Chapter 1275 Go to the ancient emperor’s mausoleum!

“Upgraded ancient imperial mausoleum?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but suddenly startled.

You know it when you hear the name.

This upgraded ancient imperial mausoleum is probably not a simple place.

“In the depths of the Silence Mountain, tens of thousands of years ago, a powerful ancient emperor was located here.”

“Later, this ancient emperor was annihilated by powerful enemies, including the Sect great emperor-level experts, all of them fell.”

Ye Chengjun slowly explained: “Since then, this ancient Sect site has been upgraded, forming a peculiar area, which is what we now call the upgraded ancient imperial mausoleum.”

“What is so peculiar about this place?”

Jiang Chen was very curious at this moment in his heart. What an ancient Sect site could be upgraded to, so that the Lord of Nirvana in front of him had to treat it seriously.

“Very weird!”

“The ancient Emperor Sect’s Sect disciples who have fallen tens of thousands of years ago have all survived in that area in the form of an energy body!”

“What’s even more incredible is that the Practitioner in the Land of Annihilation can enter into it to kill those energy bodies, and they can obtain a mysterious crystal from those energy bodies, which can be directly Ascension Cultivation Base.”

“These mysterious crystals are better than any Medicine Pill of Ascension Cultivation Base!”

When Ye Chengjun said this, he couldn’t help showing an incredible look on his face.


For this upgraded ancient imperial mausoleum, even Ye Chengjun, the lord of Nirvana City, is very difficult to understand.

“It seems that this upgraded ancient imperial mausoleum is really an interesting place.”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help passing a look of surprise in his eyes.

The ancient disciples of Sect, who had fallen for tens of thousands of years, survived the ancient imperial mausoleum in the form of a magical energy body!

Such an upgrade is simply incredible!

this moment.

Jiang Chen became more and more interested in this upgraded ancient imperial mausoleum.

Don’t say that Master Xiao Duli might have entered there.

Even if there is no master Xiao Duli, since he has come to the land of silence, there is no reason not to visit that place.

My thoughts flashed.

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of Ye Chengjun asking his master’s age, and he couldn’t help but look surprised and said: “Lord Yecheng, enter the upgraded ancient emperor’s mausoleum, is there still an age limit?”


“That area is shrouded by a very powerful Restrictions, and only Practitioners whose bone age is less than 100 years old can enter it.”

Ye Chengjun said solemnly: “In the past few years, many practitioners on the mainland have come to the Land of Nirvana, just to enter the ancient imperial tombs to experience. Including the city of Nirvana, there have always been people entering it.”

Although the ancient imperial mausoleum was extremely dangerous, it was also a treasure place for cultivation!

Anyone who can survive from the ancient imperial mausoleum will have a qualitative leap in strength without exception.

For thousands of years.

There were also many Practitioners on the mainland, because they entered the ancient imperial mausoleum and soared into the sky ever since.

There was even an ordinary young man with ordinary talent who entered the ancient imperial mausoleum with the Cultivation Base of Shenhai First Stage.

He went in and stayed in the ancient imperial mausoleum for three years.

Three years later.

This ordinary young man finally walked out of the ancient imperial mausoleum alive and became the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm in the famous mainland in one fell swoop!

It is precisely because of this.

Even if everyone knew that the ancient imperial mausoleum was extremely dangerous, countless Practitioners on the mainland were still eager for it.

As Ye Chengjun said, he couldn’t help but raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen: “His Royal Highness is planning to go to the ancient emperor’s mausoleum?”

“Since there is such a place in this place of silence, I naturally want to see it.”

Jiang Chen nodded and smiled.

Now Master Xiao Duli and Big sis that Yue Siyun disappeared in the Land of Silence are most likely to have entered the ancient imperial mausoleum. It is imperative for him to visit the ancient imperial mausoleum.

not to mention……

If the energy body in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum was really as magical as Ye Chengjun said, how could he let go of such a relaxing opportunity for Ascension’s strength?

“Your Highness must be very careful when going here.”

“Today’s ancient imperial mausoleum has become more and more dangerous, and the survival rate has gradually dropped from 50% before to less than 30%!”

When Ye Chengjun said this, his tone couldn’t help but pause.


I saw an unprecedented dignified color in his eyes, and that some astonishing words slowly sounded in Jiang Chen’s ears.

“According to the speculations of the ancestors of Nirvana City, the upgrade of the ancient imperial mausoleum is likely to be man-made.”

“Someone made a shocking situation in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.”

“It’s just that the ancestors of Nirvana City can’t see through it. What is the planner planning!”


The upgrade of the ancient imperial mausoleum was artificial?

When Jiang Chen heard Ye Chengjun’s words, he couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath, and an unconcealable shock appeared in his eyes!

Turn a destroyed ancient emperor sect into a special area, and let these fallen ancient emperor sect people survive in the form of energy bodies!

Jiang Chen couldn’t imagine what kind of terrifying means to reach the sky?

If the upgrade of the ancient imperial mausoleum was really secretly arranged, then this layout would be too terrifying!

“His Royal Highness, I have been in charge of Nirvana City for hundreds of years, and I have always been concerned about the ancient imperial mausoleum.”

“In the past hundreds of years, the ancient imperial mausoleum has been undergoing certain changes.”

“Although I can’t say what kind of change it is, I have a hunch that the ancient imperial mausoleum is about to undergo a huge change.”

Ye Chengjun said with a solemn expression: “So…Hall Master enters it now, we must be more careful.”

“I see.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath slowly.

Master Xiao Duli was so kind to him that he naturally couldn’t sit idly by.

Regardless of whether the ancient imperial mausoleum was laid out artificially, or whether drastic changes occurred, he had to go there.


Ye Chengjun and Jiang Chen talked a lot about the tombs of the ancient emperors.

Half a day later.

Ye Chengjun and Jiang Chen parted, and returned to Nirvana City to prepare to join the Human Palace in three months.

And Jiang Chen is going to the ancient imperial mausoleum.

This time, Jiang Chen planned to go there alone.

As for Feng Wuying and Yue Siyun, they were both left in Heisha Valley by Jiang Chen.

after all.

Feng Wuying was already over a hundred years old, and it was impossible for him to enter the ancient imperial mausoleum with him.

Although Yue Siyue wants to enter the ancient imperial mausoleum with Jiang Chen to find Big sis, her Cultivation Base now enters the ancient imperial mausoleum, which is too dangerous.

Especially after learning about the secrets of some ancient imperial mausoleums from Ye Chengjun’s mouth.

Even if it was Jiang Chen, he was not sure about the safety of Yue Siyun. How could he bring Yue Siyun into it?

Early the next morning.

Jiang Chen left the black evil society alone and headed straight towards the depths of Ji Mie Mountain.

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