Chapter 1215 The second half of Burial Emperor Yuan!

“In that case, we old guys go in with you, one more person has more strength.”

Zixu Daoist gritted his teeth and said.

“No, you guard here, just in case, I will go in alone.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

Zixu Daoist, even though they have already made a breakthrough in the Divine Soul Realm, they are more than a bit behind him.

If they are allowed to enter together, they will be in danger instead.

“Okay, then we continue to guard here, you are careful.”

Shen Baijian said solemnly: “If you haven’t come out for a month, the old man will go to the funeral of Emperor Yuan himself.”

He gave Jiang Chen a month.

If Jiang Chen returns successfully, naturally everyone will be happy.

If Jiang Chen fails, he will go to Diyuan to continue Jiang Chen’s unfinished mission and destroy the another world channel!

“Little friend Jiang Chen, be careful, I’m still waiting for you to come back to solve my doubts.”

Long Li on the side also looked serious and authentic.

“rest assured.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and immediately turned into a black shadow, swooping down toward Emperor Burial Yuan in front of him!

In the endless abyss.

Jiang Chen stepped on the void and slowly descended towards the bottomless abyss.

In the space around him, as if by some kind of huge boulder that fell from the sky, countless huge spatial cracks were forcibly smashed out.

These cracks are like Devil’s hideous big mouth, about to swallow anyone who enters the abyss.

In the space crack, a space storm raged out.

Even if the Shenhai Realm Practitioner enters here, I am afraid that these space storms will be torn to pieces by accident.

“This Burial Emperor Yuan is really dangerous and dangerous. No wonder that countless Practitioners in the Northern Wilderness have entered it and never returned. I don’t know what father they did here back then.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself authentically.

Back then, his father was no more than the strength of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage, and entering this Emperor Burial Abyss was undoubtedly a life of nine deaths.

Carefully avoiding these spatial cracks, Jiang Chen went all the way down.

I don’t know how long it took.

In the dark abyss below, a ray of light finally emerged.


The bright light quickly magnified in Jiang Chen’s line of sight, and the outline of half of the city also appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight in an instant.

“In the Burial Emperor Abyss, half of the city is actually located here.”

Jiang Chen’s heart was shocked.

When he first arrived outside Emperor Funeral Abyss, he found that Emperor Funeral Abyss was shaped like half a city, as if a city outside the sky had been split into two halves, half of which had smashed into Emperor Funeral Abyss abruptly!

Could it be… his guess is true?

It’s just where did this city come from, and who was it that fell here with a sword?

Split the huge city with one sword!

Jiang Chen couldn’t imagine how Realm’s Practitioner could reach such a terrifying level.

Return to the emperor of the ruins realm, or return to the top of the ruins realm?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and quickly swept towards the city below.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Jiang Chen finally successfully landed on a huge square in the city.

With a slight glance, Jiang Chen had a panoramic view of the surrounding situation.

This is a city made entirely of starry sky meteorites. The city was split into two halves with a sword, and the other half has more buildings in the area.

The layout of this half of the city that fell in the buried emperor’s abyss seemed very simple.

Except for the few destroyed buildings that were in shape, only this huge meteorite square at the feet of Jiang Chen remained.

Because it has been in dust for more than many years.

A thick layer of dust has accumulated on the square.

Countless limbs and bones, broken armors, buried in the thick dust.

Everything seems to indicate that this was once an ancient battlefield!

“This…this is Starry Sky City, you have found the legendary Starry Sky City!”

Just as Jiang Chen was looking at the half of the city in front of him, an incredible scream suddenly rang in Jiang Chen’s mind.

This voice is exactly the blood river that has been silent for a long time.

“Blood River, you can finally give up. Listening to your tone, you seem to know the city in front of you?”

Jiang Chen was overjoyed and couldn’t help asking hastily.

“You think that the emperor, it was not because you entered Hualong City.”

“In that Dragon City, there was a will that surpassed the Great Emperor Guixu Realm, and he immediately noticed my existence.”

“If I didn’t move fast enough to fall into a deep sleep state with a secret method, I am afraid that I would have been directly obliterated by that will!”

Xuehe said in an angry tone.

“Uh… I didn’t expect this to happen.”

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said directly: “Okay, stop talking nonsense, tell me about the so-called Star City.”

“I once saw the record of Star City in a handwritten note in the Hall of Blood Demon.”

Xuehe was silent for a while, and said: “Do you know the origin of the Blood Demon Hall?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed, and he suddenly thought of something, and couldn’t help but lose his voice: “Blood Demon Hall, is it related to those bloody practitioners in another world?”

“That is not a practitioner of the blood path, but the blood spirit race on another world plane.”

After Xuehe finished speaking, a faint voice also sounded directly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“In 1888 in the Haotian calendar, our clan came and aggressively attacked the Shenwu Continent.”

“Shenwu Continent peak powerhouse Vast Sky Great, led all the emperors to fight with my clan in the city of stars, and burned with my clan’s strong jade.”

“My fluke survived in Shenwu Continent and founded the Blood Demon Hall…”

The text in the Mouth of the Blood River is exactly the record in the manuscript of the Hall Master of Blood Demon.

This text records the life deeds of the Lord of the Blood Demon Hall.

He established the Blood Demon Palace, in addition to wanting to rule the Shenwu Continent, he also had an important purpose, which was to find the fallen starry sky city!

Because Star City has a plane teleportation array from the Blood Spirit Race to the Shenwu Continent.

As long as you find Fallen Star City and activate the plane teleportation array, the Blood Spirit Race can come again!

“In the Burial Emperor Abyss, there really is a teleportation array connecting the different planes.”

There was a flash of light in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and he immediately raised his head to look for the starry sky city in front of him.

After a while.

Jiang Chen’s gaze stayed at the end of the square.

There, there is a huge altar the size of a thousand meters.

The entire altar was shrouded in a bright colorful light, making people unable to see the situation on the altar.

What shocked Jiang Chen most was.

Under the bright colorful divine light, there was a monstrous and complete, red blood like blood.

Jiang Chen vaguely felt that the colorful divine light existed to suppress the demon blood light!

Because in that bloody light, there was an extremely terrifying breath.

Even Jiang Chen felt a sense of tremor in the face of this breath.

“Under this altar, what exactly is suppressing?”

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