But in that battle, the old man was bitten by Zhu Yue and turned into a dead disciple, and his ability has long since been greatly reduced, no longer in its heyday.

The Fifth Magician Aozaki Aoko... No, does the current Aoko inherit the Fifth Law?

Michael Roja Fadanyang?Bai Ji Erquit Brunstad?Heck Eltluki Brunstad?These are the world's top existences, but it seems that at most they can be said to be able to fight.

"Okay, you can fix the quota as soon as possible. I'll take Ellie out for a walk first." ""

"and many more……"

Ahad Weng stopped just now, but found that the three people had long since disappeared in the room, leaving only an empty dinner plate.

The old man who didn't want Ellie to leave Einzbern could only sigh helplessly.He has discovered that Inuyasha is very different from Emiya Kiritsugu, the latter he can control, but the former...

Not to mention that he controlled Inuyasha, Ahad Weng only felt that he was now controlled by Inuyasha.

And this time.

However, Inuyasha did not teleport directly back to the Nippon Shrine, because he felt a peculiar existence when he just tore open the space.

The power of space is the ability of Inuyasha to wake up early. With continuous use, Inuyasha has a deep understanding of space.He can now feel that there are many unique spatial points in the space where he lives.

Even on the outside and inside of this big world space, there are two other different big world spaces.

Simply put, it is the inside and outside of the Moon World.

For example, the most disgusting male protagonist, Zig, went to the inner side of the world with Joan of Arc at the end, and the Hall of Valor was on the outer side of the world.And what Inuyasha sensed, it wasn't just the two worlds inside and outside.

Just now, when Inuyasha was cutting through the space, he felt a hidden small world in this side of the world.

It was supposed to be closed. Inuyasha hadn't felt it when he teleported last time, but now he appeared in the space.

Like a secret room, a gap was opened slightly.

And this little gap is enough for Inuyasha to locate its spatial coordinates!

"...Interesting... Small world? Would you like to go see it?" After thinking about it, Inuyasha decided to go in and have a look.Anyway, there is a system space, so there is no need to worry that Ellie will be injured.


Inuyasha took two women and one wolf and entered the small gap in the void.

This is a small world, there is no sun in the sky, it is completely a chaotic feeling, or the feeling of a cloudy and rainy day.And rather than saying that this is a small world, it is better to say that it is a castle hidden in the void.

The tall buildings are entwined with dense vines, and the ground is also full of various fallen leaves, which seem to have been abandoned.

However, those Western European-style buildings look very grand, and it is conceivable that this place was definitely a lively ancient city before.

"What place is this, there is such an ancient city in the void?" Inuyasha turned around, and some couldn't understand such an existence.The builders left no trace of the battle, and the place was deserted.

Jingle... (Are you okay Zhao)

At this time, Bai Xue bit something from the grass on one side and dragged it backward, making a crisp sound.

Inuyasha crouched down and saw that it was actually a thin iron chain, and it stretched far and wide.After a little thought, Inuyasha floating in the air found that the entire ancient city was chained like this.

There are in all directions, and they all seem to be gathering in one place, which is the very center of the city.

"This battle, why does it feel like some ancient beast is locked..." Inuyasha fell to the ground, rubbing his chin and thinking for a while.

Not only that, Inuyasha's eyes were full of greed and greed.

He happened to be strengthening his body with the blood of this wild and ancient beast, and this is really happening!

PS: There is a lot of introduction in this chapter. Although I know that everyone should know it, it always feels wrong if I don’t write it.The setting of the moon world has basically come out, and it should not be there in the future. .

Chapter [-]: The True Ancestor Princess in the Millennium City (seeking a flower ticket)

"Go!" Inuyasha beckoned to Goudan and the others, and then took the lead in walking towards the place where the chains converged.

Looking at his excited look, Goudan shook his head helplessly.In this way, I dare to say that I know space very well. This is not a small world of natural evolution, but created by intelligent creatures.

If you use a word that everyone understands, it is that this is actually an inherent enchantment.

The Innate Barrier is a magic that embodies the scenery in one's mind, and when activated, it will change the surrounding space into a completely different scenery.

It is a powerful magic that corrupts the world with magical power, and it is the closest magic to magic.The most familiar ones should be the "King's Army" of conquering the king, and the "unlimited sword system" of the Imperial Palace of the Shining Treasures.

And this place is also similar to the existence of the inherent enchantment, obviously it is impossible to lock any prehistoric alien species.

The ones locked here are definitely humans, or humanoids!Just let him be happy first, then see a man and scare him to death~

"Ai Li, let's go." Gou Dan, like a big sister, pulled Ai Li to keep up with Inuyasha's pace.

On the other hand, Bai Xue, 800 followed early, and is now walking at the feet of Inuyasha.

As they went along, the visible chains became denser and denser, which clearly proved that they were approaching the center of the ancient city.Where these chains meet is where Inuyasha is looking.

The road underfoot is actually not rugged, Inuyasha can feel that there is a road paved with bricks under the thick leaves.

It also reflects the glory of this ancient city from the side.

at last.

Inuyasha stopped, but he couldn't accept the scene in front of him.It's not the prehistoric alien species in the phenomenon, that chain from all directions in the west is actually a girl?

This is an ancient city that is based on a circle and gradually expands outward, and at the center of the circle is a high stone platform.

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