Chapter 1005 The Relics of Zhun Emperor Are Open!


Following Meng Xuanxuan’s glance, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a huge pressure from his soul, which caused Jiang Chen’s body and mind to stagnate.

Even Xiao Baiyi next to Jiang Chen was suffocated, and even his thinking and consciousness were stagnated for a while.

“Tsk tsk…”

“It’s really a girl with an outstanding soul talent. Only the Cultivation Base at the peak of Shenhai, the strength of the soul is no less than the king of Shenhun Second Stage or above.”

“This woman’s talent is probably not under the Moon Spirit Queen of the year.”

at this time.

The blood river hiding in Jiang Chen’s soul exclaimed, and then quietly used a soul power to resist the huge soul coercion.

“Jiang Chen, after entering the ruins of Emperor Zhun, there is a chance to kill this girl.”

“If the emperor can devour her soul power, at least he can display the power of the soul Sixth Stage.”

“At that time, I will guarantee you that you will run wild in the remains of the Emperor Zhun.”

Killed Meng Xuan Xuan?

Hearing the words of the blood in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help rolling his eyes secretly.

This Meng Xuan Xuan is a half-step king-level genius, and he is also good at strange and unpredictable soul attacks. Even if many of the early stage souls are kings, they may not be their opponents.

With his current strength, the opponent Meng Xuanxuan might not even have a chance of winning 10%.

And the blood river is only the soul body, and existences like Meng Xuan Xuan who are good at soul attacks are undoubtedly the nemesis of the blood river.

Even if he joins forces with Xuehe, I am afraid he may not be able to deal with Meng Xuanxuan.

“That kid, it’s interesting to be able to use Shenhai Sixth Stage’s Cultivation Base without my influence.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was almost unaffected by her, a strange expression flashed in Meng Xuanxuan’s beautiful eyes.

Time goes by little by little with everyone’s waiting.

Half a day later.

The mighty power of heaven and earth exuding boundless power on Xuanming Sacred Peak finally slowly dissipated.

I saw the ruined palaces and pavilions inside the Xuanming Sacred Peak, gradually becoming clearer from the original blurry shadows.

Suddenly, I only heard a sudden tremor in the void where the Xuanming Holy Peak was located, and there was a loud bang.


The space shook for a while, and a huge light gate with a height of three feet was also revealed in the sight of everyone.

At this moment, the eyes of all the five Sacred Lands fell on the light gate.

The relics of the Zhun Emperor, once in a hundred years, have finally been completely opened!

“Divine Wind City disciple, follow me into the remains of Zhun Emperor!”

Shenfeng City Feng Qingyi suddenly exploded, and the horse took the lead and turned into a cyan streamer, rushing towards the light gate.

At the same moment.

Meng Xuan Xuan in Lingxi City leaped forward, keeping pace with Feng Qingyi, and entered the remains of the Emperor Zhun.

“All the disciples of Yandi City, enter the remains of Zhundi immediately. After entering, try to meet the same door as possible, and everyone will take care of each other, strictly guard against each other and fight for fame and gain!”

At this moment, Xiao Duli’s coercive voice also sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

call out! call out! call out!

Everyone heard Xiao Duli’s words, and they all flashed toward the light in unison.

“Junior Brother Jiang, after entering the remains of Emperor Zhun, please contact us a lot and try to get together as soon as possible.”

Xiao Baiyi and Jiang Chen walked side by side, and couldn’t help but say to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen nodded, and immediately shook his figure before sinking directly into the huge gate of light.

very quickly.

More than one hundred talented disciples in the five holy cities have all entered the remains of Emperor Zhun.

I saw that the light gate leading to the remains of the Zhun Emperor gradually dimmed, and finally distorted in the void, directly dissipating without a trace.

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