Chapter 1195 Fifth Floor Martial King, Ling Han!

“The golden body of the donor is rare in the world, and the monk is convinced to lose!”

After more than ten tricks failed to break Jiang Chen’s immortal golden body, Tang Prison finally chose to admit defeat.

He had clearly sensed that Jiang Chen’s defense of the immortal golden body had been continuously increasing with his attacks.

This guy in front of him is clearly using his attack to refine!

He doesn’t want to continue to be Jiang Chen’s free sparring partner!


Seeing that Tang Prison was forced by Jiang Chen to surrender, everyone watching around couldn’t help but twitch.

To know.

Tang Prison is a strong nine-game winning streak on the fifth floor of the Shenglong Tower. His strength has reached the peak of the Seventh Stage middle stage.

His combat power is better than that of the Practitioner at the peak of the Sixth Stage of the Soul!

In the entire fifth floor of Shenglong Tower, except for the two Martial Kings who reached the Seventh Stage of the Soul, almost no one was an opponent of Tang Prison.

But even in such a powerful Tang Prison, even Jiang Chen’s defense was not broken!

this moment.

These testers on the martial arts battlefield can no longer imagine how terrifying Jiang Chen’s strength has reached!

“Through killing, I am afraid this guy will kill again on the fifth floor.”

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen, who was still sitting on the martial arts stage, and they couldn’t help shaking their heads and laughing bitterly.

Even the Tang Prison was abused by Jiang Chen and turned into scum. Now besides the fifth floor Martial King, who would dare to go up and find Jiang Chen’s trouble?

“Hey… look at it, someone is going up again to challenge.”

At this moment, a sharp-eyed tester suddenly pointed to somewhere and cried out.

Everyone looked up and found a cold-clothed young man with a broken sword on his back, walking towards the martial arts platform step by step.

“This… isn’t this Martial King Ling Han who has disappeared for half a year, he actually made a move!”

Everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

Ling Han, this is the most talented figure on the fifth floor of the Shenglong Tower in the past year!

Less than half a year after he entered the fifth floor, he used a broken sword on the fifth floor to kill the Quartet and won the title of Martial King on the fifth floor.


After Ling Han was awarded the title of Martial King, he completely disappeared on the fifth floor.

In the past six months, there has been no news about Ling Han on the fifth floor.

They all thought that Ling Han had already entered the sixth floor of the Dragon Tower, but they didn’t expect Ling Han to show up at this time!

Half a year ago, Ling Han used the strength of the Sixth Stage of the Soul to kill the Martial King of the Seventh Stage of the Soul!

Now that half a year has passed, Ling Han’s strength may have become even more terrifying.

He is now on stage to fight Jiang Chen, and this battle has become interesting.

“On the fifth floor, Martial King Ling Han, he came here to teach your master tricks. I wonder if you dare to fight?”

Ling Han stepped onto the martial arts stage, staring at Jiang Chen, his cold face also burst out with a terrifying warfare!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “It is my honor to be able to fight Martial King, please!”

“It seems you are not going to make a move yet?”

Ling Han looked at Jiang Chen who was still sitting in the same place, his eyes slightly cold: “Although your indestructible golden body has a strong defense, it may not be able to block my sword!”

“If you can’t stop it, you’ll know if you try.”

Jiang Chen still smiled faintly: “If you can break my indestructible golden body, I will fight you!”

“Okay! Let me see how many swords your so-called indestructible golden body can block me!”

Ling Han’s voice fell, and backhand pulled out the broken sword behind him.

In an instant…

A huge Sword intent that shocked the sky instantly spread from Ling Han’s body!

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