Chapter 114 I am here to ensure you get promoted to the third rank alchemist!

“I told you that if pill refining will affect your mood, you don’t believe me.”

Jiang Chen curled his lips and looked at the purple-clothed girl with a smile: “You should be satisfied now, right?”

The pretty face of the purple-clothed girl turned red in an instant, and she couldn’t wait to find a hole to drill down.

She didn’t expect that Jiang Chen really became Body Tempering Pill in three minutes.

She didn’t even expect that she was shocked by Jiang Chen’s heaven-defying performance for a while. The assessment that had been very smooth, but at a critical moment, the furnace was fried.

She glanced at the black-clothed teenager who hadn’t been affected at all, and her face instantly turned pale.

This time coming to Lingyun City, whether she can become Dan Yichen’s disciple is extremely important to her and her family.

With her current performance, how can she become Dan Yichen’s disciple?

After a few more minutes, the black-clothed boy finally succeeded in refining the Body Tempering pill.

This boy in black is also the only person on the stone platform who succeeded in pill refining besides Jiang Chen!

“This kid has a good talent and temperament, but he is a man of creation.”

Seeing the performance of the black-clothed boy, Dan Yichen nodded secretly.

As for Jiang Chen, Dan Yichen simply ignored it!

Dan Yichen was already aware of Jiang Chen’s hand just now.

The previous seemingly arrogant words of this kid did not brag at all!

This little guy’s accomplishments in pill refining may be really not inferior to him!

This kind of evildoer is simply not something he can teach.

“President Dan, can I continue the second rank assessment now?”

Just when Dan Yichen’s heart was so full, Jiang Chen’s faint voice woke him up.

“Yes, of course.”

“In order to avoid disturbing the assessment, starting from the second rank alchemy assessment, our pill refining teachers guild has a special assessment room.”

“I don’t know if the little brother will continue here or go to the special alchemy room.”

Dan Yichen looked at Jiang Chen with a smile.

Jiang Chen directly waved his hand: “Don’t be so troublesome, just start here.”

“The second-rank alchemist assessment, the Medicine Pill for the assessment is customized by me, so you can refine a Qi Enhancing Pill.”

Dan Yichen didn’t talk nonsense, and quickly took out a second rank Qi Enhancing Pill from Na Jie and placed it in front of Jiang Chen.

Qi Qi Pill, the second rank primary Medicine Pill, is two levels lower than the second rank advanced Medicine Pill Qi Gathering Pill.

Such a Medicine Pill, Jiang Chen’s refining is naturally effortless.

In just over ten minutes, Jiang Chen perfectly refined the Qi Enhancing Pill.

The assessment of the second rank pill refining division… just passed it?

Seeing this shocking scene in front of me, almost all the eyes of the young people on the stone platform were staring out.

this moment……

They came to realize that this kid is not bragging, but really awesome!

And it’s still the kind of cow who has no friends!

“The little brother on Alchemy is really the only thing I’ve seen in my life.”

Dan Yichen couldn’t help but exclaimed. He looked at Jiang Chen and asked, “Dare to ask the little brother, do you want to continue the assessment of the third rank alchemist here?”


Jiang Chen nodded, and then glanced at Zhu Mingyuan next to him: “Master Zhu, you also come to the assessment.”

Zhu Mingyuan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: “I’m afraid it won’t work. The previous assessment has already failed.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and his proud voice instantly resounded in everyone’s ears.

“Don’t worry, you just come to participate in the assessment.”

“With me, I guarantee that you will be promoted to the third rank pill refining teacher today!”

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