Chapter 1150 Shenhai Sixth Stage, I kill faster!


“A tiny little boy who dares to be so arrogant in front of my Kamikaze mercenary group!”

“Boy, no matter what you rely on, my kamikaze mercenary group can’t spare you today!”

Lu Shenfeng smiled coldly, then waved his big hand: “Hand, take this kid for me!”

“Lu Shenfeng, you acted on my guests at the door of my Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. Is it true that my Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is not a vegetarian?”

Long Li let out a cold snort, and his whole person instantly became murderous.

Lu Shenfeng’s gaze narrowed: “Long Li, I must take this kid with you today. Is your Black Dragon Merchant Guild really going to fight my Shenfeng mercenary group for him?”

“If you want to fight, then fight!”

Long Li was not afraid: “In the past six months, your Shenfeng Mercenary Corps has oppressed the Black Dragon Merchant Guild and seized control of the Black Dragon City. I just want you to settle this account.”

The Land of Long Family Heritage is about to open.

Long Li originally planned to go to the Kamikaze Mercenary Group to settle the account after the matter was over, but who knew that the Kamikaze Mercenary Group actually came to the door.

And this matter also involves Jiang Chen.

Whether their Long Family can uncover the secrets of the inheritance land, all hope lies in Jiang Chen.

Even if he did not hesitate to fight with the Kamikaze Mercenary Group, he would never let Jiang Chen fall into the hands of the Kamikaze Mercenary Group.

“Okay! Today, I, Lu Shenfeng, will learn about your strength as the president of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce!”

Lu Shenfeng’s eyes flashed brilliantly, and the momentum of Shenhai Sixth Stage burst out in an instant.

“Shenhai Sixth Stage!”

“It turns out that you have made a breakthrough in Cultivation Base. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant in front of me!”

Long Li smiled coldly: “But… do you think that breakthrough Shenhai Sixth Stage is qualified to be arrogant in front of me.”

Lu Shenfeng has made a breakthrough, but he has not made no progress in the past six months. His Cultivation Base has reached the peak of Shenhai Sixth Stage.

If it weren’t because the land of the Long Family Heritage is about to open, just give him half a month, and Long Li will be sure to break through the Seventh Stage of the Shenhai!

Even though Lu Shenfeng also breaks through the Sixth Stage of Shenhai, what fear does he have?

“Do you have that qualification? Try it and you will know?”

Lu Shenfeng’s eyes sank, and a fierce storm of silver vitality swept away in an instant.

“Lu Shenfeng, since you sent it to the door to find death by yourself, then I will fulfill you!”

Long Li’s eyes suddenly burst out with a sharp cold light, and the overwhelming vitality was also surging around him.

“President Long, since this guy is here to find me, let me solve it.”


Just when Long Li was about to start with Lu Shenfeng, Jiang Chen’s faint voice rang beside him.

“Brother Jiang Chen is a distinguished guest of my Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, how can my Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce stand by?”

Long Li smiled slightly and said, “It’s nothing more than a Practitioner from the Sixth Stage of Shenhai. Where is the need for Brother Jiang Chen to take action.”

“With your strength, to solve the guy on the opposite side, I am afraid that at least a hundred tricks will be needed. This is really a waste of time.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and glanced at Lu Shenfeng lightly: “I kill someone like him faster, but it’s a blink of an eye, so I’ll do it.”


Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Long Li couldn’t help but twitch for a short time.

Although his instinct told Long Li that Jiang Chen’s current strength should no longer be under him, he still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so perverted.

Killing the Practitioner of the Sixth Stage of Shenhai, just a blink of an eye!

This…this f*ck shouldn’t be such an exaggeration.

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