Chapter 1221 Human Emperor Jiang Wuya!

Buried outside the emperor Yuan.

The four god-tier soul realm powerhouses, including the gods and swords, stand on the fortress.

Their gazes were quietly looking into the depths of Emperor Burial Abyss.

“It’s been more than 20 days, and I don’t know what happened to Little Friend Jiang Chen in the buried emperor Yuan.”

Long Li sighed lightly, and a worried look appeared between his eyebrows.

The other three people also looked solemn.

Burying Emperor Yuan, the most dangerous forbidden place in the Northern Wilderness, is not because of the name.

For thousands of years, no one has ever walked out of the Practitioner who has entered the Burial Emperor Yuan.

Even if Jiang Chen is strong and tyrannical, entering Emperor Funeral Abyss will probably be a life of nine deaths.

“Don’t worry, everyone who entered the Burial Emperor Abyss in the past did not have the power to reach the Divine Soul Realm.”

“Since the Blood Cultivation of the Divine Soul Realm can survive in the Divine Soul Realm, it proves that the Divine Soul Realm Practitioner is not dangerous to the Divine Soul Realm Practitioner.”

“Wait a few more days to check it out. If Jiang Chen hasn’t returned, I will go down and check it myself.”

Shen Baijian said with a smile.

After hearing the words of God Baijian, everyone looked silent.

If even Jiang Chen couldn’t get out of Emperor Funeral Abyss, even if the four of them entered the Emperor Funeral Abyss together, they would probably have never returned.

call out!

Just when everyone was worried about Jiang Chen in the buried Emperor Yuan.

In the depths of Emperor Funeral Abyss, a black shadow cut through the space and flashed out towards the entrance of Emperor Funeral Abyss.

“It’s Jiang Chen!”

Seeing the black shadow flying by, a look of joy appeared in the eyes of the four gods and swords.

“Everyone, the situation in Emperor Burial Yuan has been resolved by me, so you can rest assured.”

Jiang Chen looked at the four Divine Hundred Swords on the fortress, and the faint laughter resounded directly in everyone’s ears.

“Finally solved it.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, all four of them suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since more than a year ago, another world Xue Xiu appeared in the Northern Wilderness, and they were just like facing the enemy, guarding the burial emperor’s abyss.

Now that all this has been completely resolved by Jiang Chen, their hanging hearts can finally be let go.

The crisis of the Northern Wilderness is lifted, Shen Baijian and others are naturally happy

They held a lively celebration banquet for Jiang Chen directly in the fortress.

At the banquet.

Jiang Chen roughly talked to everyone about the situation in Emperor Burial Abyss, and then talked with Long Li about the situation in the land of the Long Family’s inheritance.

After the banquet is over.

Jiang Chen was concerned about his father’s affairs, and did not stay in the fortress for a long time. He directly bid farewell to everyone and set off for the Great Xia Kingdom.

Two days later.

The imperial capital of Great Xia State, Jiang’s family.

After Jiang Chen returned to Jiang’s house, he immediately called Jiang Kui in front of him.

in memory.

Jiang Kui has been following his father Jiang Wuya since he was sensible, and he should know a lot about his father.

Seeing that Jiang Chen returned to Jiang’s house, he called him aside alone, and Jiang Kui’s face was also puzzled.

He asked curiously: “Young Master, are you looking for something to do with me?”

Although Jiang Chen is already the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Kui still habitually calls Jiang Chen Young Master when he is alone.

Jiang Chen was silent for a while, and said: “Uncle Kui, you have been a teenager with my father.”

“Yes, it’s been more than 20 years, and Young Master was not born yet.”

Jiang Kui said with emotion, and immediately looked at Jiang Chen with a little surprise: “Why did Young Master suddenly ask about this?”

“Not long ago, I went to Funeral Diyuan and it seemed that I found some traces of my father.”

Jiang Chen stared at Jiang Kui tightly: “My father, shouldn’t it be just as simple as the Jiang family Patriarch of Cangshan City, right?”

When Jiang Kui heard this, he looked at Jiang Chen with a shocked look: “Young Master, do you know about your father?”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, “If I knew, I wouldn’t come to ask you.”

“My understanding of my father is actually limited to more than 20 years.”

“It can be said that the entire Jiang family’s understanding of your father is limited to more than 20 years.”

Jiang Kui said word by word: “Your father, including your mother, is actually not from the Jiang family. They were all brought back by the old family owner more than 20 years ago.”


Jiang Chen looked shocked and said: “You mean my parents were brought back by grandpa more than 20 years ago. Where did grandpa bring them back?”

“No one knows where the old patriarch brought them back from. Everyone knew that your father was named Jiang Wuya and your mother was Ji Wushuang.”

“Not long after your father and the others came to Jiang’s house, the old Patriarch passed away. Before he passed away, he rejected all opinions and passed on the position of Patriarch to your father.”

“At that time, I was entrusted by my old family master to assist your father in taking charge of the Jiang family.”

Jiang Kui didn’t conceal it, he told all the things he knew.

“My mother Ji Wushuang, where is she, why have I never seen her?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Do not know why.

When Jiang Chen heard this name, the majestic figure that he saw from the colorful divine light image flashed in his mind.

Could it be his mother who entered the Shenwu Jietian formation first?

And the middle-aged man behind, is really his father Jiang Wuya?

If so.

Who are they and why do they go to the plane where the blood spirit race is located?

“Your mother disappeared from Jiang’s house inexplicably shortly after you were born. Only your father should know where she went.”

“In the years before your mother left, your father often showed a confused look.”

“Later, his expression was no longer confused, but he often stared at a mysterious black stone in a daze.”

Just as Jiang Chen’s mind was full of thoughts, Jiang Kui’s voice rang in Jiang Chen’s ears again.

The mysterious black stone!

When Jiang Chen heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank!

In the image of the colorful divine light, the middle-aged man used a black stone to smash the divine martial arts formation into a gap!

this moment.

Jiang Chen is almost certain that the middle-aged man who appeared in the Seventh Stage Shenguang image is his father Jiang Wuya in all likelihood!

When my father entered the Emperor Burial Abyss, he not only reached the Starry Sky City under the Emperor Burial Abyss, but also went to another world plane through the teleportation formation there!

There is also the woman who went to another world plane before her father, I am afraid it is also his mother Ji Wushuang!

“Young Master, if you want to know the identity of your father, I have a word that may be useful to you.”

Jiang Kui seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen suddenly raised his head: “What are you talking about?”

“I am the Emperor Jiang Wuya!”

Jiang Kui slowly said: “This sentence, I accidentally heard your father talking to himself in a dream.”

Human Emperor Jiang Wuya!

What a noble and domineering title!

Could it be…this is the true identity of father Jiang Wuya?

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