Chapter 1293 The mysterious blood shadow from the Hall of Blood Demon!

Lord Li?

Hearing Luo Jun’s scream, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but was taken aback.

The lord Li in this guy’s mouth seems to be the mysterious aura hidden in the dark.

“No matter what, kill this guy first!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold, and the three different Realm powers of Wind, Fire and Thunder instantly superimposed, moving towards Luo Jun’s suppression.

Feeling the terrifying power of Jiang Chen’s three Realm superimpositions, Luo Jun was still so frightened, he quickly urged the energy in his body with all his strength to burst out against Jiang Chen.


The superimposed power of Jiang Chen’s three realms, is Luo Jun’s third stage energy body strong enough to withstand it?

Even if he tried his best, it was of no avail.

After breaking free in every possible way, Luo Jun’s expression instantly became extremely desperate and horrified.


Just when Luo Jun was desperate, the faint mysterious aura on the top of the mountain finally reacted.

Only a sound of breaking through the air was heard in mid-air, and a huge blood beam burst out from the top of the mountain.

The blood light directly condensed into a blood-colored giant palm in mid-air, covering the sky and the sun and shooting angrily from the top of Jiang Chen’s head.

“Haha…boy, if Master Li takes the shot, you are dead now!”

Looking at the blood-colored giant palm in the void, Luo Jun’s desperate face suddenly couldn’t help showing a look of ecstasy.


The shot of the mysterious person on the top of the mountain did not change Jiang Chen’s expression in the slightest.

“Is it too early for you to be happy? No one can save the person I Jiang Chen wants to kill!”

Jiang Chen looked at Luo Jun indifferently, and ignored the giant bloody palm above his head. He controlled three Realm powers and swept out against Luo Jun, instantly engulfing Luo Jun’s figure.


His body was swallowed by the light of Jiang Chen containing the three Realm powers of wind, fire and thunder, Luo Jun was suddenly terrified, and his mouth also let out a miserable scream.

Luo Jun never thought of it anyway.

Jiang Chen would rather ignore the bloody giant palm in midair, and kill him mercilessly!


While manipulating Realm’s power to kill Luo Jun, the bloody giant palm that covered the sky and covered the sun also hit Jiang Chen’s Realm enchantment at the same instant.

The dazzling four-color light blooms in mid-air like the sun.

The terrifying energy contained in it can be easily strangled even if it is the first stage emperor of the divine womb.


Even so, Jiang Chen’s Realm barrier was not shaken by that bloody giant palm.

“Someone hides sneakily in the dark and won’t get out of me!”

Jiang Chen took Luo Jun’s Yuan Ling essence into his bag, and couldn’t help but suddenly looked towards the top of the mountain with sharp eyes.


Seeing that Jiang Chen had withstood the bloody giant palm unscathed, a surprised voice came from the top of the mountain in an instant.


A mysterious figure filled with blood and light also slowly appeared in front of Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen looked at this mysterious blood shadow that suddenly appeared, his eyes condensed in vain: “You are not the energy body of the ancient imperial mausoleum, who are you?”

Although the mysterious blood shadow in front of him was covered with blood and light, it made people unable to see his specific figure.

But Jiang Chen clearly felt that the aura on his body was very different from the energy body of the ancient imperial mausoleum.

This mysterious blood shadow, in all likelihood, is a true divine fetal state emperor, and also a divine fetal state emperor who practices blood.

Jiang Chen was shocked.

To know.

For thousands of years, this place of nirvana has been kept here by the town of nirvana.

And Nirvana City has always regarded Blooddao practitioners as its greatest enemy. Once a Blooddao practitioner appears in the Land of Silence, Silence City will ruthlessly obliterate them.

Jiang Chen obviously didn’t expect it.

The blood practitioner who is no less powerful than the ancestor of the Xiao family will appear in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

“Huh! The identity of the emperor is based on a little brat of you, but you are not yet qualified to know.”

The mysterious Blood Shadow snorted coldly, and a cold killing intent filled his body: “Boy, you dare to ruin the emperor’s major event, the emperor will definitely break your corpse into pieces today!”

Along with the mysterious bloody voice falling, he saw the Blood Qi filled with a hundred feet of space around him, instantly turning into a sea of ​​blood surging.

The next moment.

I saw a cold and strange wave of blood in the sea of ​​blood, surging towards Jiang Chen like a tsunami.

Under that weird wave of blood, even with Jiang Chen’s strength, he vaguely felt the blood in his body, unexpectedly tossing uncontrollably.

“Be careful, this is one of the most powerful blood path mysteries ever used in the Blood Demon Sea, Blood Demon Hall!”

At this moment, Xuehe, who hadn’t spoken for a long time, suddenly screamed in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Are you from the Hall of Blood Demon?”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and the bloodline power in his body was pushed to the limit, forcibly suppressing the tossing bloodline.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen also displayed the last Burning Heaven Sword Domain in an instant.

The superimposed power of the four Realms directly and without evasiveness slammed into the blood sea surrounding the mysterious blood shadow.


The Realm forces of four different subordinates collided with the cold blood sea in mid-air.

Terrible energy ripples swept away. At this moment, even the perennial fog in the ancient emperor’s tomb was shaken into nothingness.

“This kid actually understood the four Realm powers. When did such a villainous figure appear in Shenwu Continent?”

Mysterious Blood Shadow looked at the energy storm in mid-air with horror, and just about to retreat, a terrifying force above his head that made his soul tremble suddenly suppressed him.

Mysterious Blood Shadow suddenly raised his head, and saw a dark and strange black square mark, which rapidly enlarged in his pupils.

“This… what kind of power is this?”

Facing the weird black square mark on the top of his head, a touch of unprecedented horror emerged in the mysterious blood shadow’s heart.

He took a deep breath, and a series of weird blood-colored runes whirled out of the body, and then condensed into a layer of weird blood-colored battle armor on the surface of the body.


The black square seal was like Mount Tai pressing on the top, and it hit the mysterious blood shadow’s body heavily.

The terrifying energy ripples directly caused the blood-colored armor on the mysterious blood shadow to explode from inch to inch.


The blood-colored battle armor burst, the mysterious blood shadow’s body trembled suddenly, and a mouthful of blood squirted out frantically.

Feeling the black square seal that seemed to swallow it, the mysterious blood shadow suddenly became horrified.

He squirted out a burst of blood, and his hands formed a handprint on his chest.


I saw that his whole person escaped in the air under the space power wrapped in a flash of blood, leaving only a voice of rage slowly reverberating in the air.

“Boy, wait for me, this emperor will definitely not let you go!”

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