"Otherwise?" Inuyasha rolled his eyes and looked at him with a look of caring for children with intellectual disabilities, referred to as intellectual disabilities.

Ahad Weng now regrets it a little bit. Are you sure that recruiting this son-in-law isn't bringing a wolf into the house?

Ow!The white wolf yelled at him, come on, the wolf is here.

Looking at the empty bowl that was clean in his hand and made Ahad wonder if it needs to be cleaned, the old man sighed helplessly and was about to leave.But at this moment, that annoying voice rang again.

"By the way, if you have nothing to do, go to Cornwall in southwest England, where Avalon is buried." Inuyasha said.

This is what I knew when I watched anime in my previous life, so it shouldn't go wrong.

Ahad Weng looked at Inuyasha's back, and a sense of sight came from the fact that he had changed from the patriarch to the younger brother of Running Moon Retire.

"Ah~ I see..." After sighing helplessly, Ahad Weng turned and left the sad room.When I walked out of the room, I didn't forget to close it very gently.


Listening to the sound of the door lock, Inuyasha showed a smile and stretched out her hand to Eri's Moon Hung!

PS: 2B = dog eggs.

Chapter [-] Instill "common sense" in Ellie (seeking flower tickets)

In the eyes of Goudan looking at the beast, Inuyasha put his hand on the Moon Hunger who was just the size of Eri.


The completely ignorant client, with no shy expression at all, just stared blankly at Inuyasha.There is no objection to Inuyasha doing this at all, and there is no shy expression at all, but...

After instinctively feeling the comfort, she squinted her eyes and showed an expression of enjoyment.

"Perverted (Ow)!" Goudan's icy gaze finally stopped someone's beastly behavior, and reluctantly retracted his right hand.

However, Ellie, who was chasing happiness instinctively, grabbed his hand and put it back on her Moon Hungarian.


In desperation, Inuyasha could only go against his conscience and move his right hand gently.

The time "seven, eight, seven" passed, and Inuyasha realized that his hands were a little sore when he knew that the clock outside was "dangdang".Look at Ellie.The soft body lacked a trace of strength, and looked at him with blurred eyes.

"Almost forgot about the business." Inuyasha patted his forehead, blaming himself for his gaffe.

It was all the fault of Da Ningzi, which made him lose his mind so much.

However, that seems to work fine.

Ellie had already fallen into a drowsy sleep, so that he would not have to spend time coaxing him, he could do it directly.

His right hand was firmly attached to the slightly left position in front of Aili Yuexiong, and the soft and jade-like touch still made him slightly absent-minded for a moment.Only then did I concentrate and feel the beating heart below.

That's right, Inuyasha wants to replace Ellie's heart, this thing is the so-called "container"!

Boom, boom, boom...

When Inuyasha's hand left Eri's Moon Hunger, there was an extra heart in his hand, which was still beating in his hand.

"Ah, what an ugly thing!" Inuyasha looked at the heart in his hand that didn't look like a heart at all. It had a purple-red appearance, and there were objects like stones on it.

If you don't know in advance, no one will think of this thing that exudes magic power everywhere as a heart, right?

A strange purple-red light flashed, and the heart turned into a cup in Inuyasha's hand.

It is a common goblet in the West, but the golden light is extremely gorgeous, and it is also inlaid with various beautiful and precious gems.Anyone who sees it will think of a famous painting.

Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper", although she is a dainzi beauty in the moon-shaped world.

The so-called Holy Grail is a wine glass used by Jesus after sending Judas Iscariot and his 11 disciples at the Last Supper.

Legend has it that it has endless magic power, and people can rejuvenate themselves by drinking the water it has filled!

of course.

Although the Holy Grail of the Moon World is different from this Holy Grail, this small Holy Grail is also an item cast by Einzbern according to the legend of Jesus. The only difference is that it is empty inside.

And when it is filled with souls from heroic spirits, it can induce the Great Holy Grail hidden under Liudong Temple to come into the world.

"Well, it's okay like this, then it will drink..." Putting the little Holy Grail aside, Inuyasha put his hand back.

Sure enough, the icy little Holy Grail is still no match for the warm Darenzi~

And Goudan took out a thumping heart at this time, needless to say, it was prepared for Ellie.There is also a drop of blood essence from Zulong, which is more than enough to bear the magic power required by this body.

After feeling the strong beating of the heart in Eri's body, Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief.

Ellie's body no longer has the function of the Little Holy Grail. Even if the Holy Grail War begins, the soul of the hero will enter the Little Holy Grail after the death of the hero.

And now the little Holy Grail is helplessly falling to the side, completely ignored by Inuyasha.

This heart not only changed Ellie's fate, but also transformed her body little by little, so that she did not have the limit of man-made products.Just like a real human being, with infinite possibilities!

"Seems to have forgotten something?" Looking at Ellie's sleeping face, Inuyasha really forgot what he wanted to do for a while.

"Idiot, you forgot to transmit some common sense to her." Goudan said blankly.

"Oh... um, who are you calling an idiot?"

"you guess?"

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