All this is doomed to sleepless.

The resurrection of Cuizi brought unimaginable motivation to the existence of the villagers who were killed in battle.Everyone in every household, from old men and women on crutches to toddlers, are all immersed in this cheerful atmosphere.

As for Inuyasha, the benefactor who brought Cuizi back, the whole village did not mind receiving him with the highest standards.

of course!

An upright person like Inuyasha would not accept the invitation of those big girls and little daughters-in-law.

Without him, every time he reaches the standard of Inuyasha.Speaking of which, I don't know how this sturdy village of demon slayers raised the gentle and domineering beauty of Coral.

After looking at Shrimp Haji's face before aging, it deepened the doubt.

Is it...cough~

"What's wrong? Look at me like this?" Watching another girl who was lost and leaving, when Inuyasha turned around, she found that Cuizi was looking at him with an abnormal look.

"It's nothing, see if you are possessed by other monsters."

Inuyasha knew what Tsuiko was thinking, but he was just surprised that he would take the initiative to refuse the girl's invitation.

After all, what Inuyasha did to her before, really made Cuizi unable to believe his character.

In fact... the little girl just now was indeed a beauty. If you dress up a little in the future, she will definitely be a little beauty at the school beauty level. Those crazy bees and butterflies will definitely be around her.

But Inuyasha is not watching the previous one, the most important thing is to feel it, and... she is not the protagonist~ not even a supporting role!

Well, Hashihime is an exception, who made him young and frivolous at the time?

What?And red leaves?

Red leaves don’t count, Inuyasha always liked this shikigami in his previous life, let’s learn about the power of the red barren~

"I'm bad, only bad for the people I like; I'm only bad for the people I like... Do you understand what I mean?" Inuyasha said while holding Cuizi's hand.


Cuizi dodged Inuyasha's gaze. Although she didn't know much about this, it didn't mean she was stupid!

This Hong Guoguo confession made Cuizi bow her head shyly.

She tried to pull out her little hand, and the temperature of Inuyasha on her hand made her very uncomfortable.Generous, warm... This is her favorite feeling, but her heart can't help beating, but it makes her very shy.

"Are you willing to come with me?" Inuyasha forcibly swallowed "Let's start at dawn" and looked at Cuizi sincerely.


Cuizi's shyness became even more obvious. Her remaining left hand was gently placed on her heart, feeling that the heart from someone was beating happily.

It seems to be urging her to quickly agree to Inuyasha's request.

Boom, boom, boom...

Inuyasha's hand was so tight that Tsuiko could feel the pulse in his hand.At this time, she realized that their heart beats were completely coincident.

"It turns out that my heart is not mine for a long time, is this destined?" Cuizi thought.

After thinking about it, Cuizi nodded lightly, apparently agreeing with this idea.


Her nod has a very different meaning in the eyes of others. This is a request before agreeing to Inuyasha~

"Oh~" The moment Cuizi nodded, there was a burst of cheers on the field.Cuizi, who was awakened by the cheers, realized that during the time she was thinking, these villagers had long since quieted down and waited quietly for her answer.

They cheered now, as if Cuizi had agreed to their request.

"嘤嘤嘤..." Unconsciously selling himself, Cuizi covered her pretty face shyly.


Inuyasha jumped up and said, he hadn't felt this kind of uneasy for a long time.When Cuizi nodded, Inuyasha's heart almost jumped out of his chest!

When he came to Cuizi, he came to the edge of the bonfire and looked at her red cheeks under the firelight.

I don't know if it was reddened by the fire, or my own blush~

"The atmosphere is so good, daughter-in-law~ let's dance." Inuyasha said while holding Cuizi's hand.

"I, no..." Cuizi lowered her head, she really didn't know how to dance.Since he had a strong spiritual power since he was a child, he followed an old witch to learn the use of spiritual power, as well as some spells and the like.

Speaking of dancing, she really doesn't know how.

"It's very simple, I'll teach you." After speaking, Inuyasha took Cuizi to a gentle jump.


Speaking of dancing, the level of Inuyasha is naturally not those of international competitions.But with such a simple dance, have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run? soeasy!

Under the moonlight. …

The hustle and bustle just now was gone, replaced by a peaceful serenity.

A group of villagers followed Inuyasha and Cuizi, and danced around the bonfire.Some young men and women took this opportunity to express their hearts to their loved ones.

Even some old couples who have spent decades together couldn't help but come up for romance.

After the dance, Inuyasha and the blushing Cuizi left the crowd and returned to their previous seats.But as soon as his P shares got on the mat, the jealous Kikyo pulled him up again.

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