In the end, when Inuyasha left with Xiaoguang and the three sisters, he gave the entire Okita family's power to the housekeeper who grew up with Xiaoguang, so the current Okita chaebol should be managed by her descendants?

Chapter [-] Chizuru Okita, I have seen the master!

It was only at this moment that Inuyasha understood why he looked at these aunties so familiarly.

Because the second young lady of the Okita family, Okita Jin, had a strange male phobia, the "gentle" elder sister dispersed all the original male guards, and instead recruited and trained a group of women with a physique that looked exactly like a man.

Eight-pack abs, strong biceps, big moon retreats thicker than telephone poles, moon muscles...~ I can't force it

These aunts left a deep impression on Inuyasha at the beginning, although they were forgotten over time.

But when the word Okita is mentioned, Inuyasha immediately thinks of the three sisters of the Okita family, these terrifying aunts!

"I see, it seems that the housekeeper still has two hands~" Inuyasha nodded.

Although the housekeeper grew up with Miss Okita, and her father was also the housekeeper of the three Okita sisters, she was an outsider without the Okita family blood after all.

The three Okita sisters, especially the owner, Okita Hikaru and Inuyasha left together.

Other relatives, who were already upset by the suppression of a woman by Mitsuko Okita, naturally began to compete for power.

Okita Hikaru had already left, so her order to give everything to the housekeeper was just a piece of paper.The forces that are really left to her are completely controllable, only the loyal and loyal aunts that Okita Hikaru nurtured.

And since this "Okita Aunt Group" has been retained now, then it was obviously the housekeeper who won.

To be able to win under such circumstances, it seems that this female housekeeper is also a woman with skills...

click, click, click~

A steady footstep sounded, and Inuyasha turned to look in the direction of the sound.Don't underestimate the sound of footsteps, a person with a heart can hear a lot of things from the sound of footsteps, and Inuyasha is such a person with a heart.

"[-] meters tall, [-] kilograms in weight, short black hair, black embroidered shoes, black clothes... decisive, resolute, unsmiling, self-disciplined, generous, smart, loyal... unsmiling to outsiders..."

This is what Inuyasha heard from the footsteps!

Awesome, right?

Of course, let's not mention the so-called character behavior, appearance, are you sure you didn't see it directly?

"Brother, are you an immortal? How did you hear these things from the sound of footsteps?" Luo Hua has seen the current head of the Okita chaebol, not to mention the clothes and height and weight that he is wearing today, his personality is completely in line with this aspect. Inuyasha's narration.

"See more, think more, do more." Inuyasha patted Luo Hua on the shoulder in the image of a big brother.

in fact.

The image that Inuyasha said is exactly the image of most strong women in shopping malls.

And from Luo Hua's previous sentence of "cold" woman, we can infer a lot of things. He must have been deflated by that woman, and in a very cold and rude way.

So much so that it hurt Luo Hua's fragile little heart and made him feel the fear of this woman he didn't want to see.

Therefore, what Inuyasha said was actually inferred by him~

Not long after, a woman who completely matched Inuyasha's description pushed open the closed door and walked out.Everyone immediately exclaimed in unison, and it was not bad at all!

Even the height he reported was the net height of the woman after removing her shoes.

"Store manager!" The shopping guide and the cashier, who were happy before, immediately calmed down and bowed to the visitors.

To be precise, the visitor was an agent of the store.

Qi Yanwuyi is an industry directly under the Celestial Dynasty. In view of the outstanding performance of the Okita family in the fight against the anti-Chinese armed forces, this allowed the Okita family to open a storefront on behalf of Neon.

Most of the proceeds are to be handed over, and only a small part will fall into the hands of the Okita chaebol.

"Don't be too polite, tell me what happened here first?" As soon as he came up, he asked the reason for the matter, which was indeed quite resolute.

"The manager, that's the guy..."

The cashier lady pointed at Tokiomi Tosaka, and spoke rather harshly for a long time.Then he pointed at Inuyasha again, and praised him with a smile on his face for a long time, almost praising him like a flower.

However, the cashier's sister, Barabara, talked for a long time, and the store manager just nodded slightly.

But when she looked at the calm Inuyasha, she was stunned.


In everyone's eyes, the store manager "Putong" suddenly knelt down in front of Inuyasha.She lowered her head and said, "The fifth housekeeper of the Okita family, Qianhe Okita has seen the master."

"My hair???" Luo Hua jumped up suddenly, looking at the woman kneeling on the ground with a submissive face in disbelief.

You know, the reason why he didn't want to see this woman was because he had been rectified by her before.

Luo Hua still remembers that when he molested this woman, she was attacked by her in all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation.During that time, when Luo Hua went to the toilet, he had to worry about whether there would be a bomb hidden in the toilet!

And now, who is this woman who is kneeling on the ground and calling her master?

… … … … … …


The aunt on the side was surprised, her hands unconsciously exerted force.And Tosaka Tokiomi, who was pressed to the ground by her, immediately took a deep breath, but his eyes were staring straight ahead.

The Okita chaebol, a terrorist consortium that controls almost [-]% of Neon's economy, has reached out to every aspect.

Their Tohsaka family in Fuyuki City can only live under the breath of the Okita chaebol.

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