It's a certain egg that has become more and more skinny lately!

system space.

Dog Dan put the slender Mizuki back on the table, and leaned lazily on the reclining chair.

I saw her snapping her fingers dashingly, a small and exquisite teacup appeared in her hand, and then she stretched out her left hand, and a beautiful silver spoon appeared in her hand.

"Humph! I told you to ignore me all the time~" Goudan looked at the angry Ergouzi in the picture, and a black-bellied smile appeared in his corner.

ding ding ding...

The silver spoon collided with the ceramic life, making a crisp and pleasant sound, just like a dog's laughter.

After a long time, it seemed that after stirring it evenly, the dog egg elegantly raised its fair and slender neck and drank the drink in the cup.Then he closed his eyes, carefully reminiscing the taste of the drink running down his throat.

"Yeah~ Sure enough, the fat house happy water is delicious... hiccup~" A hiccup completely destroyed the elegant image just now!

outside world.

Inuyasha really wants to pull the little bitch out of the dog egg and teach her a good lesson. With her iron sand palm, she and her PP, how to make a good dog egg, and a good dog egg PP !

But... it's still the same sentence, the dog's egg can't get out, and he can't beat it when he goes in~

"Well... this is a beautiful headband, do you like it? Here it is for you." Inuyasha handed the black little Nene over.

Don't look at how calm he looks now, but he's actually panicked inside.

This is Tzuyu!The most famous witch in the whole Fusang, the cultivation base is also only a slight difference from the earth immortal.And with this resurrection, Earth Immortal is no longer a problem for her.

But now, Inuyasha wants to give her the pleasure of later generations, Xiao Nene, as a headband.

"It's so frustrating! But...I like it!" Inuyasha's heart was full of bad taste, but his face was serious.

He even acted a little apprehensive, like a big boy who gave a gift to a girl he liked for the first time.

Looking forward to but afraid~

"Thank you." Although Cuizi has been very wary of Inuyasha recently.But she still underestimated the level of wickedness of this guy, as well as the acting skills that kill all the best actors in one second.

Soft, silky and almost weightless...

This is Cuizi's first feeling after taking it. I can't guarantee anything else. This little Nene is absolutely close to the body, and can even be stuck in it~

"Master villain~" Kikyo pouted and pouted, wondering if he was despising Inuyasha for being shameless?Or is it because Inuyasha is jealous that Inuyasha gave Xiaonene to Cuizi instead of her?

At this time, Cuizi had already trimmed her long black hair, and then tied it up with Xiao Nenei.

The black little Nene and the long black hair were mixed together, and they were almost indistinguishable from each other.

"Is it good-looking?" Cuizi hardly considered this question before, just like the Kikyo in the original book, before she met Inuyasha, she didn't even apply rouge, and her body was full of the bloody smell of monsters.

Cuizi's clothes and armor are all the simplest defensive functions, without any decoration, and even the hair is only black and straight...

Well, it is just casually scattered behind the back.

Even the seemingly decorative patterns on the eyebrows actually have their own effects, which can be simply understood as a yin seal similar to a certain blond ox chariot.

Even so, it is difficult to cover Cuizi's beauty.

The so-called natural beauty is hard to give up, and it is a beauty like her.

Now, although she is simply tied into a single ponytail, it gives her a youthful and lively temperament.With a good face, she can really do whatever she wants. Cuizi is so old, she still has the liveliness of a [-]th girl~

"Good-looking, very good-looking, just..."

"What is it?"

"It's just that you are too beautiful, this hair rope is totally unworthy of you, how about I find another color for you next time?" Inuyasha began to feel guilty, and he suddenly remembered a terrible thing.

Sooner or later, Cuizi will know the truth of Xiao Nene, and if she blows up, Inuyasha is not sure if he can stop her.


After all, it is estimated that at that time she was a small earth immortal equal to Xiaoyu...

"No, I really like it." Cuizi said lightly.How could this be the first time she received a gift from Lan Zizhi in her life, how could she let him take it back?

"Really? Uh-huh, uh-huh..."

Inuyasha laughed awkwardly, and he suddenly felt a sense of urgency.Improve your strength quickly, and you can feel less pain when you are beaten~

It's time to get out of here, though.

Cuizi has been in this dark cave for hundreds of years, I believe she can't wait to see the world now.And Inuyasha also wanted to leave as soon as possible, the place where he died.

And the fact that Cuizi came out of the cave had an impact on the demon slayer village no less than an exploding nuclear bomb!

Their ancestors were those who were once rescued by Cuizi under the monster's teeth.

Only one of them was originally engaged in the work of a demon slayer, but when this group of people gathered with Cuizi, it gradually evolved into this demon slayer village.

Cuizi's status is equivalent to that of God to believers and wine to drunkards!

"You, are Cuizi SAMA!" An old man who was already trembling, fainted with excitement after seeing Cuizi.

If it wasn't for Cuizi's spiritual power, the old man would probably go to see the judge tonight~

Chapter [-] Husband, huh?

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