Chapter 1214 Kill the Quartet and bury the Emperor Yuan!

“Ha ha……”

“This guy is the number one evildoer in the Northern Wilderness, and it can’t be described by common sense.”

“For more than a year, even old guys like us can make such changes, let alone him.”

Heavenly Moon Sovereign Supreme Elder Xu Qiuya said with a smile.

Over the past year, they have fought countless times with this group of blood repairers from another world, and they have always been at a disadvantage.

Now that Jiang Chen descended in the air, his shot was a punch that exploded a blood repair in the Second Stage realm of the soul!

Next, they will undoubtedly be much easier.

“Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base, I am afraid that it will be at least the Fourth Stage of the Soul. Let’s prepare for a decisive battle. Maybe today we will be able to determine the universe in one battle!”

Shen Baijian’s eyes skyrocketed, and a rare smile appeared on his face.

With Jiang Chen’s demonstrated strength, in a one-on-one situation, no one of these blood repairs in another world should be his opponent.

As long as they create opportunities for Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen may be able to kill these another world blood repairs one by one!

call out!

Just when Shen Baijian and the others were excited, in the huge pit that the purple hair and blood repair smashed below, an illusory blood shadow shot up into the sky and shot directly at Jiang Chen.

“Oops, it’s the soul with purple hair and blood repair!”

Seeing the bloody shadow that suddenly attacked Jiang Chen, Shen Baijian and the others couldn’t help but change slightly.

The soul of the Divine Soul Realm King has been transformed, even if the body is broken, it can be immortal.

They were so excited that they forgot about it!

“act recklessly!”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, the king’s will of Divine Soul Seventh Stage, overwhelmingly suppressed towards the Divine Soul of Zifa Xuexiu.


Zifaxuexiu’s spirit suddenly screamed, and was immediately shattered by Jiang Chen’s powerful spirit will, and completely dissipated into the void.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but took a breath.

The dignified soul of the Second Stage powerhouse was obliterated in the blink of an eye under Jiang Chen’s will!

Such a spirit will be too terrifying.

“Retreat! Quickly return to Emperor Burial Yuan!”

On the other side, the look of another world headed by Xue Xiuli Qianxue couldn’t help but change drastically.

This black-clothed youth who appeared suddenly was too strong, not an ordinary Divine Soul Realm Practitioner at all.

If the fighting continues, I am afraid they will all be buried in the hands of the black-clothed youth.


“Want to escape? Can you escape?”

“Since it’s here, leave it all to me.”

Jiang Chen let out a cold snort, his body pierced through the void, punching the blood repair of one of the souls, First Stage, and blasting past.


Jingtian Quan Jin instantly penetrated the body of that Xue Xiu, causing his body to burst apart!

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, the Practitioner of the first stage of the soul is no different from the ants in front of him.

Under his punch, the blood repair of the first stage of the gods and souls, both the body and the gods and souls, was bombarded and killed into nothingness!

With a punch, the soul is destroyed!

“You go first!”

Li Qianxue was extremely frightened, and the spirit of the third stage ascension was at its extreme, and his figure instantly turned into a bloody shadow, rushing towards Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.

The strength of this black-clothed youth is too terrifying.

If he doesn’t stop him, I am afraid that none of them will be able to leave today!

“Can you stop me?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, stretched out his palm and lightly grabbed the bloody shadow in the sky.

This seemingly fluttering claw is like piercing a layer of window paper, directly penetrating through the bloody shadow of the sky, and then gently pinching a Daoist shadow inside.

In an instant…

The bloody shadows all over the sky are like shattered glass, turning into thousands of bloody shards scattered from the sky.

And above the sky.

I saw that Li Qianxue’s figure had been grabbed by Jiang Chen with one hand, and he was held in the air like an eagle catching a chicken.

“you you……”

Li Qianxue was suddenly panicked.

Jiang Chen downplayed the first claw and directly imprisoned his body completely. He couldn’t even reverse the Meridians and explode his body!


“Boy, you wait for me.”

“When Master Jiuyou recovers, our clan army will come again, and I will definitely let you taste how life is better than death!”

Li Qianxue roared, and his soul flew out of his body.

In an emergency, Li Qianxue abandoned his body without hesitation, and rushed to the depths of Emperor Burial Abyss in a panic.

“Want to escape?”

Jiang Chen gripped Li Qianxue’s claw lightly, shattering Li Qianxue’s body, and then stepped out of his foot in the void, directly appearing on top of Li Qianxue’s spirit.

“Do not!”

Looking at Jiang Chen who had stepped into the sky, Li Qianxue’s eyes suddenly cracked.

It’s just that Jiang Chen’s foot is almost at its extreme, he has no time to react, and he has been pressed by Jiang Chen’s foot.

In an instant…

Li Qianxue’s spirit, like a squashed balloon, banged and exploded into powder.

The spirit of Li Qianxue was crushed with one foot.

Jiang Chen looked at the five another world Xue Xiu who was fleeing in a panic, and his figure rushed out again.

boom! boom! boom!

Shocking explosions continued to reverberate at the entrance of Emperor Burial Yuan. With each explosion, the body of another world blood repairer turned into a blood mist in the sky.

Just a few breaths.

Five another world blood repairers have been killed by Jiang Chen all the time!

“This… this won?”

Shenbaijian and the others stared at this scene blankly, their mouths opened so that they could fit a duck egg.

They gathered the power of the entire Northern Wilderness before they could barely contend with this group of another world blood repair!

But Jiang Chen arrived in less than half an hour, he would cut melons and vegetables directly, and generally kill all these blood repairs!

Haven’t seen it in more than a year.

This guy is as perverted as ever.

“God Hundred Swords, I want to go to Emperor Burial Abyss. You continue to guard here, if another world blood repair comes out of Burial Emperor Abyss, be sure to intercept it.”

Killing eight another world Xuexiu in an understatement, Jiang Chen turned around and glanced at Shen Baijian and the others, and couldn’t help speaking indifferently.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, are you going to be buried in Diyuan?”

When Shen Baijian and others heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

For thousands of years, Burial Emperor Yuan has long become the first forbidden place in the Northern Wilderness. There have been countless powerful people entering it, but in the end there is no return.

Even if Jiang Chen’s strength is overwhelming, it is very likely that he will fall to Emperor Burial Yuan.


“Since these other world blood repairs have appeared in Emperor Burying Abyss, it proves that Emperor Burying Abyss has a channel connecting the plane of another world.”

“I must enter the Emperor Burying Abyss and destroy this passage.”

Jiang Chen’s expression was a bit solemn and authentic.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, everyone’s expressions could not help but change drastically.

After more than a year of confrontation, they knew something about these blood repairs in another world.

They even knew that these blood repairs in another world were closely related to the great catastrophe of Shenwu Continent ten thousand years ago.

Since Emperor Burial Yuan has a channel to connect to another world, they must destroy it!


Shenwu Continent is bound to have endless troubles.

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