Chapter 1108 Blood Shadow Venerable Reappears!

Taixu Zong.

As an ancient Sect that has been passed down for thousands of years in the Northern Wilderness, even if it has fallen into a long period of downturn over the years.

However, the lean camel is bigger than a horse, and Taixuzong is still one of the three famous Sects in the Northern Wilderness.

Especially more than a year ago.

Jiang Chen, a disciple of Taixu Sect, was born, and he won the first place in the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness and became the new generation of young kings in the Northern Wilderness.

Coupled with the strong appearance of the mysterious powerhouse Xiao Duli, the prestige of Taixuzong has risen, and it has vaguely risen again.


This Sect, located at the top of the Pyramid of the Northern Wilderness Continent, had a solemn atmosphere at this moment.

I saw Taixuzong’s mountain gate closed tightly, and the huge Taixuzong was shrouded by a golden light.

This golden mask is the great formation of protecting the mountains that will be opened at the critical moment of Taixu Sect, Taixu Tianyuan Formation!

Under the shroud of Taixu Tianyuan Formation.

Tai Xuzong Sect Leader Xu Yun Tian took a dozen Tai Xuzong powerhouses and stood in the air, and his expression looked extremely solemn.

And outside the Taixu Tianyuan Formation.

More than a dozen silhouettes of people wearing all blood-red robes stood in confrontation with Xu Yun Tian and others across the Taixu Tianyuan Formation.

The first person is the blood shadow Venerable who appeared in Longxi Mountain more than a year ago.

More than a year has passed.

The breath of Blood Shadow Venerable’s body is much stronger than it was in Longxi Mountain, and it has almost reached the level of Shenhai Seventh Stage.

“Blood Shadow, at the time of the Longxi Mountain battle, your Blood Demon Hall had an agreement with Xiao senior that you would not be born in five years.”

“Now you not only violated the agreement, but also brought people to kill my Taixu Zong. Are you taking Xiao senior’s words as the wind in your ears?”

Xu Yun Tian stared at the blood shadow Venerable tightly, and his expression coldly shouted.

“Xu Yun Tian, ​​don’t you want to use Xiao Duli’s name to crush me.”

“If I guess right, then Xiao Duli is not from the Northern Wilderness Continent at all. Now that he hasn’t appeared for more than a year, I’m afraid he will not be in the Northern Wilderness long ago.”

“Not to mention… My Blood Demon Hall is no longer the Blood Demon Hall more than a year ago. Even if Xiao Duli appeared, what fear is there in the Blood Demon Hall?”

Blood Shadow Venerable sneered disdainfully: “This deity will give you one last chance to surrender to my Blood Demon Hall. Otherwise… today this deity will razor you Taixuzong to the ground!”

“Huh, dreaming!”

Xu Yun Tian’s eyes were cold: “Even if my Taixu Sect is destroyed today, I will never bow to the Blood Demon Hall!”


Blood Shadow Venerable’s gaze was cold, and he raised his blood-colored palm to directly squeeze the space in front of him.


The terrifying scarlet energy spread out immediately, and the invisible big hand slapped heavily on the Taixu Tianyuan Formation.


Under the palm of Blood Shadow Venerable, the Taixu Tianyuan Formation suddenly spread out ripples, and a loud rumbling noise, like thunder, resounded in this sky.

“Tsk tsk…”

“Taixu’s Taixu Tianyuan Formation is indeed well-deserved, and it can actually block the deity’s full blow.”

“However, you want to stop me with a mere formation, it’s just a wishful thinking, let me break it!”

Blood Shadow Venerable’s voice fell, and a strange scarlet sword appeared in his palm.

Under his urging, the scarlet sword soared into the sky, and turned into a 100-meter blood dragon, slamming its teeth and claws towards the Taixu Tianyuan Formation.


The golden mask of the Taixu Tianyuan Formation finally could hardly withstand the impact of the blood dragon, and made a crisp sound like a broken mirror, then turned into a little golden light and dissipated out of thin air…

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