Chapter 115 Pill refining is still doing two things, awesome!

Jiang Chen’s proud words directly caused the hall to fall into deathly silence again.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen with monster eyes.

You said that your pill refining is awesome, first rank second rank third rank Medicine Pill practice casually, we recognized.

Although a teenage third-rank pill refining teacher is also abnormally perverted, but this is at least acceptable.

But now this guy actually said to help the second rank pill refining division on the side of the master to promote to the third rank!

I wiped it!

Can the promotion of the pill refining teacher be able to help if you want to help?

If it were so easy, I am afraid that the pill refining division in this world would have been as many as dogs in the second rank, and the third rank would be as rare as it is now?

Just when everyone thought that Jiang Chen was totally unwilling to help Zhu Mingyuan get promoted to the third rank pill refining division.

I saw that Zhu Mingyuan was ecstatic, and hurriedly ran to a stone platform next to Jiang Chen.

This scene……

Suddenly, the corners of the mouths of the teenagers on the stone platform couldn’t help but twitch.

This second rank pill refining teacher actually really believed that the kid could help him get promoted to the third rank!

Isn’t this…isn’t it pure nonsense?

“Master Dan, please also prepare me a third rank pill refining teacher’s assessment content.”

Zhu Mingyuan ignored the shocked gazes of the teenagers around him, and directly said to Dan Yi Chen excitedly.

If it were to change before, someone said this in front of him, Zhu Mingyuan would definitely want to curse a stupid man.

But now these words came from Jiang Chen’s mouth, and Zhu Mingyuan had no reason not to believe it!

Since knowing Jiang Chen, Zhu Mingyuan has heard such crazy words from Jiang Chen countless times.


Every time when everyone thinks that Jiang Chen’s words are talked about at night.

He has made the impossible possible again and again.

Now that Jiang Chen said he wanted to promote him to the third rank pill refining teacher, how could Zhu Mingyuan refuse it stupidly?

No matter what, Zhu Mingyuan decided to give it a try.

After all, it wouldn’t be a big deal to fail again.

But once he succeeds, he can fulfill his long-cherished wish for many years and become a third rank pill refining teacher!

Dan Yichen watched this scene, a look of surprise flashed in his muddy old eyes.

He didn’t talk nonsense, and directly prepared the assessment content of the third rank pill refining division for Jiang Chen and Zhu Mingyuan.

He wanted to see how much more evil the Alchemy little evildoer was in front of him!

This time the third-rank pill refining teacher was assessed, Dan Yichen prepared for Zhu Mingyuan the third-rank primary Medicine Pill Huitian pill.

As for Jiang Chen, Dan Yichen directly prepared the third-rank Xiantian spirit pill!

Obviously, Dan Yi Chenye wanted to try, where is the limit of this little evildoer in front of him.

After Zhu Mingyuan got the questions for the assessment, he began to quickly fiddle with the materials and enter the pill refining state.

While Jiang Chen pill refining, while watching Zhu Mingyuan’s movements.

Soon, Zhu Mingyuan began to put medicinal materials into the pill furnace!

After Zhu Mingyuan skillfully put in a few medicinal materials, he directly grabbed a piece of transparent bamboo that was one foot long in his hand.

“Put the Tianxin Bamboo and Di Mingsha into the furnace at the end.”

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s faint voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Mingyuan quickly put down the Tianxin Bamboo and added other medicinal materials to the Chaodan furnace.

Seeing Jiang Chen actually pill refining himself while pointing Zhu Mingyuan to the side, everyone was once again stunned.

This guy pill refining can actually do two things at once!


This is too damn awesome!

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