Chapter 1308 Kill the ancestor of the Feng Family!

People outside the palace.

Everyone was Jiang Chen looking at the void with shocked expressions, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

The expressions of some of the forces who had taken refuge in the Palace of Human Beings were very excited.

They all thought.

Five ancestor-level figures from the five holy cities have arrived, and the Palace of Human Emperors is mostly gone today.


Everything that happened before them completely exceeded their expectations.

Jiang Chen single-handedly defeated the two ancestors of the five holy cities, and even the elder Feng Xuankun of the Kamikaze City holding the imperial soldiers was easily defeated by him!

Not only that.

Jiang Chen also conquered Silence City in the Land of Silence, and gathered more than a dozen emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm in one breath.

Today’s Human Palace is not a four-star Sacred Land, but it is better than a four-star Sacred Land.

Even the five holy cities in Zhongzhou, I am afraid it is difficult to easily shake the palace of the people!

On the other hand, some people who wanted to see the jokes of Renhuangdian turned pale at the moment.

After this battle.

The five sacred cities in Zhongzhou may not be able to suppress Jiang Chen, and the Palace of the Human Emperor will probably become a top power with the same reputation as the five sacred cities.


Jiang Chen stood with his hands behind.

He looked calmly at a part of the void, and his cold voice resounded through the world.

“Feng Xuankun, do you think you can escape by escaping into the space crack? Are you coming out by yourself or wanting me to invite you out?”


As Jiang Chen’s voice fell, there was a sudden wave of spatial fluctuations in the void.


An illusory figure holding a cyan long sword also slowly emerged from the void of space.

Feng Xuan Kun!

Seeing this illusory figure, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

At this moment, Feng Xuankun appeared in front of them in a state of spirit.


Feng Xuankun, who had just hit with all his strength, was unable to stop the devastating storm sweeping the sky. His body was already annihilated in the devastating storm, and he could only make the soul escape into the void and barely survive.

“Jiang Chen, you won this battle.”

“Let’s end this battle. My five holy cities are willing to revoke the wanted warrants and acknowledge the existence of the Human Emperor Hall. From then on, I will not violate the river water with the Human Emperor Hall well. I wonder what you think?”

“If you have to fight forever, my five holy cities have been passed down for thousands of years in the Shenwu Continent, and it is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead!”

Feng Xuankun took a deep breath and slowly said to Jiang Chen.

Faced with Jiang Chen, who couldn’t even hurt the Emperor’s Wind God Sword, Feng Xuankun, who had already lost his body, had to choose to compromise.

Now that Jiang Chen has become a climate, the five holy cities have been difficult to suppress.

If the fight with Jiang Chen continues today, the five old guys are afraid that it will be difficult to leave, and the five holy cities will be greatly injured by this.

By the time.

Some hostile forces in the five holy cities are bound to move around.

As long as you are not careful, the five holy cities will really fall into a situation where they will never be restored.

“Ha ha……”

“Your five holy cities want our master and apprentice, and all the friends around me are tragically implicated. Now you want to stop the war in a word. How can there be such a good thing?”

“What’s more… I, Jiang Chen, are going to build the Human Emperor Palace today, so why don’t you need your five holy cities to admit it?”

“Stop talking nonsense, since the five of you old guys dare to come to the palace, don’t want to leave alive.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, without the slightest intention to stop.

Now his relationship with the five holy cities has long been an endless situation!

And the strongest power of the five holy cities is the five ancestors on the list of the supreme emperors.

As long as these five old guys are not present, the five holy cities will no longer be able to pose any threat to the Human Palace.


What he said today must solve these five old guys, so as to avoid future troubles!

“Jiang Chen, don’t deceive people too much!”

Feng Xuankun was immediately frightened, and his expression was also ugly to the extreme in an instant.

Thinking of his dignified ancestor of the Godwind City, the top five holy cities for hundreds of years, has always been an existence admired by countless Practitioners.

Now he whispered to Jiang Chen for peace, but Jiang Chen refused.

Feng Xuankun has been in Central China for hundreds of years, and there has never been a time when it has been humiliated like it is now!

“It’s ridiculous!”

“The five holy cities of yours first issued a wanted warrant against me, and now they came to the door on the day when my palace was established. You are ashamed to say that I deceived people too much?”

Jiang Chen shook his head, and immediately said proudly: “What’s more… even if I want to bully you, what can you do?”

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Jiang Chen, even if Feng Xuankun died today, you will definitely have to pay a heavy price for it!”

Feng Xuankun laughed angrily, and also let out a screaming roar in his mouth: “Let’s do it together and kill this kid for me!”


As Feng Xuankun’s roar fell, the aura of Ling Qianyou, Wu Sanjian, and Lei Zi Kuang burst into full force in an instant.


“If you want to take the initiative in the hall, you have to ask me whether Ye Chengjun agrees!”

“Kill me!”

Ye Chengjun smiled coldly, and the breath of the Sixth Stage of the divine fetus burst out instantly, leading a group of emperors of the divine fetus realm behind him to rush out against the Ling Qianyou trio.

Xiao Duli stepped out with an indifferent expression, and the breath of the Fifth Stage realm of the divine fetus was also directly surging out.

Ye Chengjun alone fought Ling Qianyou, the ancestor of the Ling family alone, and only two or three moves forced him to retreat steadily.

The duel between Xiao Duli and Wu Sanjian was equally unrelenting.

And Lei Zi Kuang, who had been hit hard by Jiang Chen, was even more dangerous under the siege of a dozen emperors.

Seeing that the Ling Qianyou trio were instantly embarrassed by Ye Chengjun and the others, and Xiao Yangwu had no intention of doing anything on the side, Feng Xuankun’s expression was instantly gloomy to the extreme.

“Jiang Chen, you forced me to do this!”

Feng Xuankun’s eyes suddenly flashed a hideous color, and immediately after that, strange soul flames also suddenly burned on his illusory body.

“Does the burning soul make the final blow?”

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raise a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He even blocked Feng Xuankun’s previous full-strength sword, so why was he afraid of this guy’s burning soul-inspired sword?


Feng Xuankun burned his soul power, and once again forcibly swung the Wind God Sword, slashing towards Jiang Chen with an unstoppable momentum!


Jiang Chen let out a soft drink, and when he flipped his hand, a soul-killing seal was hitting Feng Xuankun.

I saw Feng Xuankun’s sword with soul power, which was destroyed by the energy of Soul Destruction Seal in the blink of an eye.

And Feng Xuankun’s soul, who had become somewhat transparent, was instantly wiped out by Jiang Chen’s mark!

Seeing that Feng Xuankun’s soul was wiped and killed by Jiang Chen lightly, the three Ling Qianyou were cold all over, their brains buzzing, as if there was a feeling of suffocation.

Feng Xuankun is dead!

The strongest of the five great holy cities just died in the hands of Jiang Chen!

The strength of Jiang Chen is already terrifying!

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