Chapter 1321 You want to fight, just be with you!

“Too great Elder, Jiang Chen didn’t mean to make trouble in Cangyue Sacred Land. Everything started because of the disciple Meng Qingxue accepted by Qianyin…”

Seeing this, Yue Qianyin couldn’t help but stepped up and told the whole story.

After finishing speaking, Yue Qianyin bowed directly to the Empress Huanyue: “That’s how it happened, please go to Elder Mingjian too.”

“The matter of Cang Yue Sacred Land, this seat will deal with it impartially.”

“But…this is an indisputable fact that this son made a big mess in Sacred Land.”

The Queen of Moonlight said indifferently: “Yue Qianyin, you can withdraw. If this seat sits idly by today, wouldn’t it make people laugh at me, Sacred Land is really unmanned?”

As Cang Yue Sacred Land is too high Elder, no matter what, she has to stand up at the moment to protect the reputation of Cang Yue Sacred Land.

not to mention……

In the eyes of the Queen of the Moon Moon, the Holy Lord of Cangyue at the expense of Meng Qingxue to rescue the Holy Maiden of Cangyue Sacred Land is not a wrong decision.

If it was her, maybe she would do the same.

Yue Qianyin’s complexion changed, and she was about to speak, but Jiang Chen interrupted her: “Qianyin Elder, needless to say.”

As Jiang Chen said, he directly looked up at the Queen of Fantasy Moon in the sky, and said lightly: “It seems that senior is planning to keep me today?”

“Today’s matter, you must give Cangyue Sacred Land an explanation. My Cangyue Sacred Land has accumulated a reputation for tens of thousands of years and cannot be ruined in the hands of this seat.”

When the Empress Huan Yue spoke, a cold killing intent flashed in her eyes.

This kid in front of him was a peerless evildoer who was more terrifying than Haotian Sacred Land Xia Yuanhao.

The Queen of the Moon Moon is naturally very aware of the terrifying nature of this peerless evildoer.

With this talent, I’m afraid it won’t take long. Even an old monster like her who has lived for a thousand years can hardly suppress it.

Since Cang Yue Sacred Land chose to be an enemy of such a character, he had to kill him at all costs.


Once it grows up, I am afraid it will bring disaster to Cang Yue Sacred Land.

The thoughts in the Empress’s heart flickered, and immediately no longer hesitated, she raised her hand and squeezed out a mudra directly.

In an instant…

In the magic moon space behind it, a crystal-like transparent magic moon divine light suddenly fell down.

The magic moon divine light fell from the Nine Heavens like a heavenly sword.

Under this strike of the Empress of Moonlight, the space above Jiang Chen’s head collapsed!

Jiang Chen’s eyes shrank, and four different Realm powers instantly superimposed, forming a Realm enchantment with three colors of light, and resisting this strike of the Moon Empress.


The magic moon light fell on Jiang Chen’s Realm barrier, and suddenly there was a loud noise.

Jiang Chen let out a muffled snort, and immediately the whole person was pedaling on the ground and retreated more than a dozen distances away.

He raised his head to look at the Queen of Fantasy Moon in the sky, and a solemn expression could not help appearing in his eyes.

The emperor of Ninth Stage seems to be stronger than he thought.

Now, with the increase of Dayan Cloud Swallowing technique, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base has reached the Fifth Stage of the divine fetus. With the addition of the superimposed power of a small realm and three ordinary realms, it is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

But even so, this move was barely able to withstand the blow of the Moon Empress.

He may be able to contend with the Empress of the Moon Moon in a state of full-scale explosion, but it is almost impossible to defeat the emperor of the Ninth Stage.

“Unexpectedly, you would be able to stop me with a move. With this move alone, you are already worthy of the name as the number one on the list of the arrogant emperor.”

The Empress Huanyue looked at Jiang Chen lightly: “But… it’s time for you to end.”

When the Empress Huan Yue spoke, the killing intent in her eyes became more and more intense.

With the blow just now, the Empress of the Moon Moon barely left any hands.


Her full blow was abruptly resisted by Jiang Chen’s four Realm superimposed bursts of power.

A hairy boy in his early twenties, Cultivation Base has reached the fourth stage of the fetus. And with the Cultivation Base of the Fourth Stage of the Godborn, straddling the five small Realms to smash the emperor of the Godborn Ninth Stage.

Such an evildoer is simply unheard of!

The Empress of the Moonlight has not dared to imagine, if this kid Cultivation Base reaches the Ninth Stage, what terrifying level will the combat power reach?

I’m afraid that even the top ten old monsters on the Supreme Emperor’s List may not be Jiang Chen’s opponent.

“Ha ha……”

“Queen Moon, do you really think I would be afraid that you Sacred Land will not succeed?”

“I didn’t want to care about Sacred Land with you today, but you have repeatedly forced each other bitterly.”

“Since you have to fight, I, Jiang Chen, will accompany you!”

Jiang Chenhao laughed dryly, and immediately moved his palm, and a golden Jade Slip exuding brilliance appeared directly in his palm.

With the appearance of the golden Jade Slip, an aura that extinguished the heavens and the earth also instantly filled the air.

Jiang Chen held the golden Jade Slip in his hand and stared at the Empress of the Moon with cold eyes: “The Empress of the Moon, once I crush this space, it will be a battle between the Palace of the Human Emperor and the Sacred Land of Sacred Land. You can consider it. NS?”

This Moon Empress is so powerful that he wants to defeat it, and then take Meng Qingxue and two of them, which is obviously impossible.

If the delay continues, once the power of the Dayan Cloud Swallowing technique disappears, it will be even more troublesome.


Jiang Chen directly took out the golden Jade Slip that Ye Chengjun gave him.

If it can deter Cang Yue Sacred Land, it is best.


He could only try to crush Jade Slip to see if he could summon Ye Tianji, the previous lord of Nirvana City.

“You golden Jade Slip, but from Silence City?”

The Queen of Moonlight stared at the golden Jade Slip in Jiang Chen’s hand tightly, her eyes shrank suddenly.

For the breath on this golden Jade Slip, the Queen of Moonlight is no stranger to it.

Five hundred years ago.

The Queen of Moon Moon was just an ordinary Elder in Cangyue Sacred Land. Cangyue Sacred Land once offended a peerless emperor and caused the emperor to come to the door.

At that time, Cang Yue Sacred Land was too high. Elder and Holy Lord joined forces, but they were still not defeated in the end.

Later, the Queen of Moonlight knew that the person’s name was Ye Tianji, who came from Nirvana City, and was also the most powerful person on the list of twenty-first.

The space Jade Slip held by Jiang Chen in front of him is astonishingly the same as the aura of that one back then!

“Now that you guessed it, why ask more?”

Jiang Chen looked at the reaction of the Queen of Moonlight, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but a slight arc was raised.

It seems that Ye Tianji, the previous lord of Nirvana City, is still very shocking even when facing the hidden old monsters of the eight Sacred Lands.

The Empress Huanyue struggled for a while, and finally sighed slightly: “Your Excellency won, you take them away.”

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