Chapter 1322 Cang Yue Sacred Land compromises!


With the words of the Queen of Moonlight, the huge square fell into a dead silence in an instant!

Whether it was the many Elder disciples of Cang Yue Sacred Land, or Sun Yao, the saint son of the sun, almost all were sluggish at this moment.

Even Yue Qianyin and Meng Qingxue didn’t recover from the shock for a while.

The Queen of Moonlight!

The Supreme Elder of Cangyue Sacred Land and the dignified Ninth Stage Realm Emperor, actually chose to compromise in front of Jiang Chen?

This… how is this possible?

Cang Yue Holy Lord heard the words of the Queen of Moon Moon, his face changed slightly: “Too Elder…”


Before the Holy Lord Cang Yue finished speaking, the Empress of Huan Yue interrupted her directly: “This matter has its own conclusion, so there is no need to say more.”

“let’s go!”

Seeing that the Queen of Moonlight had chosen to compromise, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate to leave the Sacred Land of Cangyue with two people, Meng Qingxue, who were still in shock.

Looking at the direction where Jiang Chen and the three people disappeared, many Cang Yue Sacred Land disciples were speechless for a long time.

The dignified Cangyue Sacred Land, one of the Sacred Lands of the Eighth Sacred Lands in the Mainland of China, was actually overwhelmed by a boy like Jiang Chen?

Sacred Land alone!

Even if you look at the entire Shenwu Continent, few people can do it.

“Queen Moon, Taiyin Destiny Body is a condition I exchanged with the Cangyue Holy Lord. Now you let Jiang Chen take her away, don’t you want to break the contract?”

Suddenly, the face of Saint Child of the Sun didn’t look so good.

He brought Yuankui Elder to Sacred Land this time to solve the problem of Qingxuan Holy Maiden and help him break through the Fourth Stage, for the Taiyin Destiny Body.

Now that the Taiyin Destiny Body is taken away by Jiang Chen, isn’t he busy doing it in vain?

“This matter is indeed my Cang Yue Sacred Land’s not.”

The Queen of Moonlight said indifferently: “I also ask the Son to go back and tell you the Holy Lord. I will personally go to the Sacred Land in a few days and give you a satisfactory explanation.”

“Well, Na Yang is in Sacred Land, waiting for the Queen of Moonlight to come.”

Now that the Queen of Moonlight has talked about this, Yang Yao didn’t have much to say.

He hugged the cupped fist to the Queen of Moonlight, and immediately took the old man beside him, turned and disappeared in Sacred Land.

“Too great Elder, what is the golden Jade Slip in Jiang Chen’s hand?”

After the two Saints of the Sun left, Cang Yue Holy Lord finally couldn’t help but ask the doubts in his heart.

The Holy Lord of Cang Yue could obviously feel that the reason why the Empress of Fantasy Moon had such a drastic change in attitude was because of the golden Jade Slip that Jiang Chen took out.

A golden Jade Slip can make the Queen of Fantasy Moon, the Ninth Stage emperor, so jealous, it really makes the Holy Lord of Cang Yue a little unbelievable.

The Moon Empress slowly said: “That is Jade Slip, the space of the previous lord of the city, Ye Tianji. Once Jiang Chen crushes it, he can summon Ye Tianji.”

“Yetian Silence?”

Cang Yue Holy Lord was shocked: “But Ye Tian Ji, who ranks 21st in the Supreme Emperor’s List?”

“That was already the ranking five hundred years ago.”

“What happened to my Sacred Land five hundred years ago, you should have heard of it, he is the same one five hundred years ago.”

The Empress of Moon Moon said indifferently: “In the past five hundred years, his ranking has not moved on the Supreme Emperor’s list.”


Hearing the words of Empress Huan Yue, the Holy Lord couldn’t help taking a breath.

She now finally understands why the Queen of Moonlight chose to compromise.

Five hundred years ago, he was already ranked 21st in the Supreme Kings List. How terrifying will it be now?

I am afraid that it will not be inferior to the top ten emperors on the list of the supreme emperors!

Don’t talk about their Sacred Land, even if Haotian Sacred Land faces such a powerful person, I am afraid they have to be afraid of them.

“Since Nirvana City sits in the Land of Nirvana for thousands of years, it can make countless forces on the mainland afraid of three points, and it will become a vain name.”

“Jade Slip can have a space for night and day silence. It seems that Silence City has really been completely subdued by him.”

“In the future, let Cang Yue Sacred Land people try not to provoke the imperial palace.”

The Empress of Moonlight fell, and her figure disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

Cangyue Holy Lord looked at the place where the Queen of Fantasy Moon had disappeared, and couldn’t help but smile wryly in his heart.

Originally, she thought that it shouldn’t be a big deal to sacrifice Meng Qingxue who came from outside of the mainland of Zhongzhou.

Who knows that in the end such a terrifying figure was brought to the door.

This time, I really made some mistakes.

Cang Yue outside Sacred Land.

Yue Siqing and Yue Siyun hide in a hidden mountain forest, their eyes are locked tightly at the entrance of Cangyue Sacred Land.

“Big sis, can you say that Jiang Chen Dage can leave Cangyue Sacred Land with Senior Sister Qingxue?”

Yue Siyun looked at Yue Siqing beside her, and a worried expression appeared in her beautiful eyes.

“Don’t worry, Young Master Jiang is lucky, there will be nothing wrong.”

Yue Siqing couldn’t help but comfort.

Although Yue Siyun was so comforting in his mouth, Yue Siqing couldn’t help sighing faintly in her heart.

Although Jiang Chen is extremely talented and powerful, he is considered a unique talent among his peers.

But Cangyue Sacred Land is after all one of the eight hidden Sacred Lands in the Zhongzhou mainland, and its strength is unfathomable.

Even if Jiang Chen is heaven-defying, I am afraid it will be difficult to contend with Cangyue Sacred Land.


Just as Yue Siqing sighed in her heart, there was a wave of spatial fluctuations from the entrance of Cangyue Sacred Land.


Three Daoist shadows appeared in midair directly out of thin air.

“Jiang… Jiang Chen Dage?”

Yue Siyun looked at the familiar figure headed by her, and she couldn’t help showing a look of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

“He…he actually did it?”

Yue Siqing looked at Jiang Chen in midair with an incredible expression, almost unable to believe her own eyes.

To know.

Cangyue Sacred Land used Meng Qingxue to reach a deal with Saint Zhaizi, and it was impossible for Jiang Chen to easily take Meng Qingxue away.

And now.

Jiang Chen brought Meng Qingxue out of Cangyue Sacred Land intact.

Cangyue Sacred Land would rather go against the deal with the Sun-Zhushengzi, even let Jiang Chen take Meng Qingxue away!

Yue Siqing couldn’t imagine how this guy did it?

“Jiang Chen Dage, are you all right?”

Seeing the three of Jiang Chen coming out of Cangyue Sacred Land, Yue Siyun was not hiding her figure, and quickly shouted with joy.

“Isn’t this good, what can be done.”

Jiang Chen looked at Yue Siyun and couldn’t help but smiled and said, “I told you to leave first, why are you still here? If that’s the case, then follow me back to the Palace of Humans.”

Yue Siyun can’t return to Cang Yue Sacred Land now, and they have no opinion on this.

As a result, a group of five people quickly disappeared into the mountain range in front of them.

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