Chapter 1004 The five holy cities, the gathering of geniuses!

Jiang Chen’s heart was stunned, and he couldn’t help looking at Xiao Baiyi’s gaze.

What appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight was a man in a green robe who looked extremely ordinary.

Not only did the man in the green robe look very ordinary, even the aura on his body was far less astonishing than Xiao Jingyun’s.

Only those pair of eyes revealed boundless unrestrained confidence and confidence.


Although the man in the green robe looked at the mountains very ordinary, Jiang Chen instinctively felt a sense of threat from him.

Jiang Chen naturally heard of Feng Qingyi’s name.

It is said that this guy is the strongest emperor of God Wind City, with the blood of the Eight-Star Emperor, and has become a half-step king in three years.

If he wanted to break through, he would have already become a King of Soul Realm.

For the past three years, Feng Qingyi has been suppressing his Cultivation Base at the peak of Shenhai, with the goal of entering the remains of Zhun Emperor.

In three years, although Feng Qingyi’s Cultivation Base did not have Ascension, his strength has become more and more unfathomable, and almost no one knows how far Feng Qingyi’s strength has reached.

It can be said.

Even if you look at the five holy cities, there is only one move among the same generation who can take over Feng Qingyi!


Soon after the arrival of the Kamikaze City team, there was another thunderous sound in the air, and two phantoms of thunder light also descended in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

There is no doubt that the people from Shocking Thunder City are here.

With the arrival of the Jinglei City team, the teams from Tianwu City and Lingxi City also came one after another.

So far.

The teams from the five holy cities in Zhongzhou also gathered on the Xuanming Sacred Peak.

Next, the emperors of the five Sacred Land greeted each other, Jiang Chen and the others also looked back and forth on the other holy city disciples.

Xiao Baiyi, who knew better about the talented disciples of the five holy cities, also quietly introduced Jiang Chen to the side.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen has met Lei Xingyang, the strongest genius of Shocking Thunder, and Wu Ziyun, the strongest genius of Tianwu City!

“Look at the blue-dressed woman in Lingxi City? She is Meng Xuanxuan, the strongest genius of Lingxi City, a half-step king-level peerless genius. She is also the only one who can compete with Feng Qingyi among the five holy cities. .”

Finally, Xiao Baiyi’s gaze was fixed on a woman in a blue dress in Lingxi City.

The woman in the blue dress has a beautiful face like jade, her eyes are like stars, blurred like a dream, and a blue silk is laid on the ground, dancing with the wind, leaving the mud and not staining, like a Fairy in a dream.

Her body seemed to exude a strange magic, which made people feel like they couldn’t help but want to get close to her.

Jiang Chen urged the blood of the Canglong Saint Body, and soon woke up from that wonderful state.

He looked at Xiao Baiyi beside him and couldn’t help taking a deep breath: “The breath on Meng Xuanxuan’s body is so strange!”

“The founder of Lingxi City, Lingdi, is a powerful emperor who is the master of soul cultivation. Therefore, the power of the bloodline of Lingxi City is biased towards the soul.”

“Meng Xuanxuan, as the supreme genius of Lingxi City, has reached a very terrifying point in terms of bloodline strength and soul dao attainments.”

“It is said that her methods are weird and unpredictable, and can easily control the minds of ordinary divine sea realm powerhouses and kill people invisible.”

Xiao Baiyi’s face solemnly said: “It can be said that to a certain extent, Meng Xuanxuan is even more terrifying than Feng Qingyi.”


When Jiang Chen looked at Meng Xuan Xuan, that Meng Xuan Xuan seemed to sense the existence of Jiang Chen.

The star waves in her eyes flowed, and her gaze also looked towards Jiang Chen in response…

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