Chapter 1276 Magical energy body!

Extinction Mountain.

Jiang Chen stepped on the void and headed straight towards the ancient imperial mausoleum in the center of the mountain range.

Although the fierce beasts are rampant in the Nirvana Mountain Range, with Jiang Chen’s strength, these fierce beasts can’t cause any obstacle to him.

Less than half a day.

Jiang Chen came to a mysterious ancient valley in the center of the Silent Mountain Range.

The valley is very large, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles.


Jiang Chen could feel an extremely dangerous spatial energy fluctuation from the sky above the valley.

Jiang Chen had no doubts.

Even if the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm rushed into it, he would be strangled instantly by that energy!

“Is this the ancient emperor’s mausoleum? It’s really unusual.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and immediately couldn’t help but look around.

I saw hundreds of Daoist shadows gathered around the entrance of the ancient imperial mausoleum.

Some of these people are in groups, some stand alone.

Their eyes were staring at the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, as if waiting for something quietly.

These people are not weak in strength, Jiang Chen scanned it roughly and found that at least one-third of them had reached the Divine Soul Realm King.

There are even a few people among them, which have reached the stage of the spirit of the late stage.

The ancient imperial mausoleum has mysterious Restrictions forbidden space, and no one can enter it normally.

Only on the night of the full moon, the power of the Restrictions of the ancient imperial mausoleum will be greatly weakened, allowing Practitioners whose bone age is not more than a hundred years old to pass.

This also means.

The ancient imperial mausoleum only has the opportunity to enter it once a month.

These Practitioners gathered here, obviously waiting for the night of the full moon.

And the full moon night of this month is tonight!

Jiang Chen looked for a secluded place and sat down cross-legged, but his heart was not calm at all.

The entry rules of the ancient imperial mausoleum didn’t seem to be natural at all, as if there was an invisible big hand manipulating everything behind it.

Just from entering the rules, Jiang Chen could already feel that Nirvana City’s guess should be completely correct.

The upgrade of the ancient imperial mausoleum is really artificial.

Time passed quietly in such a quiet waiting.

Unconsciously, night fell, and a bright full moon slowly rose from the distant horizon.

A faint silver brilliance scattered from the sky, covering the entire ancient imperial mausoleum.

Jiang Chen clearly felt that the Restrictions of the ancient imperial mausoleum were undergoing a mysterious change under the power of Yuehua.

Soon, the child time finally arrived.


I saw that the space where the ancient emperor’s mausoleum was located, a small spatial fluctuation suddenly spread out.

“The time has come, you can enter the ancient imperial mausoleum!”

“Haha… this time I will definitely be in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum and become the emperor of the divine birth realm in one fell swoop!”


With the spread of this spatial fluctuation, everyone outside the ancient emperor’s mausoleum had fiery eyes, and their figures rushed towards the ancient emperor’s mausoleum like a locust crossing the border.


At this moment, there was a scream in midair.

The moment a middle-aged man with a beard entered the ancient imperial mausoleum, his whole person was imprisoned by a mysterious force.

It’s just a blink of an eye.

The middle-aged man was strangled into nothingness by the mysterious force.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn’t help showing a look of pity.

In the ancient imperial mausoleum, the bone age is over a hundred years old and cannot be entered. This is an iron law, and no one can violate it.

This guy actually wanted to be fooled, he was simply sent to the door to die!

It was seen that everyone rushed towards the ancient imperial mausoleum one after another.

Jiang Chen also stood up slowly, and in a flash, he passed through the Restrictions of the ancient imperial mausoleum and entered the mysterious valley.

In the gray mysterious space, there is dead silence all around.

Occasionally, a strange light flashes in the distance, giving people a very strange and gloomy feeling.


In the silent space, there was a sudden violent fluctuation.


A black-clothed young man walked out of the space slowly, and it was Jiang Chen who entered the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

“It’s worthy of being the site of the ancient emperor’s sect. It is indeed a world within itself, and it is far larger than the space opened up by Yandi City.”

Jiang Chen looked up at the huge space in front of him, and couldn’t help but marvel in his heart.

Just as he was about to take a closer look at his surroundings, a strange energy wave came towards him behind him.

Jiang Chen was shocked, his figure flashed and he retreated more than ten feet away.

He suddenly looked up and saw that where he was previously, an almost transparent energy body appeared directly in his line of sight.

“This is the upgraded energy body in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum?”

Jiang Chen stared closely at the energy body in front of him, and a look of vigilance passed over his mind.

These upgraded energy bodies are really not simple.

The energy fluctuations in the energy body in front of him are comparable to those of Shenhai’s late stage Practitioner.

It is possible that Jiang Chen’s current strength was suddenly approached by this thing silently.

this moment.

Jiang Chen finally understood why the death rate of the ancient imperial mausoleum was as high as 70% to 80%.

This upgraded energy body is really unpredictable.

Jiang Chen’s thoughts flashed, and when he raised his hand, he patted the energy body with a palm.


The energy body burst open instantly, and a thumb-sized crystal fell from midair.

“This should be the energy crystal in Ye Chengjun’s mouth that can be swallowed as Medicine Pill.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes condensed, he reached out and grabbed the energy crystal directly, and then slowly threw it into his mouth.

The energy crystal melted in the mouth, and it was directly transformed into a stream of pure energy diffused in Jiang Chen’s body.

“Ding! You swallow the essence of the sixth rank soul and gain 6800*100 Cultivation Base experience!”

Hearing the system prompts in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a touch of shock that could not be concealed.

The essence of the essence condensed by the energy bodies of the ancient imperial mausoleums was actually more used than Medicine Pill.

The sixth rank essence essence condensed by a divine sea realm energy body is no worse than any sixth rank Medicine Pill.

And this thing is extremely pure, without any side effects, even ordinary people can quickly absorb it.

A sixth rank soul essence has such an effect.

What kind of horror would it be if the seventh-grade essence of the soul condensed from the spirit realm energy body, and the eight-grade essence of the divine fetus realm condensed?

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a hot look appeared in his eyes.

It’s no wonder that many Practitioners on the mainland are still willing to rush into it at all costs, even if they know that they have been dead for a lifetime.

The energy body of the ancient imperial mausoleum is really amazing!

If you get more high-grade essence essence, the speed of his Cultivation Base Ascension, I am afraid that compared with the cultivation of god crystals, it is even worse.

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