Chapter 1151 Kill you, just slap it!


“A guy who doesn’t have all the fur, dare to speak up in front of me.”

“Boy, since you are so anxious to find death, then I will kill you first!”

Jiang Chen’s contemptuous words also made Lu Shenfeng’s eyes flashed a touch of coldness.

Who is he Lu Shenfeng?

The leader of the Kamikaze mercenary group, the only powerhouse in the Black Dragon City who is as famous as the president of the Black Dragon Merchant Guild!

Even in the entire Northern Wilderness Continent, that is the strong man standing at the top of the pyramid, and there are only a handful of people who can defeat him!

This hairy boy in front of him wanted to kill him in a delusion, it was a foolish dream!

“You want to kill me?”

Jiang Chen turned aside and said lazily, “Come on, I’ll give you a chance to do it. Otherwise, if you wait for me to do it, you might not even have the chance to make a move. If I want to kill you, I’ll just slap you. .”

“court death!”

Lu Shenfeng’s eyes were cold, and his figure appeared above Jiang Chen’s head with a twinkle. A giant silver power claw on his palm directly grabbed Jiang Chen’s head fiercely.

Facing Lu Shenfeng’s fierce blow, Jiang Chen’s expression remained unchanged.

I saw that he stretched out his palm calmly, and gently shook the giant claw of Yuanli above his head. The giant claw of Yuanli was instantly condensed by a strange spatial force.


Condensing Lu Shenfeng’s attack lightly, Jiang Chen snapped his fingers, and the Yuanli giant claw crashed to pieces in midair.

“This… how is this possible!”

Lu Shenfeng’s expression changed drastically, and an inexplicable chill came from his heart.

Just as he was about to retreat, Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped him over.

The next moment…

Lu Shenfeng seemed to feel that the space around him was imprisoned. Even if he burst out with all his strength, it was difficult for him to break free. He could only watch Jiang Chen’s palm expand rapidly in his pupils.


The palm wind arrived in a blink of an eye.

Under Jiang Chen’s slap, Lu Shenfeng fell from mid-air like a broken kite, and finally slammed into the ground to create a huge hole.

Most of his body was buried in the ground, and only one head was exposed on the ground. There was no breath of life in his whole body. Only those eyes were still wide open, revealing the color of boundless panic.


Seeing Lu Kamikaze’s miserable appearance that he could no longer die, there was a dead silence all around him.

Whether it is Long Li and others, or the strong of the Kamikaze mercenary group, it has been a long time to recover from the horror.

The head of the dignified Kamikaze mercenary group, the powerhouse of Shenhai Sixth Stage, was so scared to death by Jiang Chen’s casual slap!


This guy is too scary.

“This son is too terrifying, the Kamikaze mercenary group is over, let’s run for our lives.”

Those strong kamikaze mercenary groups came back to their senses, where they dared to continue to bring them here, they all fled like frightened birds.

Jiang Chen didn’t even glance at the fleeing Kamikaze mercenary group, and said directly to Long Li: “President Long, you can solve the rest by yourself.”

The strongest of the kamikaze mercenary group is no more than the Cultivation Base of Shenhaiyi Second Stage.

This kind of stuff was completely like an ant in Jiang Chen’s eyes, he didn’t even have any interest in making a move.

“Thank you brother Jiang Chen.”

Long Li came back to his senses, thanked Jiang Chen, and then sternly shouted: “The Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce listens to the order, follow me to calm the Shenfeng mercenary group!”

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