Chapter 1157 Dragon City!

Jiang Chen tried his best, but in the end he couldn’t open the door of the ancient temple.

In desperation, Jiang Chen could only look at the plane teleportation array in the center of the Great Hall again.

This mysterious ancient temple is called the place of trial by the Long Family, but there is no trial in the ancient temple, there is only such a plane teleportation array.

Could it be that the opposite side of the plane teleportation array is the real test place?

“Fine, since you can’t get out, let’s check it out.”

Jiang Chen shook his head secretly.

If he guessed correctly, when he was qualified to enter the ancient temple, the plane teleportation array had already been activated.

The plane teleportation array is turned on, which means the trial is turned on.

And this trial should be a program that has already been set up, and once it is started, there is no way to go back.

Now he has no choice but to enter the trial land to participate in this unknown trial.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and strode directly into the teleportation formation.


At the moment Jiang Chen stepped into the teleportation formation, the teleportation formation burst out a burst of brilliant golden light.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen only felt the world spin for a while, and his body suddenly accelerated.

Even if Jiang Chen’s physical strength is strong, there is a feeling that his body is about to be torn for a while.

The bright golden glow wrapped Jiang Chen’s body, and quickly broke through the void, into a very dark space channel.

I don’t know how long it took.

Jiang Chen only felt his body shook, and finally rushed out of the dark space channel.

“Is this the place of real trials.”

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the strange world in front of him, and he couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

What appeared in front of Jiang Chen was a cliff that was several thousand feet high.

The initial entrance of Jiang Chen’s teleportation formation was located at the top of the cliff.

Looking down from the top of the cliff, you can see the misty clouds and mists of Yuanli, which are thousands of miles away!

And in this Yuanli cloud and mist, there is a ten thousand-foot high mountain, like Optimus Prime, straight into the cloud.

On the high mountain, a magnificent golden giant city is crawling there like a golden dragon.

The wall of the giant city is as high as tens of feet, exuding the ancient and majestic atmosphere.

“What a god city!”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and immediately flicked towards the golden giant city.

The situation in this trial site completely surpassed Jiang Chen’s expectations. He had to figure out what exactly it was here.

A quarter of an hour later.

Jiang Chen came to the golden giant city.

Look at it at a glance.

Jiang Chen’s eyes fell on the more than ten feet tall gate of the golden giant city. At the top of the city gate, there are three huge golden fonts-Hualongcheng!

These three fonts exude an infinitely powerful coercion between them.

Even with the strength of Jiang Chen Divine Soul Realm King, just looking at it, there is a feeling of heart palpitations.

Jiang Chen didn’t doubt that if he stared at these three fonts for a longer time with his strength, he would be confused and collapsed!

“Who did this plaque of Dragon City come from?”

Jiang Chen was shocked.

With just three fonts, the King of Souls and Souls can be killed at a distance of thousands of meters. I don’t know what kind of terrifying Realm the owner of this plaque has reached?

Emperor Realm? The emperor? Or above the emperor?

Jiang Chen suppressed the horror in his heart and walked slowly towards the gate of the city.

On the golden avenue leading to Hualongcheng, there are also a few sporadic Practitioners along the way.

“These guys…”

The gaze swept across these young Practitioners, and Jiang Chen’s eyes also showed a shocking color that could not be concealed.

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