"Well, I know Dad..." Ellie took the things and started brushing her teeth according to the memory in her mind.

But Inuyasha was stunned in place.

Did he feed Ellie some strange idea why she called "Daddy"?But... so exciting!

"Get out of the way, pervert!" After last night, Goudan had [-] people who disliked Ergouzi.Only now did Inuyasha realize what a cute name Ergouzi is, and most of them are perverts now...

The Einzbern family has a great business, and this sink is also big enough for Dog Dan and Ellie to wash together.

Looking at the two women standing side by side, they both have beautiful faces, and the most rare thing is that their hair is all silver.

However, the eyes that appeared in the mirror, one was sapphire blue and the other was wine red, but they were both very beautiful.

Looking at these two women, Inuyasha had to admit that his "chicken" moved.He hugged the dog who was brushing his teeth from behind and whispered in her ear, "Didn't you say I'm a pervert? Then I'll show you a pervert!"

Dog Dan was stunned, "What are you doing... ah!"

Ellie turned her head to look at them while brushing her teeth. In her memory, this kind of behavior was called love, right?

The dinner table.

Goudan ate breakfast sullenly, she was really fed up with this erotic dog.

Ellie was not used to using a knife and fork. This morning, she was really curious about everything.When you see a light switch, try it, when you see a refrigerator, you want to...

The most extreme thing is that she actually lifted the skirt of a passing maid sauce.

"What on earth is under the girl's skirt?" In order to verify the doubt in her mind, Ellie decided to act.

Because Inuyasha said, try everything 027!

Looking at the sullen and angry dog ​​eggs and Ellie who is curious about everything, Inuyasha really feels like his wife is sulking and his daughter is making trouble. There are many times in life like this.

"Ahad, did Cornwall send someone?" Inuyasha raised his head and asked.

Generally speaking, Ahad Weng also needs to eat, but he never appears here, but let the servants send him into his room.

This time is actually no exception. Although he is sitting on the chair at the dining table, he is not eating.But looking at Ellie, he always felt that this artificial human created by him had undergone some changes that he did not know.

"People have been sent, but whether or not Avalon can be found depends on whether your information is accurate or not."

"Avalon must be there, you should be able to find it if you dig three feet in the ground."

"That's so simple..." Ahad Weng rolled his eyes speechlessly. He found that since this bastard came, his expressions have become much richer, and he has even learned to use many words that he would not use before.

For example, bastard, his meow, hehe... or something.

"Get me a dozen or twenty recommendation books for the Clock Tower in London, and I'm going to play there." Inuyasha said without looking up.

"Okay, no...a dozen or twenty?!".

Chapter [-]: The Ancient City Hidden in the Void (Seeking Flower Tickets)

The entire Xingyue world is simply a root, two major restraining forces, five magicians, and twenty-seven ancestors.

Of course, there are also two major organizations on the mysterious side, namely the Church of the Holy Church and the Magic Association.Any source or inhibition is too far away, but the Church of the Holy Church and the Magic Association are very common things.


Ordinary people who come into contact with these things will be dealt with.

Mystery, or a general term for all kinds of supernatural things including magic, is in principle not available to ordinary people.Mystery is something that "the more people know, the weaker the effect".

So for these people, there is something called "seal formulation", which simply means that he can no longer appear in the world.

In other words, it was directly killed!

Among them, the Magic Association includes the Clock Tower, the Wandering Sea, and the Atlas Academy. The latter two hardly need to be considered, they are too closed.

Ninety percent of magicians in Europe choose to join the Clock Tower in order to obtain resources and connections for practicing magic.

What Inuyasha asked Ahadeon to want is the qualification to enter the clock tower to practice. After all, he has to pretend to be a magician, so he has to understand what magic is, although he has roughly understood it.

And Ellie's body is [-]% made for magic, so she can only take the path of magic, which can be regarded as her.


If Inuyasha remembers correctly, the fiancée of a certain Green Director is actually quite good looking?

Instead of letting Lucky E come to green him, it is better to let Inuyasha green him, anyway, it's all green, what's the difference?But now it's only [-], and there are still [-] years left from [-] in the original work.

Sola Nazelle Sofiali should still be a loli, right?Director Ken should not be able to become a first-level lecturer.

As Einzbern, whose origin is earlier than the Magic Association, it is very easy to want a few places to enter the clock tower.

However, there are more than a dozen or twenty places...

Although Ahad Weng can get it, it will obviously attract the attention of the clock tower.Einzbern is a very powerful force, and everyone has become accustomed to his obscurity, but now there is a sudden big move.

Inevitably, it made some people feel scared and deepened their defenses against Einzbern.

However, does Inuyasha care about this?

Since the Age of God has completely disappeared in this era, and Inuyasha is swollen to death, he no longer thinks that there is anything that can threaten him.

The second magician, Jewel Weng?

If it was Kishua Zelrich Thubein Ogu in his heyday, the powerful magician who was able to slay the moon UO Vermilion Brunstad, Inuyasha might be even more afraid of him.

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