Chapter 1196 Sword Duel!

“First sword, sword up!”

Ling Han let out a cold drink, and when he interrupted his sword, he swung his sword at Jiang Chen without warning!

call out!

A Nether Sword Ray burst out suddenly and fell down.

The amazing Sword intent and powerful attack made everyone under the martial arts platform clearly feel it.

Some of the weaker people only felt their minds trembled, as if under that sword, their whole person would be shattered!


Sword Ray cut through the space, and in the blink of an eye, he slashed on the condensed gas of Jiang Chen’s immortal golden body.

An invisible energy storm swept across the entire martial arts platform in an instant.

Under the terrifying energy storm, Jiang Chen’s golden body sitting cross-legged, rubbed the ground and retreated two or three meters away.

“The strength of this guy… really strong!”

Jiang Chen lowered his head and glanced at the faint bloodstain on his chest, astonished in his heart.

Just now Ling Han’s sword not only shook him back two or three meters, but one of them, Sword Qi, forcibly pierced the indestructible golden body guard, leaving a sword mark on his body!

But fortunately, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base under Ling Han’s sword finally reached a level of Ascension, reaching the Realm of the Seventh Stage early stage of the Cultivation Base.

Cultivation Base First Stage is divided into three small Realm, each small Realm has three stages: Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and Peak.

The early stage of the Seventh Stage is great, and it is also the Realm of the Second Stage.

When Jiang Chen was still in the early stage of the Seventh Stage, he was able to block Ling Han’s attack with his indestructible golden body.

With Cultivation Base breakthrough now, Jiang Chen is also confident to block Ling Han’s next sword!

“Second sword, sword cut!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was blocking the first sword of own, there was no change in Ling Lianqing’s face. He interrupted the sword with an indomitable momentum, and cut it out again with one sword!

This sword, whether it is Sword Power or Sword Qi, is three points stronger than the first sword.


The dazzling Sword Ray, with the domineering power to destroy everything, once again fell on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s golden body trembled, and he rubbed the ground again and retreated a few meters away.

Two more red blood stains appeared on his bronzed gold body in an instant.

Even the body protection qi around the body became a bit dim under this sword.

“Your Excellency’s immortal golden body is indeed very strong, and it can block my first two swords so easily.”

“But I still have a third sword, which is also my strongest sword.”

“If you still use the indestructible golden body to resist my third sword, I am afraid you will definitely die!”

Ling Han held the broken sword in his hand, his expression still incomparably cold, but the sword power all over his body became more and more terrifying.

“Your kendo is also very good, today I will use my kendo to meet you this third sword!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and he stood up directly to disperse the eternal gold, and the blood dragon sword flashed out of thin air directly in his hand.

This guy in front of him is indeed a terrifying genius in Kendo!

The strength of the Seventh Stage of Divine Soul, the Sword intent of the Third Stage, and the mastery of sword skills are also extraordinary, one sword is better than one sword.

Although Jiang Chen’s Seventh Stage Early Stage Dacheng Cultivation Base, combined with the God-level martial arts immortal golden body, is enough to resist the attack of the ordinary Seventh Stage Practitioner.

But the Ling Han in front of him is not an ordinary Practitioner, but a genius sword repairer with combat power and Transcendent!

Facing this guy’s supreme sword, Jiang Chen really didn’t have the confidence to hold it down.

In order to show respect to this guy, Jiang Chen decided to use the sword against the sword.

He wants to use his strongest sword to have a kendo duel with Ling Han!

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