a lot of time for the Taiyin Juemai Body to fully awaken.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly: “The ancient starry sky road is about to open. Next, I am afraid I will go to Haotian Sacred Land. Please take care of Qingxue next.”

“Qingxue is my disciple, I will take good care of her.”

“Although your strength is very strong, it is better to be as careful as possible on this trip. Haotian Sacred Land is known as the number one Sacred Land in the Shenwu Continent, but it is not a vain name.”

Yue Qianyin nodded, and immediately reminded Jiang Chen.

This guy is said to have killed even the disciples of Haotian Sacred Land. With Haotian Sacred Land’s dominance, how could he just let it go?

“It’s okay. Although Haotian Sacred Land is strong, Jiang Chen is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then disappeared in front of Yue Qianyin in a flash.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen’s figure has already appeared in the Great Hall of the Human Emperor Hall.

Seeing Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, Ye Chengjun and Xiao Duli who were discussing things in the Great Hall were all stunned.

Xiao Duli suddenly asked with a look of surprise: “Jiang Chen, why did you leave the customs?”

He naturally knew that Jiang Chen’s Closed Door Training was to help Meng Qingxue awaken the Taiyin Desperate Body.


The Taiyin Breaking Body was an ancient divine body, Xiao Duli didn’t even need to think about it, it shouldn’t be an easy task to wake up.

He was still talking with Ye Chengjun just now. He didn’t know if Jiang Chen would have time to go to the Ancient Starry Sky Road. Who knew Jiang Chen would show up directly.

“Everything that needs to be done has been done, and everything else is on her own. If you want the Taiyin Destiny Body to quickly awaken, the only possibility is to find the Taiyin Divine Stone.”

When Jiang Chen said this, he couldn’t help asking directly: “Have you ever found out about the Taiyin Divine Stone?”

“Hall Master, the Taiyin Divine Stone is an extremely rare stone of heaven and earth, it is not easy to find it.”

Ye Chengjun gave a wry smile, and then his eyes flickered slightly: “But there is a place where there may be a God Stone of Taiyin.”

“Oh? Where?”

Jiang Chen was stunned and couldn’t help looking directly at Ye Chengjun.

Ye Chengjun smiled and said, “This place actually has something to do with the ancient starry sky road you are going to go next.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly showed a touch of surprise that was difficult to hide: “What do you mean… There is a God Stone of Taiyin in Star City?”


“Ten thousand years ago, the emperors of the Shenwu Continent fought against the Blood Spirit Race in the Starry Sky City.

“According to the records of our ancestors in Nirvana City, one of them was an emperor used by Emperor Xuanyue, which was made by the Taiyin Divine Stone.”

Ye Chengjun said slowly.

Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up slightly: “So, as long as you enter the Starry Sky City through the ancient starry sky road and find the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyue, you should be able to get the Taiyin Divine Stone.”

Ye Chengjun nodded and said, “In theory, this is the case.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “It seems that I have to go to the Starry Sky City. Now that the ancient road to the starry sky opens, there shouldn’t be much time.”

“It’s true that time is running out.”

With a move of Ye Chengjun’s palm, a cloud-white jade note with a pattern of the heavenly palace appeared directly in his palm.

“This is… from Haotian Sacred Land?”

Jiang Chen looked at Yu Tie, his eyes condensed slightly.

Today, Jiang Chen has dealt with the people of Haotian Sacred Land more than once. He is already very familiar with the marks of Haotian Sacred Land, and he can naturally see the origin of Yutie at a glance.


“The opening of the Starry Sky Ancient Road is a once-in-a-hundred-year event in Mainland China. As the host, Haotian Sacred Land will issue jade posts in advance every time.”

“Only those who receive jade posts are eligible to enter Haotian Sacred Land.”

When Ye Chengjun said this, his tone couldn’t help but paused slightly: “Hall Master, although my Imperial Palace is now eligible for Haotian Sacred Land jade posts, Haotian Sacred Land’s move is mostly unkind, you must Be careful.”

“I see.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

He killed Xia Yuanfeng in the ancient imperial mausoleum, and the person in Haotian Sacred Land may have long been waiting for him to send him to the door.


In any case, this time the ancient starry sky road opens, Jiang Chen has decided.

He wanted to see how the supreme Tianjiao who once ranked first on the list of the Tianjiao Emperors, how can he do it!

No words for a night.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli quietly left for Haotian Sacred Land.

This trip to Haotian Sacred Land was full of crises. Originally, Jiang Chen planned to go alone, but Master Xiao Duli had to go to the ancient starry road to see, Jiang Chen could only be with him in the end.

Haotian Sacred Land, located in the central area of ​​the Zhongzhou mainland.

The entrance of Haotian Sacred Land is not hidden in the deep mountains and ancient forests like other hidden Sacred Lands, but in a city called Haotian City.

The two teleported to the central area of ​​the mainland through the teleportation array, and then drove in the central area for two consecutive days.

Until the third day.

The outline of a huge city finally appeared far away in the sight of the two Jiang Chen.

This is a city made of light blue meteorite, and the city does not look as magnificent as Jiang Chen expected.


Even if it is thousands of miles away, Jiang Chen and the others can vaguely feel that the city is filled with an ancient atmosphere.

With the constant approach.

Jiang Chen was keenly aware that this ancient city seemed to be shrouded in a slightly transparent barrier.

This barrier seemed weak on the surface, but it gave Jiang Chen a powerful pressure that seemed to originate from the soul.

Even the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, under this terrifying coercion, could not help feeling a sense of awe in his heart.

“This Vast Sky City is said to be built by the Vast Sky Great Emperor thousands of years ago. The enchantment outside the city was also arranged by the Vast Sky Great Emperor and contains the real power of the Great Emperor.”

“Because of this, only those who get Haotian Sacred Land jade posts are eligible to enter Haotian Sacred Land.”

“Otherwise…Unless an emperor realm powerhouse comes personally, I’m afraid no one can break through the defenses of Haotian City.”

Xiao Duli looked at the Haotian City in front of him, and a look of awe appeared on his face.

“Are you the real power of the Great Emperor? No wonder it’s so terrifying.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but breathe in his heart.

He was a little lucky now that he had offended Xia Yuanhao.

Although the human palace is not inferior to the four-star Sacred Land, it has just been established after all.

If it hadn’t been for killing Xia Yuanfeng himself, which caught Xia Yuanhao’s attention, the Human Emperor Palace might not have received the jade posts from Haotian Sacred Land this time.

Without the jade post, I am afraid he will really miss the Xingkong Gulu.

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