Chapter 1142 Supernatural powers: World Destroying Dragon Flame!

“Blood River, it seems that you have absorbed the Profound Spirit Holy Spring during this time, and your soul has recovered a lot, so you dare to bargain with me.”

Jiang Chen snorted coldly: “Don’t forget, even if you restore to the Divine Embryo state, your life is still in my hands!”

At the site of Emperor Zhun, Jiang Chen had allocated some profound spirits to the blood river as scheduled.

During this period of time, the blood river had been absorbing the profound spirit holy spring, and the spirit power had obviously recovered a lot.

“Uh…The emperor just said casually, if you don’t want to, I will help you get rid of this guy right away.”

Xuehe said quickly.

“No! It’s just a mere secret technique, how can it be difficult to stop me?”

Jiang Chen snorted disdainfully.

Even though the Hallmaster of the Blood Demon Palace possesses the Seven Souls Blood Shadow Technique, he is no longer in the First Stage of Souls.

With his current strength, he hasn’t paid attention to a First Stage Practitioner yet!

“Jiang Chen, I have cultivated the Seven Souls Blood Shadow Technique, you can’t kill me.”

“Looking at you as a genius like Martial Dao, I will give you a chance to surrender to me.”

“As long as you are willing to surrender to me, you will be under the Great Hall of my Blood Demon Hall in the future!”

The seven clones of the Hall of Blood Demon simultaneously exploded with the aura of the king of the Soul Realm, and the monstrous Blood Demon Qi trembled the space, making this world tremble constantly!

“Ha ha……”

“Your seven-soul blood shadow technique is indeed a good secret technique, but your body strength is too weak, even if the secret technique is strong, it is still an ant.”

“Don’t say it’s just a secret technique, even if you really cultivated an immortal body, I can still destroy it today!”

Jiang Chen smiled, his eyes full of contempt.

“Boy, you are looking for death!”

In the void, the hall masters of the seven Blood Demon halls were furious at the same time.

They vigorously urged all Blood Qi, countless blood mist and poisonous miasma flames, swept from all directions, and instantly drowned Jiang Chen.


The hundreds of feet around Jiang Chen turned into a dead place filled with Blood Qi.

The combined blow of the seven god-tier soul realm kings can be said to be the world’s collapse and the discoloration of the mountains and rivers!

“Little friend Jiang Chen!”

Zixu Daoist’s complexion changed, and worried expressions appeared on their faces.

The Hall Master of Blood Demon is too strong, and I don’t know if Jiang Chen can stop it.

“The lord is mighty, now that kid is dead.”

Countless Blood Demon hall powerhouses watched this scene with excitement, and they have begun to celebrate with their crowns.

Even the two guardians of Xue Ming and Han Li had rare smiles on their faces.

“The hall master is indeed the hall master, the seven god-tier soul realm kings joined forces to strike, even if Jiang Chen’s strength is Transcendent, it is destined to…”


Before the two of them could finish speaking, in the blood-filled space, there was a clear voice of dragon chants.

Immediately afterwards.

A golden rainbow pierced through the sky and the earth rose into the sky, instantly dissipating the blood mist around it.

The dazzling golden Changhong shook the blood mist, and finally turned into a five-clawed golden dragon with a length of one hundred feet on top of the void above Jiang Chen’s head!

The five-clawed golden dragon crossed the sky, and the huge golden eyes looked down indifferently, and the terrifying dragon’s might spread in this space!

“This… what kind of power is this!”

The expression of the head of the Blood Demon Hall changed drastically, and an unprecedented panic appeared in his eyes.

“Hall Master of Blood Demon, you can be the first person to die under my bloodline supernatural power. It’s enough to be proud.”

“Bloodline supernatural power, destroy the world dragon flame!”

Jiang Chen looked at the Hallmaster of the Blood Demon indifferently, his palms flickering in the void suddenly…

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