Chapter 1191 Immortal Golden Body, Consolidate Me!

“Brother Jiang Chen, although you are Transcendent, Zhuang Lige’s soaring price reward is bound to make Martial King-level trials rush.”

“You have to be cautious when you go to the martial arts arena in the future.”

At this moment, the blue-clothed youth solemnly reminded him.

“Thanks for reminding, I will be careful.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, then bid farewell to the blue-clothed youth and strode towards the central fighting arena.

Push open the door of the martial arts arena.

When Jiang Chen walked into the martial arts arena, he felt a lot of eyes on him.

“Hey… isn’t this Jiang Chen, the invincible God of War who was rewarded by Zhuang Lige’s sky-high price? He actually came to the battlefield!”

“Cut! A little bit of a fourth-stage hairy boy who dares to call the invincible God of War, he can also be king in the first few floors.”

“Tsk tusk…If he dares to hurt the martial arts platform, I will set the reward of the three thousand god crystals!”


Hearing the comments coming from around, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

These guys seem to treat him as prey that can be hunted at will.


He will soon let these people know who is whose prey!

Ignoring the gazes of the surrounding testers, Jiang Chen walked to a relatively small position and quietly followed the battle on the martial arts platform.

On the martial stage.

Both of them are the Cultivation Base of the Soul Fifth Stage. One comprehend the true meaning of the Third Stage Xiaocheng’s fire, and the other comprehended the true meaning of the Third Stage Xiaocheng’s Thunder.

After about thirty strokes.

The young man who understood the true meaning of the Third Stage Thunder finally caught an opponent’s flaw and flew it out of the martial arts stage.

After defeating his opponent, the young man who understood the true meaning of Lei Dao obviously consumed a lot of money, and did not intend to continue to challenge, so he jumped off the martial arts platform.

“Next, who else will be on the martial arts platform?”

As the young man came off the court, the faint voice of the black referee resounded.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen’s figure turned into an afterimage, and in a flash, he landed on the martial arts platform in the center.


Seeing Jiang Chen appearing on the martial arts platform, there was an uproar around the martial arts arena!


They didn’t expect that the guy who was offered a reward at the sky-high price by Zhuang Lige really had the guts to go to the martial arts stage!

this moment.

Many people’s eyes on Jiang Chen became extremely hot.

after all.

Jiang Chen’s head is very valuable now.

As long as you kill it, you can get a reward of three thousand god crystals.

Even for the Martial King on the fifth floor, three thousand god crystals are a huge asset.

“Ha ha……”

“Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect you to really dare to go to the martial arts stage.”

“In this case, Du Chuan laughed at Zhuang Lige’s offer of three thousand crystals.”

Just as everyone was eager to try, a grim-faced Scarab youth took the lead and appeared first on the Wudoutai.

“Damn it, Du Chuan was the first to board!”

Seeing this scene, some Practitioners who were a step slower than Du Chuan couldn’t help showing an annoyed look.

Du Chuan, Sixth Stage Cultivation Base, the fifth layer of the eight-game winning streak.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen is no more than the Cultivation Base of the Fourth Stage of the Soul, and now Du Chuan is the first to make a move. I am afraid that they will be completely out of play.

Jiang Chen faintly looked at Du Chuan in front of him, but there was a scornful smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Ha ha……”

“If you want to take my head to receive a reward, then you have to see if you have this ability!”

“Indestructible golden body, condense me!”

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