The batch of gemstones that Tokiomi Tosaka purchased before was bought in a jewelry store under the name of the Okita chaebol.Even because he got a little discount, Tokiomi Tosaka felt that he had a special face.

And the top leader of the Okita chaebol, a woman who only had to nod when she saw the prime minister, actually knelt in front of Inuyasha.

Moreover...the mouth is calling the master!

"Who the hell is this bastard? Not only does he have a black gold dragon card, but he also made the controller of the Okita chaebol knelt down and called him master? And I actually used money to run on him just now?"

Tohsaka Tokiomi is now very regretful. If they get stuck in the gem business, then their Tohsaka family's gem magic...

Without gems, gem magic is just a joke.

No one would doubt whether the Okita chaebol had such strength, and the current Tokiomi only hopes that they will forget about themselves!

"Qianhe? You should get up first, it makes me look like I'm not a gentleman."

Chapter Thirteen I am the butler, just the butler.

Due to the rise of the Celestial Dynasty, its culture also influenced the whole world.

Compared with the gentleman's demeanor in the original world, the character of a modest gentleman is the perfect evaluation for a man.Of course, the gentlemen here have no other meaning, and they are simply not popular with gentlemen.

As for the original chivalrous spirit, it still exists, but this old-fashioned thing has no fresh vitality and appears to be obsolete.

I really don't know, will a certain dumb hair feel lost for this?

"Yes, my master." Okita Chizuru responded, got up from the ground, and stood calmly in front of Inuyasha.But she still kept her head down, so that Inuyasha couldn't see her cheeks clearly.

"Raise your head." With a slight force on his fingers, Okita Qianhe didn't dare to resist, and raised his head obediently.

I have to say, compared to the previous housekeeper who made Inuyasha completely uninteresting in "sex", Chizuru Okita in front of her is much more beautiful.

It seems that after so many generations of genetic improvement, this female housekeeper has a good appearance.

Okita Qianhe sipped her zuichun slightly. As the current ruler of the Okita chaebol, she has always been in a strong and active position.But now facing Inuyasha, she has completely fallen into a passive position.

Moreover, her own momentum was completely suppressed by this man, and even if there was no family ban, she would not dare to resist him.

"Very good eyes, unwilling and submissive." Inuyasha smiled evilly.

"..." Okita Chizuru was speechless, still quietly looking at this handsome man who did not look like a human being.

"Okay, tell me first, how can you be sure that I am your master, just with my clothes? Or this handsome face, or the unusual silver hair?"

Inuyasha looked at Chizuru Okita, but he was curious about how this woman recognized his identity.

Five generations, enough to erase a lot of things.

The Ze of Gentlemen, beheaded for the third time!

Even if it is the connection between blood relatives, there is basically no emotion at all outside of the five servers.And the fifth-generation housekeeper of the Okita family recognized him at a glance, the third son-in-law of the Okita family~

Well, the third son-in-law does not refer to the third son-in-law, but to the common husband of the three sisters.

"When the ancestors were sorting out the things left by the owner, they found a photo of you and the three young ladies..." Speaking of this, even the cold beauty of Okita Qianhe couldn't help but blushed.

" that so?"

"Yes, you are exactly the same as in the photo except for your ears. You are either a descendant of the owner of the family back then."

"Okay, you don't need to say any more."

Inuyasha blushed, and the look in Chizuru Okita's eyes became strange.

Without him.

At that time, although a certain Mr. Daguerre who held a high flag had already invented the camera, they were all clumsy and black-and-white point-and-shoot cameras, which were very inconvenient.

And the photo in Okita Chizuru's mouth was taken by Inuyasha with his own synthetic SLR camera.

Of course, these are nothing, at most, the photos are clearer than normal.


At that time, I didn't know what Inuyasha was thinking, and suddenly I wanted to pay tribute to Master Chen, the photographer, so it was an artistic photo of Hong Guoguo, Inuyasha's little brother, which was all seen by this group of girls.

"Who else looks at my photo except you!" Inuyasha said suddenly and sternly.

His eyes were full of killing intent, and it was because he was careless at that time that he forgot to take away such an important thing.

It's just that it's not a big problem for a woman to see it, after all, his little brother is very photogenic, but if...

"Since my grandmother's grandmother, we have only passed down the throne to our daughters, and that photo can only be seen by every generation of housekeepers, just to meet you one day."

"Meet me? Xiaoguang already gave the entire Okita family to your grandmother's grandmother. I heard it clearly, it was a gift."

"No, the Okita family will always belong to Miss Okita back then. We have always been housekeepers, waiting for the master's return."

Seeing Okita Chizuru with a firm expression, Inuyasha had to be moved by their spirit.

Five generations of time was enough to wipe out the closest brothers at the time.

Because even if it was the love behind him back then, the younger generation will not necessarily inherit the feelings of the older generation.Only the saying that interests are eternal seems to have no effect on the housekeeper and her descendants.

They have proved with their actual actions that the so-called loyalty is not always dispelled by interests.

"Okay lady, you will always be the housekeeper of the Okita family." Inuyasha touched Okita Chizuru's forehead with his finger, and a faint red mark appeared on the white forehead...  

It was a flame, representing the acknowledgment from Inuyasha.

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