Chapter 1222 God-level martial arts, the seal of the emperor!

Human Emperor Jiang Wuya!

Such a title is definitely not something ordinary people can afford.

But one thing is certain, this is definitely not the honorable title on Shenwu Continent.

In the Shenwu Continent, although the powerhouse of the Divine Embryo Realm can be titled the Emperor-level Powerhouse, absolutely no one dares to title the Human Emperor!

The emperor of humanity, the emperor of mankind!

Don’t say it is a Practitioner in the Divine Fetal Realm.

In Shenwu Continent.

I am afraid that only the Vast Sky Great Emperor, who surpassed the emperors ten thousand years ago, was qualified to be the emperor.

The strong of the ruins realm can be titled Emperor in the Shenwu Continent, and the Emperor Vast Sky cannot be called the Emperor of Humanity again.

“Are my parents not from the Shenwu Continent, but from the same another world plane as the Blood Spirit Race? They accidentally appeared in the Shenwu Continent and were saved by Grandpa?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered.

I remember when he first entered Hualong City, Zhao Ya explained to him many things about the universe.

In the universe.

Some of the weaker inferior planes did not have access to God’s Domain.

Even those who are strong in the return to the ruins realm cannot enter the realm of God.


Many inferior planes choose to attach to the middle plane and establish a transmission channel between the two planes.

In this way.

These inferior planes return to the ruins realm powerhouse, can pass the middle plane, obtain the qualification to enter God’s realm!

Based on this information, it is not difficult for Jiang Chen to infer that the relationship between Shenwu Continent and the other world plane where the Blood Spirit Race is located should be like this.


What should happen between the two will the blood spirit race attack the Shenwu Continent.

And Jiang Chen still has a feeling.

All this should have a certain relationship with his parents!

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but suddenly raised his head and said, “Uncle Kui, when you moved from Cangshan City, did you take my father’s trip to the west?”

“Don’t worry, I brought them all.”

“Back then, your father spent most of his time in the study. I have moved the things in the study intact.”

“Young Master, come with me.”

As Jiang Kui said, he took Jiang Chen towards the inner courtyard.

Not long.

Under the leadership of Jiang Kui, Jiang Chen came to a study room that had been left unattended for a long time.

Entering the study, Jiang Chen began to look carefully in the study.

The pattern in the study was obviously carefully arranged by Jiang Kui, almost exactly the same as Jiang Chen remembered.

Jiang Chen scanned the objects in the study one by one, and found nothing unusual.

After a while.

When Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on the row of bookshelves in front of him, he instinctively sensed a weak energy fluctuation.

With this energy fluctuation, there is still a vaguely connected feeling with his blood.

call out!

Jiang Chen appeared in front of the bookshelf in a flash, and began to search in the bookshelf.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on the center of the many books, and he took out a simple booklet from it.

The brochure is about one foot in size and looks very simple and vicissitudes of life, as if it has gone through a history of thousands or even tens of thousands of years.


Its material is very special, just like water and fire.

Even if it has existed for an unknown number of years, it still hasn’t been corroded in the years, and it is very intact.

Jiang Chen opened the pamphlet, only to find that the pamphlet was completely blank without any content.

“What is this blank brochure? Why does it make me feel connected by blood?”

Jiang Chen was shocked.

He flipped through the pamphlet quickly.

When I turned to the last page, I finally found a note clipped in the booklet.

Opening the note, the line of handwriting instantly imprinted in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

Haotian calendar year 12001.

Wu Yu Wushuang was rescued, and the past, like a passing cloud, has disappeared.

Haotian calendar year 12005.

My son Jiang Chen was born. Wushuang said that she wanted to leave and go back to protect our people. I was puzzled.

Haotian calendar year 12219.

I finally understand where Wushuang has gone, and know who I am. I am the leader of the Xuanling mainland human race, the Emperor Jiang Wuya!

Haotian calendar 12220 years.

The blood spirit race is immortal, and the human race is uneasy. I will return and fight for the human race. Here is the seal of the sacred warrior of the remaining human race, my blood, can be enlightened!

Looking at the handwriting on the note, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but set off the stormy waves in his heart.

The few messages on this note are the self-report of his father Jiang Wuya about the time he came to Shenwu Continent.

With this information, Jiang Chen finally understood many things.

The two images captured by Shenwu Jietian Formation are his mother Ji Wushuang and his father Jiang Wuya.

They were from the Profound Spirit Continent, the human leaders of the Profound Spirit Continent, and they came to the Shenwu Continent by accident.

In Xuanling Continent, in addition to the human race, there are also blood spirit races.

They returned to the Profound Spirit Continent in order to fight against the Blood Spirit Race!

Jiang Chen even had some wrong guesses at this moment.

The plane teleportation formation between Shenwu Continent and Xuanling Continent should be established between the human race of Shenwu Continent and Xuanling Continent.

It was only afterwards that something happened in the Profound Spirit Continent, causing the plane teleportation formation to be occupied by the Blood Spirit Clan, and only then did the Blood Spirit Clan attack the Shenwu Continent!

“It looks like we are going to Xuanling Continent.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed, and his mouth could not help but let out a low whisper.


Before heading to the Profound Spirit Continent, he had to go back to Zhongzhou first!

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and directly put the booklet in front of him into the storage ring.

Although this pamphlet was the emperor’s seal of a martial arts scholar left by his father, it looked like a wordless book on the surface.

For a time.

Jiang Chen didn’t know how to open it, so he could only put in the storage ring and slowly searched for a way to open the seal of the emperor.

The father’s affairs have been cleared up, and the Beihuang affairs have also been dealt with. Jiang Chen does not intend to stay in the Beihuang.

He took out a lot of cultivation resources from the Xuanming Pagoda and stayed in the Jiang family.

Just in case, he also placed the awakened Huolin Beast in Jiang’s house.

After the fire monster awakened this time, it had reached the pinnacle of the seventh rank, and its strength was not inferior to the Practitioner of the Soul Peak.

He can also feel relieved that there are fire beasts guarding the Northern Wilderness.

Moreover, the Fire Lin beast has a soul connection with him, and if something happens to the Northern Wilderness, he can also understand it for the first time.

After dealing with everything.

Jiang Chen went directly to the teleportation array that Xiao Duli had arranged in the ancient land and found that the teleportation array was still in a state of destruction and could not be opened.

“It’s been more than a year, Master still hasn’t repaired the teleportation array, and I don’t know what happened to him.”

A worried look passed across Jiang Chen’s eyebrows.

Now that the teleportation array cannot be used, he can only cross the endless sea, Zhongzhou ahead!

A decision was made in my mind.

Jiang Chen’s figure rose into the sky, turned into an afterimage, and disappeared into the sky…

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