Chapter 1192 Trash that can’t even be defensively broken!

As Jiang Chen’s voice fell.

A dazzling golden light burst out suddenly from his body.

During the burst of golden light, Jiang Chen’s figure rapidly increased, and a burst of crackling bone distortion sounded continuously.

It only takes a few breaths.

Jiang Chen’s figure has been abruptly raised by two or three times, and he looks like the same golden armor God of War, exuding an aura of dominance over the world.

“Is this the power of the immortal golden body? It is indeed an emperor-level martial arts, and it really is not as powerful as usual.”

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but exclaim in his heart.

Although this immortal golden body and Taixu combat body are both martial arts, but there are certain differences.

The original Taixu combat body was actually an attacking technique, with three powerful and domineering Taixu styles.

And this immortal golden body directly took his physical strength Ascension to another level.

Jiang Chen could almost feel it clearly.

After using the Immortal Golden Body, whether it is power or defense, he is more than 30% Ascension!

Originally, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base breakthrough Seventh Stage was not long ago, which is equivalent to the Divine Soul First Stage.

Now that the Immortal Golden Body is cast, even if the Practitioner of the Fourth Stage of the Soul is standing in front of him, Jiang Chen is confident with a punch.

Not only that.

The defense of the Immortal Golden Body is also far stronger than the defense of the ordinary Soul Fourth Stage Practitioner.

Even the Practitioner of the Soul Fifth Stage and even the Soul Sixth Stage, I am afraid I can never easily break through the defense of the indestructible golden body!

simply put.

This immortal golden body is actually somewhat similar to the Dayan Cloud Swallowing technique that Jiang Chen once mastered, and it is something that can instantly Ascension strength.

Dayan Cloud Swallowing Ascension is the Martial Dao Cultivation Base, and the indestructible golden body Ascension is the physical power.

But the Immortal Golden Body is undoubtedly much stronger than Dayan Cloud Swallowing Technique.

The power growth it brought to Jiang Chen not only far surpassed Dayan Swallowing Technique, but it also had no restrictions.

Once the indestructible golden body is condensed, unless someone can defeat it, the power of the indestructible golden body will not disappear!

This indestructible golden body is worthy of the title of emperor-level martial arts, and it is indeed extremely powerful!

Condensing the indestructible golden body, Jiang Chen didn’t mean to do anything at all. Instead, he sat down unhurriedly under countless dull gazes in the martial arts arena.

“Du Chuan, don’t you want my head to receive the reward, I will give you a chance now, you can do it.”

Jiang Chen looked at Du Chuan with a smile, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raised a strange arc.

Since the Immortal Golden Body is so powerful, Jiang Chen is simply not ready to do it.

He planned to sit here for Du Chuan to fight, and contribute a little experience value to his invincible refining technique.

“Jiang Chen, since you are looking for death by yourself, then I will fulfill you!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen dared to treat him so contemptuously, Du Chuan groaned in anger, and immediately brought a storm of vitality between his palms, and slapped Jiang Chen with a palm.


The Yuanli Storm instantly fell on the golden gas of Jiang Chen’s body, and a crisp metal crash sounded through the air.


Du Chuan’s figure trembled slightly, and the whole person was retreated for seven or eight steps.

He looked up at Jiang Chen, who was sitting motionless, and finally an incredible horror appeared in his eyes!

This… how is this possible?

But when Du Chuan was shocked, Jiang Chen’s disdainful voice rang again.

“Du Chuan, if you have this strength, don’t be embarrassed here.”

“A rubbish that can’t even break my defenses. I really don’t know where you have the courage to kill me?”

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