Therefore, Inuyasha's fire rat fur is not only not dazzling here, but also very noble.

"Euni sauce..."

A small figure hugged his Satsuki Tui, who is now the little princess of the Higurashi Shrine, Higurashi Kagome.

She was only two years old, and she was already very proficient in walking.In fact, she, who was transformed from a trace of Kikyo's soul, has had a talent far beyond ordinary people since she was a child.

She was born with a six-star in her heart, and she opened her eyes, opened her mouth, and walked much faster than other children.

"Little preserved egg, come to brother to hug..."

Inuyasha reached out and picked Kagome up and kissed her on the cheek.

Ergouzi's movements are very skilled. His right arm is placed underneath to gently support Little Kagome's body, and his left hand is used to assist. At a glance, he knows that this is not the first time he has held a child.

Don't get me wrong, Ergouzi didn't give birth to a child, and the essence went to take care of the women's appearance. Where did the child come from?

It was practiced by the girl who hugged the calamus before, and Feng was also considered one when she was a child~


Little Loli kissed Inuyasha on the cheek back, and Inuyasha, who felt that she had been taken advantage of, kissed Little Loli on the cheek again, but the two who refused to accept each other played a game of kissing.

In the end, it was little Kagome who lost, who made her face smaller?

"You're here, Inuyasha." A soft call came from behind, gentle and flat.

"Long time no see, Ms. Higaki (PS: I suddenly realized that Kagome's mother didn't have a name in the original book, nor did my grandpa's name!)" Inuyasha hugged Kagome and turned around and smiled.

"Long time no see? Just call me Meihui (PS: The dog author got it, isn't it good?)"

"Mihui, I haven't seen you for a day~"

Inuyasha has been running towards the modern times these days. In addition to exchanging feelings with Kagome and figuring out this era, it is possible that there is no Higure Mie.

At this time, Higoku's mother still had long hair, and she was only eighteen years old...

Most importantly, little Kagome doesn't have a father. (PS: Let’s change it here. Originally, I wanted to add a sister to Kagome, but think about it, let’s just let her reproduce as a single body. If there is no sister, the mother is also fine.)

Time passed quickly, and I arranged the shrine with Meihui, and played with little Kagome for a while, and it was noon.

The dinner table.

Mie prepared a table full of dishes, many of which Inuyasha likes to eat.

"Wow, what a hearty lunch." Inuyasha hugged Kagome and looked at the dishes on a table with joy.He looked at little Kagome and couldn't help thinking of his mother Izayoi.

Sure enough, she has nothing but beauty and tenderness~

But this is enough, Yan Zhi is justice!What's more, there is one more tenderness, do you want anything else?

"Humph! Our shrine has no money to eat these every day." The old man with the goatee waited for Inuyasha, as if he was a thief who came to the shrine to steal things, he said yin and yang strangely.

"Old man?" Unfortunately, not long after, an old woman grabbed her ears and carried him back.

It was Kagome's grandfather and grandmother. At this time, Kagome's grandmother was still there. She was wearing a witch costume and her hair was gray.

So did grandpa.

If it was inferred that Meihui was only eighteen years old, the two old people couldn't be so old.Apart from the explanation of the old woman, it is only possible that Meihui was adopted by them.

But none of that matters, and there's nothing wrong with the fact that they're a family.

Originally, Mi Hui suddenly became pregnant with Kagome, which surprised them, but when the cute granddaughter appeared, all this was no longer a problem.

Anyway, the family runs a shrine, and they are not afraid of not being able to support their mother and daughter.


But the appearance of Inuyasha made the old man feel a sense of crisis. This pig is here to help their cabbage!

"Money? What is money? Bastard!" Inuyasha looked at the old man who was being cleaned up by the old woman, and out of nowhere took out a statue of Guanyin entirely made of gold and placed it on the table.

"Huh? Gold smash!"

As soon as the old man saw the gold, he didn't know the strength that had come up from him, he threw off his wife and rushed up to hug the Avalokitesvara.

He couldn't put it down and touched the Avalokitesvara statue, more kissable than seeing his wife.

Grandma covered her face, and Meihui did the same. Even little Kagome, who was only two years old, covered her eyes, not wanting to see that humiliating grandpa.

"Cough cough... It's impossible to marry my precious daughter just because of this..." After a long time, Grandpa Riguro said shamelessly.

"Not enough? I have a lot more~"

Inuyasha put up the space ring, and poured out a pile of things he took from Kyoto back then, of course, it is now called antiques.

Grandpa Higu's eyes were like a copper bell, staring at the pile of antiques.

"This, this... This is the official kiln porcelain given to the emperor in the Song Dynasty, and this is the Tang Dynasty agate gold cup that was brought back by the Tang envoy... These are all cultural relics lost in the famous Kyoto disaster!"

The old man's hands were shaking, and when he said this, he suddenly looked at the innocent Inuyasha innocently.

Where did he get these babies?

Chapter [-]: Grandma Higurashi's Assist

Grandma Higure and Mie Higure were not as philistine as Grandpa Higure. They looked at the old men touching antiques one by one and greeted Inuyasha to eat together.

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