Chapter 1109 The critical moment, a strong return!

Taixu Tianyuan Formation, broken!

Xu Yun Tian and others looked at this scene in front of them, their expressions also became extremely solemn in an instant.

Taixu Tianyuan Formation, this is the mountain protection formation left by Taixu, the founder of Taixu Zong, Taixu, which is enough to resist the full blow of the powerful Ninth Stage of Shenhai.

Xu Yun Tian, ​​how they didn’t think of it.

The bloody little sword that Venerable cast just now, actually broke the Taixu Tianyuan Formation so easily!

“Xu Yun Tian, ​​since you Tai Xuzong is unwilling to surrender, there is no need for existence!”

Blood Shadow Venerable laughed proudly: “After today, Beihuang will respect my Blood Demon Hall!”

“Don’t think about it!”

Xu Yun Tian roared, and the Cultivation Base of Shenhai Fourth Stage broke out with all strength, and a sharp blue palm shadow filled the void, like a surging river, continuously surging toward the blood shadow Venerable.

“The Cultivation Base of the fourth stage of Shenhai, who dares to do something with the deity, is really overwhelming!”

The blood shadow Venerable smiled contemptuously, and the mysterious blood-red light curtain burst out of his body instantly, smashing the empty palm shadow of Xu Yun Tian in an understatement.

at the same time.

The figure of Blood Shadow Venerable also appeared in front of Xu Yun Tian.

That bloody palm carried a force that confines the space, and slapped Xu Yun Tian with a palm.

“Sect Leader, be careful!”

Seeing this scene, Tai Xuzong Elder’s complexion behind Xu Yun Tian turned pale.

The strength of the blood shadow Venerable is too strong, even if it is the Xu Yun Tian of the Fourth Stage of Shenhai, there is almost no resistance.

Today’s Taixu Sect, I am afraid that only Taishang Elder can fight against it.

But Taishang Elder was invited by God Sword Sect and left Taixu Sect.

The blood shadow Venerable brought the strong bloodline palace to the door at this time, it was the death of them, too Xuzong.

Looking at the blood shadow that rapidly expanded in the pupils of the eyes, a decisive expression flashed across Xu Yun Tian’s face.

Just when Xu Yun Tian is preparing to fight the blood shadow Venerable desperately at all costs.

A voice that pierced the air suddenly resounded in the void, making Yun Tian suddenly startled.

And on the opposite side of Xu Yun Tian.

The blood shadow Venerable, which was about to shoot towards Xu Yun Tian’s head, instinctively sensed an inexplicable chill from the bottom of his heart.

He was just about to regret, a weird Sword Qi appeared out of the void without warning, and slashed at the blood shadow Venerable.

Blood Shadow Venerable let out a muffled snort. Under the attack of that Sword Qi, the whole person exploded back more than ten feet.

He suddenly raised his head to stare at the void, and shouted in anger, “Who is it? Get out of the deity!”

“Bloodshadow, in Longqi Mountain, my master spared you a dog’s order, so that the Blood Demon Palace will not be born for five years. I didn’t expect that you dare to violate Master’s words and make waves in the Northern Wild Continent. It seems that you are not brave enough. Well.”

Just as the words of Blood Shadow Venerable fell, a faint voice in the void also sounded.

Immediately afterwards.

A black figure also slowly stepped out of the void and appeared directly in front of everyone.

“Jiang… Jiang Chen!”

Looking at the figure that suddenly stepped out of the void, Xu Yun Tian and other high-level officials of Taixu Sect were all suddenly sluggish for a while, and immediately there was a look of ecstasy in their eyes.

Jiang Chen, who had disappeared for more than a year, returned strongly at this time.

To know.

Jiang Chen is Xiao Duli’s disciple. Now that Jiang Chen appears, maybe Xiao Duli has already arrived.

If Xiao Duli made a move, Tai Xuzong would be saved today.

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