Chapter 1143 Killing the Hall Master of Blood Demon!


As Jiang Chen closed his hands together, the five-clawed golden dragon that was standing across the sky roared, and a golden flame spurted out of his mouth.

Bloodline supernatural power, destroy the world dragon flame!

This is also the first time that Jiang Chen has displayed such magical powers after he was promoted to the real dragon divine body!

Chi Chi…

The golden flame, carrying the power of destroying all the world, fell on a part of the Hall Master of Blood Demon in the blink of an eye.

I saw this avatar of the Hall Master of Blood Demon, instantly burst open under the golden flame, and finally turned into nothingness.

Immediately afterwards.

After the golden flame extinguished one of the clones, the power did not diminish, and it rushed directly to the second clone.

“Boom boom boom…”

Seven earth-shattering explosions were continuously emitted in the void.

I saw the seven figures condensed by the Hall Master of Blood Demon with the Seven Souls Blood Shadow Technique, under the golden flames, like tofu dregs, they were not able to withstand a single blow!

The dragon is flying across the sky, and the flames of the dragon are extinct!

The Hallmaster of the Blood Demon Hall of the Megatron Northern Desolate Continent, under Jiang Chen’s bloodline magical powers, his deity was destroyed!

this moment.

The void in front of the Blood Mist Mountain was plunged into deathly silence.

All those who saw this scene were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

The Lord of the Blood Demon Hall, this is a great figure in the Northern Wilderness of Megatron for nearly a thousand years.

Back then, the ancestors of the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness, gathering the power of the three sects, only severely inflicted them.

And now.

Jiang Chen killed it with an understatement!

“Hall Master was defeated like this?”

The complexions of many Blood Demon hall experts were extremely pale.

Including the two guardians of Xue Ming and Han Li, the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen showed unprecedented horror.

They never thought of it.

With the strength of the Divine Soul Realm King, the Hall Master used the Seven Souls Blood Shadow Spell, which was still easily killed by Jiang Chen.

“Blood Demon Hall, it’s over!”

Xue Ming lost his soul, and the whole person was ashamed.

Back then, the Blood Demon Hall fought against Sanzong, and finally lost, and had to hide in the Northern Wild Continent.

So many years have passed.

The Hall of Blood Demon has been recovering power in secret.

Now the Blood Demon Hall has finally recovered its strength, but the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness are far from being comparable to the original ones.


Their Blood Demon Hall was reborn.

Originally, they thought that with the current power of the Blood Demon Hall, sweeping the Three Northern Desolates and dominating the Northern Desolate Continent was just a matter of hand.

But no one thought of it.

In the Northern Desolate Continent, a peerless evildoer like Jiang Chen was born!

With the power of one person, he forcibly destroyed the Blood Demon Hall accumulated for hundreds of years!

Killed the Hallmaster of Blood Demon with one move.

Jiang Chen’s indifferent eyes swept across the many Blood Demon Hall experts, coldly said: “A few days ago, someone sent a woman named Meng Qingxue to the Blood Demon Hall headquarters. Where is she?”

“Jiang Chen, it turns out that you are here for a woman with a deadly body.”

Xue Ming’s eyes flickered slightly.

He took a deep breath and said solemnly, “If you want to know where she is, maybe we can sit down and talk!”


The words of Xue Ming had just fallen, and the overwhelming will of the soul instantly solidified the space.

at the same time.

A fierce Sword Qi also broke through directly.

That Xue Ming didn’t have any resistance at all, and was cut in half by Jiang Chen with a sword!

“Just relying on you rubbish, are you worthy to negotiate terms with me?”

A sword smashed the blood, Jiang Chen’s cold eyes directly fixed on another guardian Han Li’s body: “If you don’t want to end up like him, immediately hand over Meng Qingxue to me!”

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