Human curiosity will never be wiped out.

Many people took out their binoculars to watch, while many people left the warm bed, put on clothes indiscriminately, and ran towards the place where the golden light came from.

"It's the Nippon Shrine, a place blessed by gods in legends." This was the voice of everyone.

And the police who received the notice, even the poor and boring Jin Yiwei, also began to rush towards the Higurashi Shrine.

Regardless of that.

At this time, the old man Higuro had a new change. He slowly and heavily raised his finger and pointed at Tokiomi Tosaka, who was illuminated by the golden light. He saw a look of horror on his face, but he did not move.

At this time, everyone realized that these golden lights were actually used to control his body and prevent him from moving.

What dog P has a fate!

As the old man's dry right hand was raised a little bit, the right hand of the golden-armored deity behind him that was holding Qingfeng also began to be raised.

In the end, the tip of the sword formed by that golden light pointed directly between Tohsaka Tokiomi's eyebrows.


A strange sound of running water was heard in everyone's ears, and upon closer inspection, it turned out that Tokiomi Tosaka couldn't stand the pressure from the gods, and the little brother didn't control it well, and the urine flowed out.

Inuyasha stuck out his tongue in disgust, and gently hugged Xiaokui's trembling body in his arms.

One word, Yellow!

"Presumptuous! Not only did you show your body in my shrine, you blasphemed your seat when you prayed, and now you are still peeing and mocking me in front of me? It's a crime that can be punished!"

"I, I, I... ah!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi wanted to say that you didn't let me take it off?But Inuyasha, no!How could the Jinjia gods let him speak.

The golden light fell, and everyone only saw that the pressure of the whole world was gathered on the blade.

The house, the land, the trees... all trembled violently, and the golden light quickly cut through Tohsaka Tokiomi's body.After a while, the golden light dissipated and returned to the body of the golden armored god.

"What happened? Why don't I feel anything at all?" Tokiomi Tosaka said blankly.

Just after the golden sword fell, the golden light shining on him dissipated, and he regained his freedom.

Is it a blindfold?Illusion?

Tohsaka Tokiomi touched his body and found that there were no missing parts. He couldn't help but suspect that there were other magicians around and used illusions to deceive everyone.

stare at...(each)

However, the strange eyes of everyone made him feel uncomfortable.

"What are they looking at? Am I alright?" Following everyone's gaze, Tokiomi Tosaka was stunned.Then his body began to tremble violently, and there was even a trace of blood overflowing from the corners.

It turned out that there was something like an embroidery needle at his feet.

Take a closer look!

Isn't this Tosaka Tokiomi's little brother?What's the matter with you, little brother, why are you lying on the ground?

Looking at your little kuku, why is there an extra drop of blood?


A burst of uncontrollable pain hit 573, Tosaka Tokiomi thought of something in disbelief as he looked at the bloodstains that were getting bigger and bigger.That is his little brother, who was cut by the sword just now!

"No!!! How can you, how can you..." Tokiomi Tosaka pointed at the old man Higuro with a grim expression.

In other words, the golden armored god behind him is more suitable.

He was castrated, just now!

Pursuing the truth of magic is a long process, so magicians are very persistent in their descendants.Just like this time, Tokiomi Tosaka's ultimate goal is to get the excellent mother of Chancheng Aoi and give birth to excellent offspring.

But now, he can never have offspring!

"Why not? You have blasphemed against this god, and this god can naturally punish you!" A majestic voice sounded from the old man's mouth.

But everyone knew that it was the voice of the Golden Armored Spirit.

"But neither can you. Can't..."


The Golden Armor snorted coldly, and with a wave of his right hand, a golden light hit Tohsaka Tokiomi's body.Tosaka Tokiomi's body immediately flew out of the shrine like a rag, and Gululu rolled down the Shinto steps all the way.

Obviously, this golden armored god does not seem to be a god to talk about.

"Humph! Little brother is so young, he still has the face to talk?"

Chapter [-] Matou Kariya who has stepped into the footsteps?

bang bang bang...

Tohsaka Tokiomi rolled all the way down from the top of the Shinto stairs, smashing his face against the hard steps each time.When he landed on the last step, he unexpectedly felt a little soft.

He struggled to open his swollen eyes and looked through the slit to see what was going on.

As a result, it was an expressionless aunt's face.

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