Chapter 1307 Emperor Feng Sword!


As this cyan long sword emerged in Feng Xuankun’s palm, a powerful sword force suddenly radiated from the cyan long sword.

The entire space with a radius of thousands of meters was shrouded by the terrifying sword power of the cyan long sword.


In that terrifying sword power, there was even a trace of supreme pressure that surpassed the power of the emperor.

Even Jiang Chen and the emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm were palpitated in the face of this terrifying sword force.

The people in the square below were trembling under the pressure of this sword, and couldn’t help feeling like they wanted to worship.

“The weapon that contains the imperial prestige, it seems that this should be the ninth-rank imperial soldier of Shenfeng City.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but condensed slightly.

“Kamikaze City’s Imperial Soldier Wind God Sword!”

Ling Qianyou and the others looked at the cyan long sword in Feng Xuankun’s hands, and a look of ecstasy could not help appearing in their eyes.

“Old Monster Feng is worthy of being the number one powerhouse in the five holy cities, and he has been able to control the emperor soldiers and bring them out of the god wind city!”

Wu Sanjian looked authentic.

In the Shenwu Continent, the three-star power and the four-star Sacred Land are only occupied by the emperor of the divine birth realm.

Some top three-star powers, in terms of strength alone, are not necessarily worse than the five holy cities.


The background of these three-star forces is far from comparable to the four-star Sacred Land.

after all.

The four-star Sacred Lands are all transcendent beings who have appeared in the imperial realm.

For example, in the five holy cities, they have the blood of the powerful imperial realm, the martial arts of the imperial rank, and even the imperial soldiers of the ninth rank!

Especially the Ninth-Rank Emperor Soldier is a peerless Divine Armament nurtured by their ancestors in the Emperor Realm. Once activated, it is powerful enough to destroy the world.

Just wanting to mobilize the imperial soldiers is not an easy task.

The imperial soldiers of their five holy cities are basically sealed in Sacred Land. Only with the help of some special forces in Sacred Land can the imperial soldiers be mobilized!

It is precisely because of this.

The imperial soldiers are almost always the last cards of the five holy towns guarding Sacred Land, and they are usually only urged when they encounter a crisis of destroying the door.

Wu Sanjian didn’t expect them either.

Feng Xuankun actually had the ability to control the Emperor Wind God Sword of God Wind City, and carried it with him from the God Wind City.

“Haha… the emperor comes out, that kid Jiang Chen is dead!”

Seeing this, Lei Zi Kuang finally couldn’t help laughing with a smug smile on his face.

Xiao Yangwu looked silent.

Although the strength of the emperor soldiers is very powerful, the martial arts level that Jiang Chen masters is even an existence that surpasses the emperor grade martial arts.

Even if Feng Xuankun controlled the emperor’s soldiers, he might not be able to kill them.

“Jiang Chen, be careful, this is the Emperor Wind God Sword of God Wind City!”

Xiao Duli looked at the Wind God Sword in Feng Xuankun’s hand, his expression suddenly changed.

As for Ye Chengjun beside him, a solemn expression also appeared on his stern face.

Both of them are ready to go, and they are ready to be born together.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smile faintly: “Don’t worry, even if he uses the emperor’s soldiers, he won’t be able to hurt me.”

The Nine-Rank imperial weapon is indeed very powerful.

Back in the funeral of Emperor Yuan, Jiang Chen relied on the Zhun Emperor treasure Xuan Ming Pagoda to suppress a ray of remnant soul of Jiuyou King Li Jiuyou.


If you want to use the power of the imperial weapon, you must get the approval of the spirit of the device and fully control it.

And the Feng Xuankun in front of him can only control the Wind God Sword, and even half of the Wind God Sword’s power can’t be used. How can it pose a threat to him?

“Jiang Chen, I have insight into the God Wind City Emperor Feng Shen Sword for hundreds of years, and finally I have a bit of control over the Wind God Sword.”

“Congratulations, for being the first person to see me using the Wind God Sword.”

“You can be proud of being able to die under the Wind God Sword!”

Feng Xuankun’s voice fell coldly, and immediately urged the Shenfeng Sword with all his strength, and then fluttered it lightly at Jiang Chen!


This seemingly fluttering sword seemed to have exhausted Feng Xuankun’s whole body power.

I saw that his face suddenly became extremely pale, his body staggered, and he almost didn’t fall from the void.


Feng Xuankun sacrificed the emperor’s wind god sword, and the sword swung with all his strength was extremely terrifying.

A horrible aura that seemed to be able to suppress the heavens and the earth instantly descended into a space of thousands of square meters.

This sword cut out.

At this moment, the world is divided into two halves out of thin air.

A dazzling sword mark, from the foot of Feng Xuankun, through a thousand meters of void, continues to Jiang Chen, just like Tianyuan!


The sword marks are invincible, and Jiang Chen’s Realm enchantment, which can easily withstand Feng Xuankun’s three swords, was instantly destroyed by the sword marks!

“Dayan Swallowing Cloud Technique!”

Jiang Chen activated the secret method and instantly moved the Cultivation Base Ascension to the Fourth Stage of the fetus.

at the same time.

As soon as he moved his palm, a strange black square seal was also condensed in his palm in an instant.

“Soul Soul Seal, give me the town!”

The cold voice suddenly came from Jiang Chen’s mouth.

I saw his palm flipped, a huge black square seal, with a terrifying power covering the world, headed towards the oncoming sword mark to suppress it.


Two terrifying forces collided in midair.

The earth quaked, and the void trembled.

A terrifying energy storm tore through the void and swept across the world in an instant.

Even the many divine birth realm emperors in the void couldn’t help but retreat under the impact of this energy storm.

The many Practitioners on the square below were also swayed by the impact of the energy storm.

Some of the weaker ones couldn’t help but spit out blood.

“Who…who won?”

Everyone looked at the devastating storm that swept across the world with amazement, and all around them fell into a dead silence for an instant.

This silence lasted for about a few breaths, and a faint voice finally resounded slowly in the void.

“Feng Xuan Kun, the Wind God Sword of your Divine Wind City is a good Divine Armament.”

“If you can master it thoroughly, you might have another chance to slash me.”

“It’s a pity… you are too far away from mastering the Wind God Sword!”

With this sound resounding, almost everyone’s eyes were gazed at the sound.

There, a young man stood proudly unscathed.

Seeing Jiang Chen standing proudly in the sky, Xiao Duli and Ye Chengjun couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And on the opposite side of them.

Ling Qianyou and the others were horrified, and the whole person looked like a ghost, unable to believe their own eyes.

The blow that Feng Xuankun used to control the Emperor Feng Shenjian was also blocked unscathed by Jiang Chen!

This… how is this possible.

How could Jiang Chen this son be so powerful as to be so heaven-defying?

Even Feng Xuankun, who sacrificed the emperor’s soldiers, has already been defeated. Who else is Jiang Chen’s opponent?

this moment.

Ling Qianyou’s complexion was pale, and he only felt a shadow of Death, which instantly filled his heart…

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