Chapter 1072 Slap You To Death!

The faint chuckle also made Lei Tianpeng and the others slightly startled.


They followed the voice and saw a handsome young man in black slowly walking towards them.

“It’s you!”

Seeing Jiang Chen coming slowly, two of the disciples who had been to Lushuiling Lake with Lei Tianpeng, their complexion changed slightly.

At the beginning of the Lushui Ling Lake.

Jiang Chen not only controlled a group of ancient sixth rank Demonic Beasts to dominate the Green Water Spirit Lake, but also fought hard with Wu Zhanyang, the first body cultivator genius of Tianwu City, without losing the wind, showing incomparable strength.

Although this guy is not well-known in the five holy cities.

But they are very clear that this guy definitely has a terrifying strength comparable to an emperor-level genius.

“It turned out to be Brother Jiang Chen.”

Lei Tianpeng was stunned for a moment, and soon came back to his senses, holding a cupped fist to Jiang Chen with a polite expression: “Brother Jiang Chen has also come to participate in the trial of the Zhun Emperor inheritance?”

Looking at Jiang Chen in front of him, Lei Tianpeng was shocked.

Back in Lushuiling Lake, Jiang Chen was nowhere near the Cultivation Base of the Sixth Stage of Shenhai.

Not seen in just a few days.

Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base has become unfathomable, and he can’t even see Jiang Chen’s cultivation!

This also means that Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base has completely surpassed him, at least reaching the Shenhai Eighth Stage.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen used Shenhai Sixth Stage’s Cultivation Base to contend with the emperor-level genius Wu Zhanyang of Tianwu City.

Now, even if the emperor-level geniuses of the five holy cities, there are probably only a handful of them that can compete with them.

“The trial of the quasi emperor’s inheritance, this is a rare encounter in a century, I naturally want to join in the fun.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “Brother Lei has already been to the second floor, can you tell me about the trial of this quasi-emperor inheritance?”

“Since Brother Jiang Chen wants to know, Lei naturally knows everything and speaks endlessly.”

Lei Tianpeng smiled and said, Xuan even introduced to Jiang Chen.

There are five levels in the Xuanming Pagoda, and there are four levels in the inheritance trial from the second to the fifth.

Every time you pass a level, the Xuanming Pagoda will get a comprehensive score based on the performance of the passer.

The higher the score of the Xuanming Pagoda, the more generous the reward will be.

For example, in the second stage assessment of the Xuanming Pagoda, the score reached sixty and the reward was ten yuan Spirit Stones.

The score is seventy, the reward is doubled, and so on.

If the score can reach ninety, not only will there be a reward of 100 yuan Spirit Stones, but also a superb king-level martial arts!

“Hehe… This trial of the quasi-emperor inheritance is a bit interesting.”

Hearing Lei Tianpeng’s introduction, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smile, and then asked curiously: “What is the assessment content of this inheritance trial?”

“The second floor of the Xuanming Pagoda is a phantom array that can transform into a hundred Demonic Beasts, each with the strength of the Divine Sea Realm.”

Lei Tianpeng smiled bitterly: “As for the third floor, I don’t know.”

Jiang Chen nodded. When he was about to ask Lei Tianpeng about some more information, a furious voice suddenly came from behind him.

“Lei Tianpeng, how dare you come to participate in the trial of the Zhun Emperor inheritance!”

Jiang Chen frowned.

He looked back and saw a burly young man rushing over aggressively.

“Wu Shuo, what do you want to do?”

Lei Tianpeng could not help but change slightly when he saw the person.

The burly young man sneered: “Lei Tianpeng, don’t you know what I want to do? I naturally came to you to settle the account!”

“Who are you, get out of here, don’t you see me talking to Brother Lei?”

Jiang Chen looked at the burly young man with a displeased look: “If you disturb me and Brother Lei again, believe it or not, I will slap you to death!”

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