"Ah! Why is it you again!" Tokiomi Tosaka yelled in horror, as if he saw a ghost.

That's right, that aunt was the one who pressed Tosaka Tokiomi to him by the way. She came to the shrine with a group of "maid-chan" just now.It didn't take long to find out that there were many civilians outside.

In order not to let them disturb their master, the aunts consciously stopped outside the torii gate.

Coincidentally, Tokiomi Tohsaka just rolled onto the feet of the auntie~

"Hmph! Pervert!" Let's call it Aunt Tohsaka, after all, she has such a relationship with Tokiomi Tohsaka.She looked at Tosaka Tokiomi, who was holding her Satsuki back with contempt, with only a pair of blood-stained red pants all over her body.

Her whole life is the master's, and this guy dares to touch her jade body?


Aunt Tohsaka kicked Tohsaka Tokiomi's temple, and the latter immediately fainted gorgeously.

However, in this way, Tohsaka Tokiomi was spared the physical and mental torture.As for why there is psychological torture, all the media have already held up the camera to shoot.

It is estimated that after tomorrow, Tohsaka Tokiomi, the head of Tohsaka's family, blasphemed the gods at the Nippon Shrine, and the news of being punished by the gods will spread throughout the neon.

At that time, Tokiomi Tohsaka will really be famous, including the entire Tohsaka family!

It's just that the reputation is not very good, and it should be fine after thinking about it.


More and more people gathered at the Higaka Shrine, and because the long Shinto in front of the shrine blocked people's sight, they couldn't see anything but some dazzling golden light.

But the more this is the case, the more unquenchable the curiosity in people's hearts is. They really want to break through the line of defense formed by this group of aunts, but...

The sign from the Okita chaebol, but it made them dare not do it at all.


Sorry, the Okita chaebol is notorious for protecting the calf, and even the employees of the Okita chaebol are not something they can bully.

Of course... someone soon walked onto the shrine's square.Because the road to the shrine is not only the Shinto, although the woods on one side are a little difficult to walk, it is still possible to reach the shrine.

"This is... my God! Quick! Why are you taking pictures? Hurry up and stand still!" a reporter yelled at the cameraman's little brother next to him. He felt that as long as he edited and published as soon as possible, then He posted it!

"Oh, I'm stunned, stunned~"

The cameraman's younger brother hurriedly started stunned, and quickly turned the camera in his hand.

At this time, everyone could clearly feel that the anger on the golden armor god had dissipated, and it was more of a sacred aura.


The golden deity pointed the tip of the sword at Chancheng Aoi again, which made her shrink immediately and hide behind Inuyasha.She could see the tragic condition of Tohsaka Tokiomi just now, this guy is not staring at her, right?

"Little girl, I have already fulfilled your wish for you." Unexpectedly, the golden-armored deity actually said these words.


Chancheng Aoi was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered the wish she made just now, but she never thought that Lord God really heard her wish and realized it in this way.

No, Tokiomi Tohsaka has been castrated, and it is estimated that he will be with magic for the rest of his life...

Propose marriage?It is impossible to propose a marriage. Magic is so interesting. People who play magic can talk. I like magic very much~

As for Mr. Ruyi, she thought she had already found it.

While Chancheng Aoi was in a daze, the golden deity pointed to Matou Kariya again.The latter immediately tightened, but thinking that Xiaokui was fine, he shouldn't be as unlucky as Tohsaka Tokiomi, right?

"Who is that, your wish... or give it up, you have no hope~"

"Huh? Didn't the gods help people realize their wishes?" Matou Kariya looked at him with a confused expression, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Okay then!" The Jinjia spirit swallowed helplessly, and all pointed to Chancheng Kui again. "Little girl, who's wish is for you to know his heart."

"Intentions? What intentions?" Chancheng Aoi asked inexplicably.

"He you." The golden armor god said in an unquestionable tone, as if he said nothing wrong.


"I'm not, I'm not, you are talking nonsense..." Looking at Chancheng Aoi's eyes, Matou Kariya immediately came to deny Sanlian, but no matter how you look at it, there is a feeling of guilty conscience in it.

As a result, Chancheng Aoi's eyes became more suspicious.

Obviously, Chancheng Aoi was more willing to believe in this majestic golden-armored god than the guilty Matou Kariya.

"I'm sorry, I have always regarded you as a younger brother." After looking at Inuyasha in front of him, Chancheng Aoi gathered up his courage and said.If it weren't for the words of the Golden Armored Spirit being too extreme, it would have been difficult for her to cruelly reject Matou Kariya.

brother, brother, brother...

These two words kept echoing in his mind, and Matou Kariya's face became more and more difficult to look at.

Although he had guessed the current situation a long time ago, when he really heard what was said from Chancheng Aoi, Matou Kariya still felt an incomparable heartache.

"No!" Matou Kariya looked at Chancheng Aoi, who was guilty but determined, and couldn't help roaring up to the sky.

He no longer wanted to stay in this sad place, and ran to Shinto with tears...

Tears blurred his vision, but Matou Kariya completely ignored his comfort and just wanted to leave this ruined shrine quickly.And he also completely forgot to pay attention to his feet, and the one who did not pay attention to learn Tohsaka Tokiomi rolled the Shinto.

bang bang bang...

After a while of smoke and dust, Matou Kariya, who was sore all over, found that there seemed to be someone under him, which also gave him some buffer.

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