Chapter 1073 Shenhai Eighth Stage genius, turn over and suppress!

“Boy, what are you talking about?”

Wu Shuo, a burly young man, had a cold look: “This is the grievance between me and Lei Tianpeng. If you don’t want to die, just go away!”

He is the first emperor genius of Tianwu City.

Except for the emperor-level geniuses of the five holy cities, Wu Shuo is not afraid of anyone.

For the top talents of the five holy cities, Wu Shuo is naturally extremely familiar.

And the strange boy in front of him, obviously could not be the emperor-level genius of the five holy cities.

As long as he is not an emperor-level genius, what fear does Wu Shuo have?

“An imperial genius from Tianwu City, dare to speak up in front of me.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Shuo lightly: “Give you three breaths of time, you will die if you don’t roll!”

Now that Jiang Chen has broken through the Divine Soul Realm, even if he is facing a half-step king-level genius, he can still smash his hands.

A Tianwu city imperial disciple, the Cultivation Base of the Eighth Stage of Shenhai, is no different from the ants in front of him!

“Like a trough!”

“Where did this kid pop up, dare to challenge the top-ranked emperor genius in Tianwu City!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t put Wu Shuo in his eyes, some Practitioners who didn’t know Jiang Chen were stunned!

Some people who had seen Jiang Chen’s action outside the Xuanming Pagoda before, looked at Wu Shuo, but there was a look of pity in their eyes.

The one Wu Shuo faced was the fourth half-step king of the five holy cities.

Even if Wu Ziyun, the first person in Tianwu City, came, he was probably not Jiang Chen’s opponent.

But Wu Shuo was just an imperial disciple in the Tianwu urban area, and he actually went to offend a half-step king. What’s the difference between this and seeking death?


“The hairy boy from nowhere, dare to speak up in front of my Wu Shuo!”

“Since you like to be nosy, then I will kill you first!”

Wu Shuo’s eyes were like swords, staring at Jiang Chen coldly.

As soon as his voice fell, his figure was shaken in vain.


Wu Shuo’s clothes were all shaken by the muscles, revealing a bronze-colored muscle that was like iron water, steel bars knotted.


I saw his foot slam on the ground, stamping a deep footprint on the bluestone floor.


Wu Shuo stood up from the ground and rushed towards Jiang Chen in an instant.

At a distance of 100 meters, Wu Shuo pierced through it almost instantly, and along the way, sharp sonic booms rang through the sky and the earth.

“Boy, die for me.”

Wu Shuo punched out ten meters away.

The strength of this fist burst out from Wu Shuo’s fist in an instant, and then turned into a blue giant tiger in mid-air, like a beast king coming to the world, with a mighty aura!

“Shenhai Eighth Stage? Tidal Sixth Stage early stage?”

Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Shuo in surprise, obviously he didn’t expect that this guy was also dual cultivation of martial arts.

Physical martial arts dual cultivation, this is a very difficult road.

But once it succeeds, it will be invincible with Realm.

The combat power of this guy in front of him is probably not weaker than some of the emperor-level geniuses of Shenhai Ninth Stage.

But even if this guy has dual cultivation, he is not worthy of being an enemy of Jiang Chen now?

Jiang Chen lifted his palm slightly and shot out with a volley.

The next moment…

I saw a giant golden palm appearing on top of Wu Shuo’s head out of thin air, and then, in the horrified gaze of Wu Shuo, he rolled his palm and pressed it down.


Wu Shuo didn’t have time to resist, so he was shot into the ground by this golden palm.

When the golden giant palms dispersed, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath when they saw the situation inside, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

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