In her mind, although Cuizi can be regarded as an idol, the master is definitely more important!This stinky master, in order to save and soak up the beauty, didn't he even want his own life?

Xiaoyu also looked nervously at her husband, I can bear you to pick a girl, but I can't beat myself in?

Otherwise, you might as well kill him yourself!

"You don't have to be so young, it's not worth it." Cuizi said.

Although she has gone through countless tests, she has never passed the test of love, so Cuizi is still a very young girl in this regard.Faced with the love words of "Take out my heart for you", she was obviously moved...

Didn't you see that the jade of the four souls in Inuyasha's hand moved?

"I think it's worth it." After saying that, Inuyasha grabbed at his heart with lightning speed.


When I took it out again, there was already a beating heart in my hand.

"Cough cough... I have already taken out my heart, and it seems a little inappropriate to put it back, so please accept my last gift... 12" Inuyasha said weakly with his face like golden paper.

"Master, don't!" Kikyo rushed over immediately, looking at the beating heart at a loss.

That way, the little girl was obviously frightened.

But soon Kikyo found out that something was wrong, why was there no blood at all?She touched the mouth of her villain master, and immediately felt a strong and powerful throbbing...

The villain master really deserves the name of a villain, this is bullying her again.

Looking behind her, Xiaoyu looked at her with a half-smile but not a smile. Although Inuyasha's movements were fast, she couldn't hide the sight of her demon god.

And Cuizi...

She looked at the man speechlessly, but she was not angry.Her own personality is suppressed and very old-fashioned. If she is looking for a husband, she also likes to find a husband who is a bit skinny.

"No, no, Cuizi, what are you thinking about? Why are you looking for a husband! You're not shy!"

This is the benefit of the soul body, no matter what is on the mind, it will not show on the face, but...

Her eyes still betray her inner thoughts~

"It's alright, don't cry, don't cry..." Inuyasha secretly scolded himself for not remembering the loss. Last time, his bad taste had already hurt a woman's heart. Although he finally made up for it, this time it cost Kikyo money again. Beans, it really needs to be changed!


Kikyo shook his head reluctantly, wiping his snot and tears all over Inuyasha's clothes.

If she wasn't a smart, cute and capable apprentice, Inuyasha would have slapped her long ago.And it is precisely because she is a good "capable" apprentice that Inuyasha not only does not feel angry, but feels distressed.

After signing some unequal treaties, Kikyo reluctantly let him go.

Inuyasha looked at the clothes that were wet with tears, and the luck demon spirit power evaporated these someone's things.

"How about it, it's custom-made for you~" Inuyasha waved at Cuizi with the thumping heart, and just by looking at it, he knew how strong this heart was.

In fact, it was made by Inuyasha with one of the few drops of Ancestral Dragon's blood he had, and the cells of Tsuiko's own.

If Cuizi is replaced with this heart, not only will there be no rejection, but it is also very powerful!

how to say……

Cuizi can be regarded as the oriental version of Duo Mao, that is, the King of Quilts, King of Knights, King of Big Stomach, King of Duo Mao with the heart of a red dragon!This heart can give Cui Zi a steady stream of spiritual power.

If Cuizi had this heart hundreds of years ago, the ending would only be that all the monsters were beheaded by her to purify their souls.

"My heart is your heart..." Cuizi said.

Inuyasha was stunned, is this a confession?

But no matter what, he should put his heart on Cuizi first, otherwise he would always have the feeling that he was in love with a corpse.I have to say, although it's weird, it's actually quite interesting~

Holding the beating heart, Inuyasha put his hand into the hole of Cuizi's Hung...

The green life force swayed slightly, and the heart immediately connected to the original blood vessels and arteries, and began to mobilize the blood in the whole body!

Inuyasha withdrew his hand, and the terrifying wound healed immediately.It worked!This heart has been completely integrated with the body, and it has begun to change from a corpse to a living body.


An unexpected situation happened!Inuyasha stared at Cuizi in his arms in a stunned manner, forgetting everything around him for a while.

"You, don't look!" Cuizi's soul body trembled shyly.

"Master big dog!"

"Husband is too bad!"

Originally, Cuizi's body lacked the part of the heart, which is her left-Hungarian part.Although the big hole is ugly, it also has a different kind of beauty, like a Venus sculpture without both hands.

But when the wound heals and the body is in its most perfect state...

That month where the Hungarian armor was broken, the Hungarian part that was perfect like an upside-down porcelain bowl was exposed, and a little pink was undulating slightly!

"Naoko, what a beautiful Naoko~" Inuyasha originally had an unusual desire for Naoko. Although it has faded away as time passes, it doesn't mean that there is no such urge anymore.

"Cough..." Inuyasha coughed twice, forcing himself to look away.

"Miss Cuizi, please come in!" He pointed to Cuizi's soul at her body, but found that Cuizi's eyes seemed a little strange.

Looking down, Inuyasha realized that he was pointing at that little pink...

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