Inuyasha, who was lying on his back, suddenly tensed up, and saw him shaking slightly, and then there was an expression on his face that everything was boring.

"Huh..." He let out a long breath and looked at the mischievous guy.


The troublemaker raised his slender neck, his throat rolled for a while, as if he was trying to swallow something.

It has to be said that the troublemaker is making rapid progress.From the beginning, it almost leaked seven or eight out of ten, and now it is only a little bit. Although it is worth encouraging, it still needs punishment for not meeting the regulations.


After a crisp sound, Inuyasha and the troublemaker looked to the right in unison.

After discovering that the long-haired Kikyo only moved slightly, he fell asleep again, and then he breathed a sigh of relief together.

"Brother-in-law, rascal, what if I wake up my sister?" The troublemaker pinched Inuyasha's arm and said angrily.

"Well~" Inuyasha shook his head helplessly. The person who sneaked in and called him up in this way was you, girl Feng, okay?Are you afraid now?How did you eat so happy just now~,

Not bad.

The troublemaker is Kikyo's only sister, Kaede.

Forty years have passed, and the little girl has also changed from a little loli who followed Yaya all day in the village to climb trees and make trouble, to the current old... It is impossible for a grandmother, but maintains the appearance of a girl of twenty-eight.

After all, Inuyasha had to feed her "medicine" from time to time in order to maintain the youth of this half-witch with a low cultivation level.

As a sister, Maple grew up and looked very similar to Kikyo.

This makes Inuyasha unable to help imagining the two sisters taking medicine together every time she feeds her medicine~

"Brother-in-law~" Feng gently crawled over, pressing the whole body on Inuyasha's body.She begged for a kiss, but was blocked by Inuyasha's outstretched finger.

"Isn't it okay, do you remember to rinse your mouth after taking the medicine?"

"Humph! I don't dislike your own things, but you are disgusting..."

Inuyasha turned his head with a guilty conscience, he wouldn't take his own medicine, that's really disgusting, self-produced and self-sold...

At this time.

Kikyo moved his body slightly and let out a soft murmur.

Inuyasha patted the crazy girl's PP, and gave her a color. The latter nodded immediately, tiptoed out of the room gently, and then there was a knock on the door outside.

"Sister, brother-in-law, get up for breakfast." Feng girl shouted solemnly.

"I know, come on."

Inuyasha also pretended to answer, and then pinched the Qiong nose of Kikyo, making her scream from her beautiful sleep.

Turning over and pressing Ergouzi under him, Kikyo bit his shoulder.

Needless to say, by virtue of Kikyo's cultivation, he knew what someone and his sister-in-law were doing behind the scenes.It's just that she never said it, pretending that she didn't know.

"It hurts, if you don't let go, your favorite master will die..."


After breakfast.

Inuyasha left the Crystal Palace wearing his fire rat fur, and now the world after five hundred years has come to 1983, and Kagome on May 1981, 5 is two years old.

And the battle between the shogunate and the reformists, in which the shogun had participated, ended in the victory of the shogunate.

It can be considered that he did not live up to the Chief Secretary's action of beheading Kawagami Hikosai in the Ikedaya incident. A large part of the reason for the shogunate's victory was that in that battle, Katsura Kogoro, who was originally the three heroes of the Meiji Restoration, died!

Therefore, as the main force of the small general secretary, until now, there is still a very big popularity in Fusang.

Chapter [-] Talk to me about money?

As for where the Director General went after that, it became the focus of everyone's discussion.

Some people say that she was seriously ill and died after completing the peak of kendo in the last game, and some people say that she left, leaving with the master who only appeared in a hurry...

In short, the legend of the kendo genius Okita Souji has been recorded in the minds of countless people.

And the long sword that was originally left by the defeated samurai, Kaga Kiyomizu, was broken in two, but it was enshrined in the highest hall.

That's because it has accompanied Chief Okita for a long time.

As for the other chrysanthemum, there are countless discussions about it.

The only thing that is known is that it was taken from Kyoto by a madman at the end of the Heian period, and then it appeared in the hands of the chief minister.It is said that her master gave her an apprenticeship, and no one knows about it.

However, no one has ever been so open-minded as to associate that madman with the master of the chief secretary.


Inuyasha stood on the high platform of the shrine, watching the vehicles coming and going.

I have to say that modern times are really a year of rapid technological development. At this time, the neon country has long been full of high-rise buildings and cars.This is still a neon as a little brother, one can imagine how prosperous the Chinese dynasty is today.


Because the Edo shogunate has been obediently serving as the loyal dog of the Celestial Dynasty, coupled with the interference of a certain dog in this world, the Celestial Dynasty, which has been on the rise since the Ming Dynasty, has the highest cultural influence in the world.

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