Chapter 1126 Killed Two Accidentally!

“Hall Three of Blood Demon, is it amazing? Don’t you know that this Daxia Kingdom is the place covered by my Jiang Chen?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold like a knife: “No matter who it is, dare to run wild on my turf, I will make him pay a heavy price!”

The Blood Demon Hall in the Northern Desolation Continent is nothing more than a branch of the Blood Demon Hall.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength.

Even if this sub-temple hall master came in person, he wouldn’t have the slightest fear.

How could Jiang Chen pay attention to the three Highnesses of the Blood Demon Hall?

“You want me to pay?”

The blood demon seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

Meng Zhenshan was nothing but the rubbish that he uprooted and encouraged him to ascension to the Divine Sea Realm. It was far inferior to the real Divine Sea Realm powerhouse.

This kid really thought that he had killed a half-hearted Divine Sea Realm, so he was qualified to be arrogant in front of him?

Who is his blood demon?

The most top young genius in the Blood Demon Hall is revered as the third Highness of the Blood Demon Hall and one of the future heirs of the Blood Demon Hall. The Cultivation Base has already made a breakthrough in the Divine Sea Realm.

And his combat power is Transcendent.

Even if it is not long after he breakthrough in the Divine Sea Realm, the average Divine Sea Realm powerhouse is not his opponent.

In the entire Blood Demon Hall, except for the masters above the Fourth Stage of Shenhai, such as the three guardians of the Eighth Hall, almost no one can help him!

not to mention……

Beside him, there is also the blood curtain of one of the eight hall masters of the Blood Demon Hall!

It can be said.

Now in this Great Xia Country, apart from the three Sect Leader-level figures of the Northern Wilderness, who can pose a threat to him?

“That’s right, your Blood Demon Hall didn’t abide by the agreement, it’s just that you were born ahead of time, and you even dared to go to the Great Xia Kingdom to do it recklessly.”

“Since it’s here, let me save my life.”

Jiang Chen stared at the blood demon coldly, with awe-inspiring killing intent!

Dragons have inverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch them!

The Blood Demon Hall’s attack on Daxia Kingdom undoubtedly made Jiang Chen completely angry!

This time.

Had it not been for him to return to the Northern Wilderness Continent from Zhongzhou at a critical moment.

Jiang Chen could no longer imagine how miserable the deceased Jiang Family and Daxiaguo would be!

“Ha ha……”

“If you want the life of my blood demon, do you deserve it?”

“Blood Curtain, kill him.”

The blood demon sneered disdainfully, and the faint voice resounded directly in the air.

As the blood demon’s voice fell, the middle-aged man in the blood robe next to him stepped out, and the breath of Shenhai Fourth Stage instantly filled the void.

He glanced at Jiang Chen contemptuously, and said lightly: “Boy, Your Highness III will let you die, are you planning to end it by yourself, or do you want me to do it myself?”

Jiang Chen looked at the middle-aged in front of him, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but set off a ghostly arc: “Shenhai Fourth Stage, you should also be a hall master of the Blood Demon Hall.”

“If you can change your name or sit down, I am one of the blood curtains of the eight halls of the Blood Demon Hall!”

The blood-robed middle-aged man said with a proud face: “Boy, since you already know my identity, why don’t you obediently come forward and lead to death?”

“Ha ha……”

“You are just a hall master of the Hall of Blood Demon. What qualifications do you have to make me come forward and die?”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Hall of Blood Demon, I haven’t killed him.”

“You…what did you say?”

The blood curtain suddenly raised his head and stared at Jiang Chen, his eyes suddenly shrinking.

Jiang Chen grinned at the blood curtain, his faint voice slowly resounding across the world.

“It’s been less than half a day since I returned to the Northern Wilderness. The Hallmaster of Blood Demon seems to have killed two by accident.”

“Congratulations, you are honored to be the third Blood Demon Hall Master killed by my Jiang Chen!”


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