"No, I'll teach her." Inuyasha waved his hand, the ghost knows what thoughts this old man will instill in Ellie.If some thoughts are harmful to Ellie, such as being a container is her mission, then he will lose a lot.

Of course, Inuyasha was not prepared to teach it little by little like a child.

As a monster who also serves as a monk, it is too simple to transmit thoughts to humans.

On the top floor of the castle on the left, this became Ellie's boudoir.And Inuyasha didn't dislike it, and lived in this small shabby house with about [-] square meters, along with dog eggs and dogs.

"Ahadeon, ask the servants below to prepare some food and send it over." Inuyasha said without looking back, holding Ai Li on the couch.

"Clam?" Ahad Weng was taken aback for a moment, you called me the dignified patriarch - to do these things?

"What the hell? Are you not a humanoid terminal? Can't you just send a command?" Inuyasha said as a matter of course.

"Oh, this is also..."

"Wait!" Just when Ahadeon was about to transmit the order, Inuyasha suddenly put down his work and came to him in three or two steps. "Do you have a menu? Take it out and have a look."

Saying that, Inuyasha also poked his forehead, as if to see if he would stick out the window.

But obviously, no window will pop out...

"Che, no? How did you become the patriarch? You don't even have a menu." Inuyasha said with disgust.

"My patriarch didn't carry a menu, I'm really sorry." If it wasn't for him being not good at combat magic, or if this guy was the fourth magician, Ahad Weng would definitely fight with him.

Simply deceiving!This is the first time I heard that when the patriarch has to carry a menu with him!

At this time.

Something strange happened to Ahadeon... dong dong...

There was a knock on the door, Ahad Weng looked around, and finally turned around and walked over to open the door.Obviously none of those people could be commanded by him, and they had no intention of leaving at all.

After opening the door, only to find a maid standing at the door with a white hat on her head, holding a tray in her hand.

A bowl of steaming vegetable porridge is on the tray.

"Patriarch, the green vegetable porridge you want." Maid Sauce said very mechanically, without a trace of emotion in her tone.

Ahadeon took the tray subconsciously, and the maid-chan turned and left after completing her task.Einzbern has no androids she doesn't need, and she still has a lot of work to do.

Looking at the fragrant green vegetable porridge, Ahad Weng fell into confusion for a while, he didn't issue this order at all!

"Give it to me, it's really stupid." Inuyasha took the green vegetable porridge from his hand and brought it to Ellie's side.

Babies naturally drink for the first time, because the digestive system is not strong enough to digest other foods.Although Ellie's digestive system is complete, it is better to drink porridge for the first time.

Ellie is smart and quickly learns about eating, although it is still fed by Inuyasha.

"Er Gouzi, I've never seen you treat me so well!" Gou Dan was instantly unhappy when he looked at the closeness of the two.

"Who said, those swords, long knives and so on, didn't I feed you with my own hands?" Inuyasha rolled his eyes and said solemnly.

"How can it be the same... ah, hot hot..."

While Goudan was still talking, Inuyasha took a spoonful of green vegetable porridge and stuffed it into her mouth.Let her obediently close the toilet and twist it, and let out a mouthful of hot air.

Here, a man and two women drank porridge intimately, while the old man Ahad on the other side was lost in confusion.

Ahadeon didn't transmit the order, but Maid-chan received the order.

This proves that there must be an order transmitted to the maid-chan, but it was not sent by the old guy Ahad.

Who sent this command?And it was taken by Maid-chan as an order from Ubustakuhayd von Einzbern, and why did he not feel this order?

"Haha...a fragile system." Looking at the old man in a daze, Goudan smiled smugly.

The order just now was naturally given by her dog.

During the time when Dog Dan left in the secret room, he did not go to visit, but did something secretly. 2B is only a combat robot, but the dog is not.

She has successfully hacked into Einzbern's control system, and her rank is still higher than that of the patriarch Ahadeon.

Now as long as she has an idea, the entire Einzbern will be controlled by her, except for the dozen or so androids that can survive independently.

· 0 for flowers · · · ·

Therefore, the current Einzbern is actually under the control of Inuyasha, but it is still hidden.

At this time.

A whole bowl of vegetable porridge was sent into the belly of Ellie and Goudan. Speaking of which, the Goudan was really shameless. To actually grab food from a newborn baby, it was more than shameless, it was simply shameless!

"Crack!" Inuyasha put the empty bowl together with the tray in the hands of Ahadeon who was in a daze.

He was investigating whether there was a problem with Einzbern's system, but he searched thoroughly three times until he was interrupted, and found no problem.

"What is this?" Ahad Weng looked at the empty bowl in his hand.

"Empty bowl."

0 ......  

"I know it's an empty bowl, but what's this for?"

"Oh, Ellie's finished eating, and you have nothing to do, so just go down with the bowl." Inuyasha waved at him, the next thing he was going to do was not suitable for this old guy to see.

"You let me serve the bowl?" The old man looked at Inuyasha in disbelief. Who is the patriarch?

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