Chapter 1156 Plane Teleportation Array!

Enter the ancient temple.

Jiang Chen glanced away, and immediately fell on the stone platform in the center of the classic.

This is a huge round stone platform with a diameter of several tens of feet.

On the surface of the stone platform, various mysterious and primitive runes are depicted. These runes have been fully activated at this moment, exuding all kinds of dazzling light.

Vaguely, Jiang Chen seemed to feel a simple and reckless aura exuding, which made people secretly startled.

“This is…space formation?”

Jiang Chen’s pupils shrank slightly.

His attainments in formation are not weak, and he can see at a glance that the stone platform should be a Spatial Teleportation formation.

It’s just that the formation of this space is extremely complex, and many formation runes are simply unheard of.

When Jiang Chen entered the Zhongzhou mainland, he had seen a lot of Spatial Teleportation.

But even the ultra-long-distance teleportation array arranged by Master Xiao Duli, is far from being comparable to the formation in front of me!

A huge teleportation array with a diameter of hundreds of meters!

Where can such a Spatial Teleportation array be transmitted to?

Jiang Chen couldn’t imagine it!

The Spatial Teleportation array arranged by Master Xiao Duli, perhaps even less than 1% of this teleportation array, could already connect the Northern Wilderness and the Central State Continent.

The teleportation formation in front of me, I am afraid that the distance of ten Shenwu Continents in the sky is enough.

“Ding! You watch the plane teleportation array for ten minutes to trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend the essence of some planes teleportation formation.”

Just when Jiang Chen was shocked by the Spatial Teleportation in front of him, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

The system’s prompt sound also made Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly shrink!

Plane teleportation array!

After Jiang Chen entered Yandi City, he also learned many secrets that are difficult for ordinary people to touch.

According to the ancient records of Yandi City, there should be countless planes similar to the Shenwu Continent in the Universe.

Thousands of years ago, the great calamity of Shenwu Continent, the powerhouse of the emperor realm disappeared overnight. It is said that some people guessed that they had left Shenwu Continent and went to a higher plane.

If the legendary teleportation formation in front of you is really a plane, wouldn’t it be possible to leave Shenwu Continent through the teleportation formation in front of you and enter other planes?

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

Combining everything that happened in the Long Family, he soon wanted to understand a lot of things.

According to his guess, the secret realm in this space that happened in the ancestors of the Long family back then was probably left by the strong from other planes.

When the Long Family disappeared from the Northern Wilderness Continent, I am afraid that it was through this place that they left the Northern Wilderness Continent!

Jiang Chen stared closely at the plane formation, and a hesitant expression flashed across his face.

Do you want to use the plane to teleport the formation to the other side of the plane formation, see?


He didn’t know exactly where the formation was teleported to, and he didn’t even know whether it could come back easily after the teleportation.

Now he still has many things to deal with in Shenwu Continent, but he doesn’t want to leave just like that.

“Forget it, after dealing with the matter of Shenwu Continent, let’s talk about it later when I have a chance.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and turned around to leave the ancient palace.

Only when Jiang Chen turned and left did he realize that the gate of the ancient palace could not be opened!

The gate of the ancient temple closed automatically just now, and Jiang Chen didn’t care.

But now the gate of the ancient temple can’t be opened.

Even if he showed the power of the Divine Soul Realm King, he still couldn’t shake the gate of the ancient palace!

Lying in a trough!

Can’t you go out?

Jiang Chen was speechless to the extreme.

Can only enter but not exit, this ancient temple is too cheating.

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