Chapter 1127 The people who threatened me are dead!


This kid actually said that he killed two Blood Demon hall masters?

And he killed it accidentally?

The blood curtain seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world.

The eight hall masters of the Blood Demon Hall, each of them is a powerful person who has reached the Fourth Stage of the Shenhai, and is comparable to the existence of the Sect Leader of the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness!

Look at the entire Northern Wilderness Continent.

Except for the three rare hidden old monsters in the Northern Wilderness, almost no one can pose a threat to the Hall of Blood Demon.

Although this kid is talented close to a demon, he already has the Cultivation Base of the Divine Sea Realm when he is in his twenties.

But even so, he would never have the power to kill the Hallmaster of Blood Demon!

“Boy, do you want to bluff and frighten me? Do you really think I’m a fool?”

“Every hall master in my Blood Demon Hall is capable of reaching the sky, how can you be able to kill a little boy?”

“Since you don’t want to end it yourself, let me do it myself and die for me!”

The blood curtain smiled coldly.


Seeing him stretched out his hand and held it, the blood-colored light curtain of the sky emerged from the void, like a huge net that covered the sky, shrouded towards Jiang Chen.

“act recklessly!”

Jiang Chen shook his head, raised his palm and waved lightly, and the blood-colored light curtain suddenly trembled in the void, instantly turning into nothingness.

call out!

To dissolve the attack of the blood curtain lightly, Jiang Chen stepped on the soles of his feet in the void, slammed directly across the 100-meter space, and appeared on top of the blood curtain.

Did not wait for the blood curtain to have the slightest chance to react.

His light and fluttering palm was already on the top of the blood screen.


There was a loud and clear noise.

The blood screen’s entire head was slapped into the chest abruptly, and his body was slammed into the ground by Jiang Chen.

The bluestone avenue outside the south gate of the Imperial City of Great Xia was punched out of a hole.

The blood curtain was buried in the cave, leaving only a huge pit with a depth of ten meters.

This scene immediately caused the audience to fall into a dead silence again.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

No one can think of it.

Dignified Blood Demon Hall Master, the powerhouse of Shenhai Fourth Stage, was actually slapped to death by Jiang Chen with such a casual slap?

“This… how is this possible?”

His Highness Blood Demon’s eyes were dull, and he could hardly believe his own eyes.

The Blood Curtain, this is one of the eight hall masters of the Blood Demon Hall, and he is almost a strong man standing on the peak of the Northern Wild Continent.

But such a strong Blood Demon hall was slapped by Jiang Chen casually, and he was slapped to death like a mosquito!

Such a shocking method, in the entire Blood Demon Hall, I am afraid that only the three major guardians and the Blood Demon Hall Hall Master can do it.

Thought of this.

The blood demon’s eyes finally revealed an unprecedented look of horror.

“Next, it’s your turn.”

With a slap on the blood curtain, Jiang Chen turned his eyes to the blood demon, grinning, showing his white teeth.

“You…you can’t kill me, I am the Third Highness of the Blood Demon Hall. If you kill me, the Hallmaster will definitely not let you go.”

The blood demon only felt the souls of the dead, and quickly exclaimed with a look of horror: “As long as you let me go, I guarantee that the Blood Demon Hall will not be an enemy of you, and I will always set foot in the Great Xia Kingdom in the future!”

“Are you threatening?”

“Sorry, I walked this way, but everyone who threatened me is dead!”

“So…you go to die for me, too.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and when he raised his hand, a burst of Sword Qi struck out at the blood demon!

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