Chapter 1292 Kill one person with one enemy and four in one step!

When Jiang Chen said this, Luo Jun’s eyes suddenly shrank.

This kid in front of him is actually here for the emperor of the fourth stage of the divine womb!

“Haha…I’m really ashamed!”

“Boy, you know that all your masters are in our hands, so you dare to run here to go wild, you really know how to live and die!”

Luo Jun laughed wildly with disdain, his eyes stern and said: “Do it, kill him for me!”

The emperor of the fourth stage of the divine fetus, but he paid a lot of money to win it.

Now that he has everything ready, he can use secret techniques to regenerate only after slowly obliterating his spirit!

This is a rebirth opportunity he has just found after planning for nearly a thousand years.

If anyone dares to stop it, Luo Jun will ruthlessly kill him!

“Senior Brother Luo, this kid has a good body, it would be a shame to kill him. After I go to capture him, maybe I can use his body to get a new life.”

at this time.

One of the burly middle-aged men said with a smile, and then took the lead in rushing out to Jiang Chen.

His illusory fist suddenly squeezed, and the monstrous energy instantly turned into a shattered void fist, slamming towards Jiang Chen fiercely.

“Hey… this guy should have been a physical training practitioner before he was alive.”

Feeling the shocking punch of the burly middle-aged, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a strange look appeared in his eyes.

In the ancient imperial mausoleum, the essence of the energy body of these divine fetal realm, but possessed the Martial Dao attribute before death.

The effect of the essence essence of different attributes is completely different after swallowing.

If you swallow the essence of a practitioner’s vitality, I don’t know if it will greatly increase his Cultivation Base?

Just when Jiang Chen’s thoughts flashed.

The burly middle-aged monstrous boxing power had already arrived, and in the blink of an eye it appeared less than ten feet away from the top of Jiang Chen’s head.

Jiang Chen’s complexion was calm, and he calmly reached out and shook the void in front of him.

In an instant…

The space with a radius of one hundred meters seems to be condensed at this moment.

I saw that the monstrous boxing strength that smashed towards Jiang Chen head-on, even with the burly middle-aged figure, was frozen in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Chen squeezed out a sword finger with both hands, and pointed it lightly at the burly middle-aged man.


The sword finger penetrated the void instantly.

Before the burly middle-aged struggled out of the solidified space, this finger had already passed through his forehead.

The burly middle-aged widened his eyes in disbelief. His illusory figure exploded with a bang, turning into a storm of energy and swept away, and finally slowly dissipated in the world…

Killing the burly middle-aged man with one move, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and slammed the place where the burly middle-aged exploded, and a fist-sized element of the essence of the essence appeared in his palm.

“This… how is this possible?”

Luo Jun’s eyes were dull, the whole person was like a ghost, and he could hardly believe his own eyes.

Wave your hand to condense the void, and kill the fetus with one finger!

To put it lightly, there is not a trace of muddy and watery, as if you are trying to fetch something.

Such strength is really terrifying!

“Shoot together and kill him!”

Luo Jun was terrified, feeling bad in his heart, and hurriedly shouted angrily at the two divine fetal realm energy bodies beside him.


The monstrous energy fluctuations erupted from the three of them almost at the same time.


Three waves of energy that destroy the sky and the earth soared into the sky. The mighty energy Sword Qi stretched for a hundred meters, and the dazzling lightning storm swept the sky and the earth, making the space of thousands of square meters tremble.

The three divine fetal realm energy bodies joined forces, and one of them was not inferior to Feng Wuying’s third stage realm emperor.

When the three of them work together, even if they are the Fourth Stage Realm Emperor, they have to be treated with caution.

But Jiang Chen was not an ordinary emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm.

Although he is only in the Second Stage Cultivation Base, he won’t have the slightest fear even when facing the emperor of the fifth Sixth Stage, let alone the three in front of him?

Faced with the combined blow of the three people destroying the heavens and the earth, Jiang Chen’s expression remained calm and unconcerned.

As if in his eyes, the attack of the three of them was like a breeze blowing on their faces.

“Bloodline supernatural power, destroy the world dragon flame!”

Jiang Chen’s bloodline power and vitality instantly mobilized to the extreme, and the Baizhang Golden Dragon phantom condensed behind him.


The golden dragon is flying across the sky, the dragon’s voice is shaking the sky, and the dragon’s prestige is permeating the world.

A golden dragon’s breath is like a beam of destruction light, piercing the sky with the energy that burns everything.

No matter what you Sword Qi, the thunder is raging, and the storm is soaring. Under this extinguishing dragon flame, everything is reduced to ashes.

Facing Jiang Chen’s unstoppable destructive blow, Luo Jun’s complexion changed drastically, and they all retreated.


The World Extinguishing Dragon Flame was unstoppable, and easily destroyed the attack of Luo Jun’s trio. He rushed towards the trio, and instantly appeared in front of one of the slow-reacting Divine Fetus First Stage energy bodies.

The divine fetal realm energy body’s complexion changed drastically, and he quickly condensed into an energy defensive cover in front of him.


It was just that his energy defensive cover had just condensed, and it had been easily destroyed by the Destroying Dragon Flame.

The next moment…

That divine fetal realm energy body burst open under the bombardment of World Extinguishing Dragon Flame.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the second divine fetal realm energy body was also directly taken into the bag by Jiang Chen.

Defeat the energy body of the three gods with one enemy three and one move, and successfully kill one person!

These terrifying methods shocked the remaining Luo Jun and two of them.


Jiang Chen said blankly, his eyes suddenly turned to the energy body of the last divine fetus First Stage.

The first stage energy body of the divine fetus suddenly only felt that the souls were all gone, and turned around to flee in a panic.


Jiang Chen just stepped out in the air, blocked him in a ghostly flash, and then punched out like lightning.


The golden boxing power, like a dragon dancing sky, is unstoppable.

The energy defensive cover around the first stage energy body of the divine fetus was like paper, instantly pierced by the golden fist.

His illusory body was also unsurprisingly blown apart by Jiang Chen’s punch.

It took less than a moment.

Jiang Chen killed three divine fetal realm energy bodies in a row, almost killing one person in one step!

this moment.

Rao is the third stage of Luo Jun, and his heart is split.


It is too strong!

The dark shadow youth in front of him, the energy body of the slaying god’s fetal realm, was like an understatement like killing a chicken.

Such a character is definitely not something he can resist.

“Next, it’s your turn.”

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to put the third divine fetal realm energy body into his bag, and couldn’t help but look directly at Luo Jun.

Feeling Jiang Chen’s gaze, Luo Jun suddenly felt only a shadow of Death filled his heart, and he couldn’t help screaming in horror.

“Lei… Master Li, save… save me!”

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